What's new

Anybody there?

I think it is issues with moderators they chose, as many of them cannot put their bias aside (rightly or wrongly) and bans opposing POV or speed limit them.

It is the right of the management to choose who to trust for moderation, whether they want it to be fair and non-selective, or whether to serve a particular agenda. Members can only decide to participate or not. That is how it works. I tried to improve it and failed. That is okay, but that is their choice, which I respect.

The same comments would apply to this resurrection. I wonder who the moderators are, and what is their policy as set my whoever is managing this forum. Given the past history, I will of course evaluate these over time to see whether it is worth my while to rejoin or not. I am sure many others will make similar decisions.
Be careful
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Why is this forum and how is running it now?
Collecting data with Chinese support or redirecting to Quran stopped and original showed up automatically 😂
Report here.
No idea, why I am here. If anybody want to get data they should have long time ago ..
World is also temporary, so , whatever time you have here, enjoy !!
It is the right of the management to choose who to trust for moderation, whether they want it to be fair and non-selective, or whether to serve a particular agenda. Members can only decide to participate or not. That is how it works. I tried to improve it and failed. That is okay, but that is their choice, which I respect.

The same comments would apply to this resurrection. I wonder who the moderators are, and what is their policy as set my whoever is managing this forum. Given the past history, I will of course evaluate these over time to see whether it is worth my while to rejoin or not. I am sure many others will make similar decisions

The new forum started really well and you did an excellent job. Then of course the mc wumao must have started their professional mourning lap dance...
So what's the deal? Is this forum actually running again or are we just checking in?
The new forum started really well and you did an excellent job. Then of course the mc wumao must have started their professional mourning lap dance...

Any forum is only a reflection of the management's decisions. Let us see what happens with this resurrected zombie too. The other one is a lost cause already.
That forum made a promising start, but has since degenerated into a mere IRGC Media Cell and Echo Chamber. Sigh. Perhaps this reboot here will work better?
We don't even know who revived this forum and why. Also there seems to be no moderation here whatsoever. If you desire a reboot here then do offer suggestions.
Any forum is only a reflection of the management's decisions. Let us see what happens with this resurrected zombie too. The other one is a lost cause already.
The new PDF can be easily fixed if the moderation approach gets revamped. I personally would love to see productive competition between the new PDF and this zombie PDF.
We don't even know who revived this forum and why. Also there seems to be no moderation here whatsoever. If you desire a reboot here then do offer suggestions.

I have no idea either about who resurrected this forum or who moderates it. I am just watching and waiting for things to become clearer for now. Until the moderation team makes itself known, and its views and policies, that would be prudent in my view.

The new PDF can be easily fixed if the moderation approach gets revamped. I personally would love to see productive competition between the new PDF and this zombie PDF.

Any forum can be fixed - or destroyed - by its moderation policies, as we have seen time and again. What the new PDF does is up to them. I tried and failed to improve it, so I have left that one alone for them to sort out as they wish. What happens here is yet to be determined.

Let us wait and see how it goes.
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