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Featured ''Apologize to the Afghan people'': China scoffs after Canberra demands Beijing retract poster about Aussie war-crime report

You do realize that Australia investigated it, and is actively punishing the people involved, right?

Unlike some other nations that pretend they've never commit a single human rights violation, Australia is actively trying to fix itself. This should be applauded, not condemned.
First they created the sub standard criminal soldiers and now trying to fix it.
We applaud these effort.
How kind hearted you are.
Shame on your humanity. White pigs🤡
Too bad that the so.called Islamic OIC (i.e. "Oh I see") are ignoring this Australian Crimes Against Afghan Muslim women and children....

Sad to see it's China that's voicing the crimes against Muslims.. while the Muslim retarded countries are asleep.

The OIC is now occupied by Zionist-Arabs too busy appeasing the Jews and their Western partners....
Yes, all China's schools in are Muslim concentration camps.

But why did the US, France, Britain, Australia and other western countries massacre Muslims on a large scale? And why do you continue to believe in Western media?
That's because they're still being investigated. I'm pretty sure charges have been filed against a few.

Why is it that you chose to focus on one tiny point, and ignored the rest of what I said.
because the rest of what you said are just supporting your point that Aus should be commended for the fact that this criminal act has been investigated and offenders punished.
Whites have killed hundreds of millions of non whites throughout colonial history.
Fully support china on this... killing Afgan civilians by so called self righteous Australians is nothing but middle age shit...
these racist punks should pay for this.
First they created the sub standard criminal soldiers and now trying to fix it.
We applaud these effort.
How kind hearted you are.
Shame on your humanity. White pigs🤡
Don't reply to me with low effort comments.
because the rest of what you said are just supporting your point that Aus should be commended for the fact that this criminal act has been investigated and offenders punished.
That doesn't really answer my question, but regardless...

...Why not? How many countries that commit war crimes actual punish the ones involved?

Punishing war criminals should be encouraged, not shamed.
It's not the criticism itself, but the fact the criticism coming from China, that made Australians go haywire. "How dare you yellow commies mock on white democracy"?!

The West sees it from through ideological lenses. Since they know that they won the Cold War on the ideological front, they want to Keep the advantage.

Hence, the rage and anger to a young artist's creative reflections on Australia's war crimes.

I thought the West 'loved' young protestors. When they set an old man in fire in Hong Kong city in South China, they called it 'a beautiful sight to behold.'
The West sees it from through ideological lenses. Since they know that they won the Cold War on the ideological front, they want to Keep the advantage.

Hence, the rage and anger to a young artist's creative reflections on Australia's war crimes.

I thought the West 'loved' young protestors. When they set an old man in fire in Hong Kong city in South China, they called it 'a beautiful sight to behold.'

Younger generation of Chinese did't turn out to be the force behind the "color revolution" that the West once so eagerly anticipated. They are more informed, confident, assertive than older generations, and they were tired of the hypocrisy, the malice and the lecturing the condescending West had demostrated over the years, and in 2019-2020, they were given a chance to see what lays under the veneer of democracy and they are not impressed.

They are not as quiet and reserved as older Chinese, and they have no problem mounting on the moral high horse when opportutiny arises, the role used to be reserved exclusively for the West, and showing their middle finger to anyone attacking China. 2020 may turn out to be the year the shine and lust of the West starting to fade away, in the eyes of younger Chinese.
Younger generation of Chinese did't turn out to be the force behind the "color revolution" that the West once so eagerly anticipated. They are more informed, confident, assertive than older generations, and they were tired of the hypocrisy, the malice and the lecturing the condescending West had demostrated over the years, and in 2019-2020, they were given a chance to see what lays under the veneer of democracy and they are not impressed.

They are not as quiet and reserved as older Chinese, and they have no problem mounting on the moral high horse when opportutiny arises, the role used to be reserved exclusively for the West, and showing their middle finger to anyone attacking China. 2020 may turn out to be the year the shine and lust of the West starting to fade away, in the eyes of younger Chinese.

Indeed, race riots in the US, police violence and militia thuggery, and the belittling of human life value in virus response by the US government have played out well in terms of leading to deep changes in perception of the US among youth. Here in Taiwan, as well. But, of course, it cannot be compared with the confidence displayed by the Mainland youth.

Let anti-imperialism, anti-US fascism be the cool trend. With the ham-fisted approach by Australia, protest-art will become a hot venue for young people to express themselves.

The US and its allies display of fear and insecurity is a critical asset.
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