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Bangladesh Navy is getting some extra frigates very soon


Apr 10, 2010
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Rumor has it here China Defense Blog: Jianghu class rumor.

The pictures are photographed today (on 3rd March 2012), so pretty latest info.

Could these be for Bangladesh navy? even if not, then there will be very similar ships in the same class. And plus there are those newly (in building?) F-22B frigates we've all heard for quite a while.

Below: Jianghu II / 053H1 ships:



Looks like BNS Osman F18 (Chinese South Fleet's ex-556 Xiangtan commissioned in 1987) might be getting some brothers soon.

These seem to be 2nd hand modified Type 053H1 FFG. Rumor has it that these two frigates are Chinese South Fleet's ex-554 Anshun (commissioned in 1986) and ex-557 Jishou (commissioned in 1988).
Is there no news confirmation or any sort of article regarding this?

Now, until official confirmation, these remain to be rumors. And there seems to be some confusion as to whether these frigates are meant for Myanmar/Burma navy instead of Bangladesh navy. Can any Bangladesh friends here clarify if the paint for pennant number matches the typical painting scheme in Bangladesh Navy?
Basically the same 053H1 (Jianghu-II) class with some modifications/refurbishment, they belonged to the same era with BNS Osman.

As to the spec for the newly ordered F-22B (B for Bangladesh) class similar to Pakistani Navy's F-22P class, probably still on the drawing board?

Dont think so. The deal was struck qite a while back, the construction should have stated by now
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