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Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh now. They see Azeris taking over. Will they stay?

You see Indian forces marching to your town...oh wait,you're not even in Pakistan. You're in America.
Well if I attack India take half of their country kick millions out knowing fully they are gonna come back I should be prepared not cry to international world when my self am the occupier

Who told the Armenians to over play their hand and occupy and kick out azeris from sourrounding 6 districts

They repeatedly ignored azeris settlement of leaving NK be if they leave the 6 districts

They ignored such calls ..now we have the results of this

Sorry but no matter how much you spin it the whole thing is crazy..Armenians kicking millions of people out of their homes in areas not even related to NK. Then crying when victims come back to take their home
Who told the Armenians to over play their hand and occupy and kick out azeris from sourrounding 6 districts

They repeatedly ignored azeris settlement of leaving NK be if they leave the 6 districts

They ignored such calls ..now we have the results of this

Sorry but no matter how much you spin it the whole thing is crazy..Armenians kicking millions of people out of their homes in areas not even related to NK. Then crying when victims come back to take their home
Wtf what millions? Get a grip. There were about half a million displaced Azeris from all 7 districts captured during the war.

Victims came back to take their homes? Wow,can you use that as an argument for Israelis vs Palestinians too? The victim Jews who came back to take their homes?

Meanwhile,check who tried to change the demographics of the NK oblast during the Soviet period:

"During the Soviet times, the leaders of the Azerbaijan SSR tried to change the demographic balance of the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Region by increasing the number of Azeri residents through opening a university with Azeri, Russian and Armenian sectors and a shoe factory, sending Azerbaijanis from other parts of Azerbaijan SSR to the NKAO. Heydar Aliyev said in an interview in 2002, "By doing this, I tried to increase the number of Azeris and to reduce the number of Armenians."[19][20]"

Another interesting part for you to check:

"Since 1994, Armenia and Azerbaijan have held talks on the future of the occupied territories. The Armenian side offered to use a "land for status" formula (returning the occupied territories to the control of Azerbaijan in exchange for Azerbaijan recognizing the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and giving security assurances to Nagorno-Karabakh and the Lachin corridor),[16] while Azerbaijan offered a formula of "land for peace" (returning the occupied territories back to Azerbaijan in exchange for security guarantees with Azerbaijan controlling the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh). Mediators offered another "land for status" option (returning the occupied territories to the control of Azerbaijan in exchange for guarantees by Azerbaijan to hold at some point a referendum on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh).[17]"
Why is this thread still open?

Armenia got taught another lesson in humility. It's done, it's been a week.

What are we discussing still?

And @Foinikas

if Armenia wanted to play this game verbally, they should have enforced UN's resolutions. They chose violence and they got what they wanted.

Karabakh's status will not be determined in a PDF debate.
Why is this thread still open?

Armenia got taught another lesson in humility. It's done, it's been a week.

What are we discussing still?

And @Foinikas

if Armenia wanted to play this game verbally, they should have enforced UN's resolutions. They chose violence and they got what they wanted.

Karabakh's status will not be determined in a PDF debate.
Because Iran-Turkey comment war :P
Because Iran-Turkey comment war :P
it's everywhere.

but doesn't matter in the slightest. All Armenia can do is try to get Atatürk cancelledo n Disney+

a move once again reminded us that these piece of shits dont deserve any quarter and I'm glad Azerbaijan isn't giving them any.

If Iran thinks they can save them, let them try. They will only accelerate the collapse of the Armenian state by getting Turkey involved.
Bahahahaha wait,there's an Ataturk series?
Yeah, there was supposed to be but Armoscum got it cancelled on Disney+

Because as you know, nothing frightens and angers the savage like civilization itself.

It looks like Armenians refused the offer of autonomy on 4400 sq km from Azerbaijan this summer. It seems, it was too little for our pussy cats.Now in the shanty towns of Jerevan , they will have plenty of time to reflect on that.
I wonder what Ruben Vardanyan will talk today in the cell in Baku? Maybe about laundering Mullahs drug money, among other things? Maybe he will talk about Khamneis son , 40 flats around Selfridges in London? Managed by an Iraqi Armenian and Malikis son, maybe that?
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Wtf what millions? Get a grip. There were about half a million displaced Azeris from all 7 districts captured during the war.

Victims came back to take their homes? Wow,can you use that as an argument for Israelis vs Palestinians too? The victim Jews who came back to take their homes?

Meanwhile,check who tried to change the demographics of the NK oblast during the Soviet period:

"During the Soviet times, the leaders of the Azerbaijan SSR tried to change the demographic balance of the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Region by increasing the number of Azeri residents through opening a university with Azeri, Russian and Armenian sectors and a shoe factory, sending Azerbaijanis from other parts of Azerbaijan SSR to the NKAO. Heydar Aliyev said in an interview in 2002, "By doing this, I tried to increase the number of Azeris and to reduce the number of Armenians."[19][20]"

Another interesting part for you to check:

"Since 1994, Armenia and Azerbaijan have held talks on the future of the occupied territories. The Armenian side offered to use a "land for status" formula (returning the occupied territories to the control of Azerbaijan in exchange for Azerbaijan recognizing the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and giving security assurances to Nagorno-Karabakh and the Lachin corridor),[16] while Azerbaijan offered a formula of "land for peace" (returning the occupied territories back to Azerbaijan in exchange for security guarantees with Azerbaijan controlling the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh). Mediators offered another "land for status" option (returning the occupied territories to the control of Azerbaijan in exchange for guarantees by Azerbaijan to hold at some point a referendum on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh).[17]"
So your claim is that half a million azeris got displaced and nothing happened

But now we are suppose to cry about 1, 20,000 Armenians

So are Armenians ethnically superior 1:5

You tend not to listen I tend not to repeat it

go back read what I and International community thinks about returning to home.

