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Abbreviation for Defence.pk

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Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
United States
I believe not many are happy with the abbreviation PDF, as they dont want to be affiliated with them in anyway. So we are up for a change. Lets pitch in some reasonable ideas that can form the abbreviation for defence.pk. Here are a few which have come up recently.

PFF (Let the old name be used.)
DPF (defence.pk forum)
PD (Simple for Pakistan Defence)

Other choices are welcome, but they must be related to the site name, and if you like any of the above. Mention it.

Cheers. :cheers:
PFF all the way! It is an icon in the minds of people as a positive one.
I would agree. You guys started off with it and I think its best that you stay with it. :tup:

PFF, i prefer that over the others
Can we get the PFF smiley back please?
Somehow i like PDF better, cuz it kind of 'says' that this is the 'real and better' PDF, you know.
Somehow i like PDF better, cuz it kind of 'says' that this is the 'real and better' PDF, you know.
PDF had some good member's I see some of them like blain here I would love to see Topgun posts here, Yes PDF quality is questionable this forum is way better than PDF, PFF all the way :tup:
Somehow i like PDF better, cuz it kind of 'says' that this is the 'real and better' PDF, you know.

Its just an abbreviation. I didn't even want to use abbreviations cause i dont like them. defence.pk being so short typically is an abbreviation itself, compare to the forums out there with 3 long long words.
Just use defence.pk please.

We now have no abbreviation, and i think abbreviation kills the marketing area of the site.
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