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Abbottabad Bin Laden Raid


Mar 15, 2023
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Claims made
1. Bin Laden was held captive since 2006; Saudi Arabia financed his stay in Abbottabad

2. An ISI intel officer walked into the US Embassy in 2010 and exposed his location. In return he was given $25 Million Dollars and his entire family was relocated to the United States.

3. Pakistan knew about the raid and worked in tandem with the Americans.

4. Obama backstabed Kayani and ended up taking credit for the entire raid. Initially it was going to be a joint operation for the public media news circle.

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh published an explosive piece in 2015 claiming much of what the Obama administration said about the attack was wrong.

Hersh claims at the time of the U.S. raid bin Laden had been held as a prisoner by Pakistani intelligence since 2006. Top Pakistani military leaders knew about the operation and provided key assistance.

Contrary to U.S. claims that it located bin Laden by tracking his courier, a former Pakistani intelligence officer identified bin Laden’s whereabouts in return for the bulk of a $25 million U.S. bounty.

Questions are also raised about whether bin Laden was actually buried at sea, as the U.S. claimed. Hersh says instead the Navy SEALs threw parts of bin Laden’s body into the Hindu Kush mountains from their helicopter.

Bid laden died in 2007 of kidney failure everyone knows this

That raid was fake no one was found there

No body no evidence no nothing

Only reason they did it because they knew in 2010 with certainty that bin Laden was dead so staged this operation
Seymour Hersh is a very credible investigative journalist. But I don't know if he can be totally correct all the time.

My own theory is that Bin Laden hid in plain sight and it is not difficult to hide in Pakistan's very privacy conscious society with large compound walls around most houses. What difference does it make if the house was near military facilities?? It was 'near' but not adjoining. There are hundreds of houses of all sizes around there.

The best analysis of the raid--and Pakistan's defense--came from Rumsfeld shortly after the raid, where he said something like 'They [Pakistani officials] probably didn't know. If one official would know then the next one would know and then the next one and it won't be a secret. Look around the Pentagon: There are tons of houses and we don't know everyone who lives there. Heck, we even had a spy in CIA stealing secrets for a long time for the Soviets.'

Eventually Bin Laden was caught due to a lead provided by the ISI but the lead was not actionable enough. It took the CIA diligent work for a long time to build upon that lead and with the help of a certain Pakistani doctor, the target was found. The doctor himself didn't know the whole story--the target. Anyway, while Obama publicly thanked Pakistan for the help, it was Leon Panetta who decided to take all the credit and placed all the blame on Pakistan. There were not many public defenders for Pakistan despite Pakistan's help and even well-wishers like John Kerry mostly kept mum. That was America's ingrate behavior and was done to pressurize Pakistan more to help in Afghanistan.

The raid was clandestine and caught Pakistanis by surprise. America is a superpower--it can do such things!

Bin Laden dead: Good riddance!!
My own theory is that Bin Laden hid in plain sight and it is not difficult to hide in Pakistan's very privacy conscious society with large compound walls around most houses. What difference does it make if the house was near military facilities?? It was 'near' but not adjoining. There are hundreds of houses of all sizes around there.

Near a military facility keeps prying eyes of civilians to a minimum. Considering the fact some people sell their mothers for a few dollars it is hard to keep a secret when $25 million plus a green card is at stake unless someone at the very top wanted it that way. Bin Laden's compound had all the trademarks of statecraft to minimize external surveillance. The real question is what are folks thinking when they play this game ?
Bid laden died in 2007 of kidney failure everyone knows this

That raid was fake no one was found there

No body no evidence no nothing

Only reason they did it because they knew in 2010 with certainty that bin Laden was dead so staged this operation

OK the raid was fake. I couldn't careless about Bin Laden.

My issue is:

1. Why didn't Pakistan's air force shoot down American military helicopters?

2. Why didn't Pakistan refute the claims about bin Laden?

3. Are you claiming the GHQ was paid by the Americans?

Answer these questions please.
And that bitch Hillary Clinton called Pakistan a great country and resigned from her post in the early 2010's.

That sewar aurat. Islam is not a joke religion, it is something someone can truly believe in.

And the Muslim religion has given a sense of dignity to quite a few peoples. They make 25% if humanity.

And the atheistic elites in USA they do conspiracies against other nations.

Dr. Israr Ahmed believed Pakistan and Afghanistan would become one country one day. The state of Muslim countries is our fault too.
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Bid laden died in 2007 of kidney failure everyone knows this

That raid was fake no one was found there

No body no evidence no nothing

Only reason they did it because they knew in 2010 with certainty that bin Laden was dead so staged this operation
This is what I heard too that Osama Bin Laden died of kidney failure in the early 2000's.

Osama bin Laden Health Rumors: Fact or Fiction?​

Experts weigh in on rumors surrounding the al Qaeda leader's health.
ByKIM CAROLLO, ABC News Medical Unit
May 3, 2011, 12:39 PM

May 4, 2011— -- In the years between Sept. 11, 2001, and Sunday's raid, rumors swirled about Osama bin Laden's health. Some even believed he'd died in an area so remote that the best intelligence could not find him.

ABC News asked experts who have researched and written about bin Laden to weigh in on five of the most widely circulated rumors. Here's what they said:

Kidney Disease

Likely False

"Despite the fact that we have all been hearing about his kidney problems and the need for dialysis, according to the intelligence people I've talked to in Washington, there was no evidence of a dialysis machine in the compound where he was found," said Mary Anne Weaver, author of "Pakistan: Deep Inside the World's Most Frightening State."

