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Angry mob surrounds a Chinese citizen they have falsely accused of blasphemy in Pakistan


Chinese engineer arrested in Pakistan for ‘insulting Allah’ in Ramadan row, provoking angry mob

Police in northern Pakistan have taken a Chinese engineer into custody after an angry mob gathered to attack him for allegedly making blasphemous remarks during a workplace argument.

The unnamed engineer, an employee of China Gezhouba Group Company, was arrested by police on Sunday evening from a worksite camp at the Dasu hydropower project, about 350km north of Islamabad, “to avert a serious situation”, a member of the local citizen-police liaison committee told This Week in Asia, on condition of anonymity.

The source said that the Chinese national was being detained at a police station in the remote Kohistan region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Scores of infuriated Pakistani labourers gathered outside a Chinese work camp on Sunday with the apparent intention of attacking the engineer for “insulting Allah” amid a heated conversation about the slow pace of work during Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, said the source, who was involved in the arrest.

As news of the worker’s alleged blasphemy spread to nearby villages in the mountainous Himalayan region, hundreds of men gathered to blockade the Karakoram Highway, the sole overland road connecting Pakistan to China.

The chanting mob had to be restrained by police and paramilitary soldiers assigned to ensure the security of Chinese nationals working on the dam.

Unconfirmed reports said soldiers fired aerial warning shots to prevent a riot. The protesters dispersed after about four hours, once officials had assured community leaders that legal action would be taken against the Chinese engineer.​

Local religious leaders are set to hold a tribal council on Monday to decide whether to register a blasphemy complaint with the police – the first step in the prosecution process – said the Dasu-based source with the citizen-police liaison committee.​

Security for Chinese nationals working on the World Bank-financed Dasu hydropower project has been tightened since nine were killed, alongside four Pakistani colleagues, in a July 2021 vehicular suicide bombing that targeted their shuttle bus.​

Blasphemy is a crime in Pakistan that carries punishments ranging from fines to the death penalty. An accusation alone often leads to deadly mob attacks in the predominantly Muslim South Asian nation.​

A Sri Lankan factory manager working in the eastern city of Sialkot was lynched in December 2021 for removing the posters of an extremist anti-blasphemy political party from the factory’s walls.​

Officials in Islamabad did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday’s arrest.​

these mobs need to exported to india...

they belong there.
What did he exactly say? the report only mentioned he scolded a worker for dodging work under the pretext of Ramadan, but didn't say how he insulted the religion.
What did he exactly say? the report only mentioned he scolded a worker for dodging work under the pretext of Ramadan, but didn't say how he insulted the religion.
Since pretext was religion that's why he insulted Islam ,thus blasphemy ...... easy to do these things in Pakistan.
Says an Indian who spends some 20 hours a day on a Pakistani forum.
Hey loser...Guess Where do i post these threads.

The other way around, it's all about how hard I work for my company and I available for any security incident issue.

I'm a multitalented person, so you can find me here actively as well. It also indicates that, despite my busy schedule, I am fully committed to PDF.

A simple solution to this but we need a government that is for the people and elected by the people.

Until then, keep at it.
It has been picked up by the Washington Post and ny times

It is reported by Chinese State funded media house, stop blaming the OP and kill that MF who blasphemed against Islam.
He is most, by definition, a nuisance. His 80% of new threads are all about India...

oh he is just an idiot ya'll need to go easy on him upr se he is manically depressed ((you never know what that might lead to ) go easy on the bullying

It has been picked up by the Washington Post and ny times

oh he is just an idiot ya'll need to go easy on him upr se he is manically depressed ((you never know what that might lead to ) go easy on the bullying

At least i have the nerve and morality to accept the downside of events and post them here unlike a stray creature like you who has to tell everyone how popular Modi is. What no one interested to see you kissing your butt down slumdog street.
You are the same loser who opened a thread on a phone tower getting vandalised in Pakistan.
That is your worth and bankrupt mentality. Loser.
What did he exactly say? the report only mentioned he scolded a worker for dodging work under the pretext of Ramadan, but didn't say how he insulted the religion.

No facts have been revealed, everyone has just formed an opinion based on their previous opinions.
This makes we wonder where Pakistani middle management, at this job sites to keep both parties in line.

Hopefully this situation will be defused in a manner that becomes a learning experience for both sides.

Foreign contractors need to understand local customs and the expectation of local labor, similar to working with a unionized work force, and therefore local middle management should prevent foreign contractors from pushing on local expectations.

At the same time local labor needs to realize that exaggerated accusations (beyond stating that an engineer wanted someone to work during prayer time and due to frustration may have used choice words) drive away investors that employ them as well as undermine legitimate work ethos.

Imagine if this had happened in a gulf country. What would be the expectation of workers regarding the amount of time given for prayers and lunch? Both parties need to keep within their limitations.
Good point - there is a massive management failure if workers are protesting.
At least i have the nerve and morality to accept the downside of events and post them here unlike a stray creature like you who has to tell everyone how popular Modi is. What no one interested to see you kissing your butt down slumdog street.
You are the same loser who opened a thread on a phone tower getting vandalised in Pakistan.
That is your worth and bankrupt mentality. Loser.



Good to know that low life that you are but like a munshi you are keeping my posts safe. :lol:

not me ,was shared by one of your own lol abb kiya kare you're a laughingstock now quit embarrassing yourself and seek help

not me ,was shared by one of your own lol abb kiya kare you're a laughingstock now quit embarrassing yourself and seek help
Instead of trying to grow a brain, you should confine yourself in your own environtment.


Also seems your single braincell has also expired... Taking screenshots of my posts and posting it here...then blaming others.. . You need to take a dip to hide your thobra.
I just love how the story of a minor religious and cultural misunderstanding by a Chinese manager (which will be settled by Pakistani authorities in due course) is picked up by Hindutva folks and made into a mountain from a molehill. Hindutvas jumping with joy because they can celebrate a minor conflict between anyone Chinese and the Pakistani populace.

Too many bhakts with too much time on their hands.

Chinese business folks don't get arrested in India, their bank accounts and life's savings get frozen and taken over and they get deported within the week. That is - Chinese folks naïve enough to invest in India.

Meanwhile in India - Hindutva folks are routinely demolishing mosques, banning Muslims from praying in their own Eidgah and even stopping Azans to be let out from mosque speakers (even at low-low volume).

Try to get an apt. rental as a Muslim in Delhi, Mumbai or any large city in India, other than the Muslim ghetto - and see how far you get. I've seen these with my own eyes. I'd never be able to live as a Muslim in India, such is the low level of lifestyle caused by constant harassment and intimidation as a Muslim.
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