We aren't talking about people calling some place their home which they were never born or lived at.

Are you saying isrealis live for 1000 years and are immortal vampires that they returned back to their "homes"

Azeris who left those 6 district are still in their 30s

Now obviously you will selectively disregard a simple concept of home..a place where you or your parents lived at!
So your claim is that half a million azeris got displaced and nothing happened

But now we are suppose to cry about 1, 20,000 Armenians

So are Armenians ethnically superior 1:5

You tend not to listen I tend not to repeat it

go back read what I and International community thinks about returning to home.

We aren't talking about people calling some place their home which they were never born or lived at.

Are you saying isrealis live for 1000 years and are immortal vampires that they returned back to their "homes"

Azeris who left those 6 district are still in their 30s

Now obviously you will selectively disregard a simple concept of home..a place where you or your parents lived at!
No Zia,you're the one who pretends not to understand. Those parts there,they were Armenian. War happened and they were retaken. What's so hard to understand? Azeris got to settle there the relatively recently,if we take into consideration that Armenians had been living in that area since the 5th century B.C.

Yes,lived there continuously.

Ah so wait a minute. An Indian invades your land let's say,takes your home and lives there for 10 years. You retake it. Are you on the wrong or are you justified to retake it?
Wait Mr Greek, tonight I am going to give you some numbers and quotations.
Here is one , Hovanes Kajazuni the first PM of Armenia 1920 in his book " Dashnak Has nothing to do anymore" " In today's Armenia, there's no a single Turkish soul " 1910 there were %39.
Also I will quote Dr Zori Balayan from his book " Revival of our souls " he describes how he skinned alive couple of Azeri children and put cut off brestes of their mother's in their mouth, to stop them crying, also all of them went to the church in the morning, to relive their souls. He, even describes himself as a humanist
There is plenty I can come up with. Let's say no Armenians lived in Jerevan till beginning of 19th century, only Christians were Udi people, who are the original inhabitants of those areas
Who exactly lived there? What states? Were Armenia ever independent or united or did they have a majority in any are? What are those areas? Can you define them? For example, the highest density of Armenians was in Adapazar, Ankara , Izmir and Istanbul. In 6 Vilayets which they claimed as their country. Armenians were 15% of the population. You as their Christian brothers never allowed them to build Armenian Apostolic Church in Constantinopol. Armenian history has been manly written by the Armenians, so it is not objective. Prime example being that their archives in Jerevan and Boston are not acceptable to the researchers.
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No Zia,you're the one who pretends not to understand. Those parts there,they were Armenian. War happened and they were retaken. What's so hard to understand? Azeris got to settle there the relatively recently,if we take into consideration that Armenians had been living in that area since the 5th century B.C.

Yes,lived there continuously.

Ah so wait a minute. An Indian invades your land let's say,takes your home and lives there for 10 years. You retake it. Are you on the wrong or are you justified to retake it?
How were they Armenians when in 1990 95% people were azeris and we had Soviet rule for 80 years

I hope you understand maths

I just squeezed everything in 3 lines.

Now before you jump into isrealis example. Yes current isrealis living there for 100+ years in some areas are now local as well and there will be no way to kick them out.

Wait Mr Greek, tonight I am going to give you some numbers and quotations.
Here is one , Hovanes Kajazuni the first PM of Armenia 1920 in his book " Dashnak Has nothing to do anymore" " In today's Armenia, there's no a single Turkish soul " 1910 there were %39.
Also I will quote Dr Zori Balayan from his book " Revival of our souls " he describes how he skinned alive couple of Azeri children and put cut off brestes of their mother's in their mouth, to stop them crying, also all of them went to the church in the morning, to relive their souls. He, even describes himself as a humanist
There is plenty I can come up with. Let's say no Armenians lived in Jerevan till beginning of 19th century, only Christians were Udi people, who are the original inhabitants of those areas
Who exactly lived there? What states? Were Armenia ever independent or united or did they have a majority in any are? What are those areas? Can you define them? For example, the highest density of Armenians was in Adapazar, Ankara , Izmir and Istanbul. In 6 Vilayets which they claimed as their country. Armenians were 15% of the population. You as their Christian brothers never allowed them to build Armenian Apostolic Church in Constantinopol. Armenian history has been manly written by the Armenians, so it is not objective. Prime example being that their archives in Jerevan and Boston are not acceptable to the researchers.
Doesn't matter what history states

It's simple what was the population of azeris in those 6 districts in 1990 and how long were they living there

Answer is 95% and atleast for four generations

Currently the whole area is mined and no one is living there

Half a million azeris (per him) were kicked out and he says well they just "left"


If Armenians are kicked out of NK it will be equally bad

My guess is that's what's going to happen

Armenians had a chance to negotiate in early 2000s but they didn't want to

If you ask them none of them will stay even with grnatees
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