The exclusive video obtained by ABC News inside the compound also does not show any evidence of dialysis equipment. There were what looked like medication bottles, but a closer look at the video reveals the bottles contain petroleum jelly, eye drops, olive oil, sunflower oil, an antiseptic and a nasal spray.

In a January 2002 interview with CNN, Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had probably died of kidney failure, and that he'd taken two dialysis machines into Afghanistan with him.

Reports have also circulated that the al Qaeda leader also had kidney stones, but Weaver said she never heard officials mention that condition.

Speculation about kidney disease first arose shortly after the 9/11 attacks.

"The reason I think it caught on is because people thought that if they were going to catch him, his need for medical treatment could have made it easier to track him down," said Adil Najam, a professor of international relations at Boston University.

"Had he been in dialysis, it's possible they could have caught him earlier," said Kenneth Katzman, a Congressional Research Service expert on Afghanistan. "He would have needed equipment and changes of parts."

Marfan Syndrome

Likely False

Along with the rumors about kidney disease, Weaver said the one about bin Laden having Marfan syndrome was also widely circulated.

Marfan syndrome affects the connective tissue that supports tendons, ligaments, heart valves and other parts of the body. If it attacks the heart or the vessels of the heart, it could cause an enlarged heart or torn vessels. Those with Marfan syndrome might be be tall and thin; have long, curved fingers; vision problems or no symptoms at all.

"The CIA suspected bin Laden had Marfan syndrome, but then the guy who briefed me on this said the information was negative a few months later," said Weaver.

Enlarged Heart and Low Blood Pressure

Likely True

Weaver said officials told her bin Laden had an enlarged heart, and she reported that in her New York profiles of the most wanted terrorist.

"It was a fleeting mention by intelligence officials," she said.

Weaver also said she heard bin Laden had low blood pressure, but she never thought it was a serious condition.

Arm Injury

Likely True

Experts say bin Laden was very likely injured in a 2001 battle in Tora Bora, the complex of caves in Afghanistan where U.S. forces believed members of al Qaeda were hiding.

"It does seem he may have been injured with shrapnel in Tora Bora," said Katzman. "After his escape, he wasn't able to move his arm much."

In one of his earlier videos, bin Laden appears to be immobile on his left side, but Katzman said that his injury seems to have healed based on the viewing of subsequent videos.

Officials who saw the first video he made after Tora Bora told Weaver bin Laden appeared to be in very bad health because part of his body seemed motionless.

"I've traveled through some of the parts of Pakistan he was believed to have been. He was moving around in very rugged and inhospitable terrain. A man can't be that frail in health to sustain that," said Weaver.

"There's no way to know for sure ill he really was. The only way to tell would be an autopsy."

It's too late for that, and some believe that's for the best.

"There is a lot we'll never find out, and perhaps it's best if we never do," said Najam.

It's mostly our own fault. Stop blaming others for our destruction, what else you gonna expect from your rivals?

Only if we Muslims paid more attention to our development, education, justice, we wouldn't be at the point we are at right now.
Correct, also the economic condition of our countries.
There are no photographs of the Bin Laden being killed in 2011 and the Afghan Taliban won the war.
Or the enemies of Islam and Muslims keep saying " yeah in our culture."
OK the raid was fake. I couldn't careless about Bin Laden.

My issue is:

1. Why didn't Pakistan's air force shoot down American military helicopters?

2. Why didn't Pakistan refute the claims about bin Laden?

3. Are you claiming the GHQ was paid by the Americans?

Answer these questions please.

1. How can you shoot down helicopters that are not detected? Some of the most advanced and stealthy aircraft in the world are helicopters. US have used these technologies to breach defenses of numerous countries in the world. US is far more capable in war than neighboring India.

2. Pakistani forces found Bin Laden family members, dead bodies of the hosting individuals, documents, and pools of blood for DNA sampling in the compound that was raided.

3. GHQ has sanctioned scores of drone strikes on terrorist hideouts in FATA but a military operation deep inside Pakistan such as in Abbottabad is too much for even the COAS to sanction.

You should be asking why Dr. Shakil Afridi is in jail.

Seymour Hersh is a good journalist but he is not privy to classified American missions, not many can claim to be. He is an independent observer and writing books for publicity and fame lately. Money matters in the end.
Well we Muslims follow our Islamic culture.

1. How can you shoot down helicopters that are not detected? Some of the most advanced and stealthy aircraft in the world are helicopters. US have used these technologies to breach defenses of numerous countries in the world. US is far more capable in war than neighboring India.

2. Pakistani forces found Bin Laden family members, dead bodies of the hosting individuals, documents, and pools of blood for DNA sampling in the compound that was raided.

3. GHQ has sanctioned scores of drone strikes on terrorist hideouts in FATA but a military operation deep inside Pakistan such as in Abbottabad is too much for even the COAS to sanction.

You should be asking why Dr. Shakil Afridi is in jail.

Seymour Hersh is a good journalist but he is not privy to classified American missions, not many can claim to be. He is an independent observer and writing books for publicity and fame lately. Money matters in the end.
Afghan Taliban won the war. Didn't you know that?
Bid laden died in 2007 of kidney failure everyone knows this

That raid was fake no one was found there

No body no evidence no nothing

Only reason they did it because they knew in 2010 with certainty that bin Laden was dead so staged this operation

if it was staged, it would be more easy staging in Afghanistan.

They could have invented Bin Laden is moving to Afghanistan or something like that.
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