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Featured 44 Indian Banks involved in money laundering - FinCEN Reveals

@Dalit @ps3linux what do you gentlemen think?

India is a little fanatical terrorist state. Something we already knew all along. Of course China and Pakistan is already dealing with this menace accordingly.

Use all avenues to stranglehold the Hindutva extremists. I applaud this move. More should be done to expose these RSS cretins. Keep the pressure up on all fronts.
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@The Eagle , @waz @WebMaster : Fix the title, Thread title is false. The title of article is :

FinCEN Files: US Banks Red-Flagged 44 Indian Banks for Suspicious Transactions Between 2011 and 2017

The only time the word "terror" is mentioned in the article is for this quote :
Financial Crimes Investment Network's report on Indian money laundering and terrorism reveals Hindutva priests' true face. Do you know where this money is gone? There are two epicenters of this money trail. The first trail of money is via your beloved IPL, and the second is RAW, which sponsors terrorism in Pakistan via Afghanistan. You are running this network from The golden triangle, where Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar border.

NCC, Global Asia, Expatriate, and RCC are all Indian companies operating in Saudia under the RAW network. Global Asia is the company that sponsored the Massacre of Muslims in Gujarat and also for your extra info; especially Global Asia sister company is the biggest supplier of Gao Matta meat in the entire Gulf region.
Half of the gas stations and the biggest restaurants chain in Toronto, Canada, belong to Indians; where this money comes from ????

Your Leader Modi is begging in UNSG for a Permanent seat in the UN. Where is FATF now? India is the main hub of money laundering in the World and sponsors terrorism. suspicious transaction' means dubious. India should be on FATF until it clears its name and Pakistsn should be on panel of judges, China already is.
FATF has suggested INDIA to grey list on the international financial crime enforcement network report because 44 Indian banks are found in money laundering. The bank includes punjab national bank,kotak Mahindra,hdfc,kinara bank,Indus land bank, and bank of baroda etc is included. According to international agencies, Indian banks did 3201 illegal transactions; nearly 1.6 billion dollar were transferred, some of the western bank were also reported to help this type of transaction. As international law, terrorist or state-sponsored terrorism can be done through this. India is on a strict watch of FATF.
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Clearly Indian authorities are turning a blind eye to state sponsored terrorism - large transactions on a regular basis like this is a blatant proof to all that India are fast becoming exposed to their underhand technique to sponsor destruction. Modi and his rats are finding difficult to hide their intent. Another good reason he needs to stay in power exposing these shenanigans taking place
Kya logic hai. All corruption is to sponsor terror , waah!
That will strengthen the notion that FATF is a political tool.

Anyway, if what is reported by the US banks to FinCEN is true, it should be quite concerning to not only Pakistanis but Indians themselves.

They have reported Indian national banks too.
Every organization has a bit of politics of course, but there is no smoke without fire. Pakistan's placement in FATF is well deserved given the number of non state actors Pakistan run. Can't club India and Pakistan together in that, no matter how big the propaganda is. We know you've been trying it for some time.

This particular action is not about terrorism, there are no entities in India that currently sponsor terrorist in any country. This has more to do with money launderers, or smugglers who transact through Indian gateways allowing tax evaders to transact or funnel the funds and it's not enough for an FATF action at any point against India.
Every organization has a bit of politics of course, but there is no smoke without fire. Pakistan's placement in FATF is well deserved given the number of non state actors Pakistan run. Can't club India and Pakistan together in that, no matter how big the propaganda is. We know you've been trying it for some time.

This particular action is not about terrorism, there are no entities in India that currently sponsor terrorist in any country. This has more to do with money launderers, or smugglers who transact through Indian gateways allowing tax evaders to transact or funnel the funds and it's not enough for an FATF action at any point against India.

India obviously channels money to perpetrate terror in Pakistan. This is no secret to anyone.
LOL you are undermining the credibility of FATF. Remember that US banks have reported the illicit transactions by Indian banks. This finding should alert and concern normal Indians.
Yeah, the government and regulators in RBI will step in and plug the leak. It is concerning, but FATF action is a far fetched idea, and in a way, it's your ignorance on the matter.
India obviously channels money to perpetrate terror in Pakistan. This is no secret to anyone.
In Pakistan yeah, Americans and jews Sponsor ISIS and what else is new?
Yeah, the government and regulators in RBI will step in and plug the leak. It is concerning, but FATF action is a far fetched idea, and in a way, it's your ignorance on the matter.

Don't get angry and emotional. Your emotional reaction is understandable though. I would also be very concerned if 44 banks in my country were caught in financing terror and crime.
Don't get angry and emotional. Your emotional reaction is understandable though. I would also be very concerned if 44 banks in my country were caught in financing terror and crime.
Really, you think that's my angry & emotional reaction? lol

I wouldn't be surprised if 44 banks in your country were caught like that. But where in the article it says, India finance terrorism or these transactions are related to terrorism or crime.
Every organization has a bit of politics of course, but there is no smoke without fire. Pakistan's placement in FATF is well deserved given the number of non state actors Pakistan run. Can't club India and Pakistan together in that, no matter how big the propaganda is. We know you've been trying it for some time.

This particular action is not about terrorism, there are no entities in India that currently sponsor terrorist in any country. This has more to do with money launderers, or smugglers who transact through Indian gateways allowing tax evaders to transact or funnel the funds and it's not enough for an FATF action at any point against India.
World might not know, or deliberately close its eyes, but Pakistan has been directly affected by Indian state sponsored terrorism. Problem with India is that it sends state actors to spread terrorism. Hussain Mubarak Patel/ Kulhushan is the prime example of what India does. So yes, you can't club Pakistan with India as I don't know if Pakistan has ever sent a serving officer to spread terrorism in any country. Indian Navy commander operating on a genuine passport issued by Indian government with a different identity is something that should raise some alarms.

Pakistan had weak legislation around money laundering and many of us supported FATF requirements. This weakness was mostly used by corrupt politicians and because of that Pakistan has suffered in the past.

We know that FATF is a tool and if no action is taken against India, our stance will obviously be validated. Even if no terrorist link is found, 40 banks including national banks involved in suspiious transactions should be enough to put Indian into the grey list at least.

Anyway, Pakistan will try and will not leave the space unchecked even if it results in no action.
I hope this time we can do something good.. not a dossier like Sartaj Aziz... It is big
Also throw that their bollywood industry is a drug cartel. Throw child labour, harassment, casting couch etc to malign them further..
Really, you think that's my angry & emotional reaction? lol

I wouldn't be surprised if 44 banks in your country were caught like that. But where in the article it says, India finance terrorism or these transactions are related to terrorism or crime.

You are irrational, emotional and angry. Your reply says it all.

Fact is they were caught in your country so giving it a different spin isn't very smart. It is no secret that India is a hub for criminal financing. Terror financing against Pakistan is also perpetrated through Indian banks.

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