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  • Is there a reason why I am the only Indian member you tag?
    Yes I Am A Creepy Obsessed Stalker Who Is Running After You ROFL

    Seriously No I Just Tag People At Random You Getting Tagged Could Be A Coincidence.I Actually Copy Pasted Those Tags From Another Post Of Mine.It's Much Easier I Try Mostly To Tag Pakistanis Probably Gt You By Mistake
    Salam bro yea i saw ur posts in that bengali indian whatever beautiful thread. But didnt have time to reply. The thread is gone now lolzzzz. But so agree
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    True yeah .and LMAO @ internet randians but tust me bang la deshi super power walay are no less than them. U wud often find them badmouting pakistanis and their looks. Ya even i felt that bangla deshi asking for passport copy n photo was an indian wanting to extract info.
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    When both bang deshis and Indians run out of arguments after baiting pakistanis on looks then they seek refuge in this remark "yea n u pakistanis are also well known for terrorism"
    Lmao lets give both indians and bang la deshis peace of their minds by declaring them they beauty centres of the world LMAO
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    What trickdoes ISI have up it's sleeve kind sir??
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    The Armed Forces And National Security Structure Of India Is Deeply Penetrated and Heavily Comprimised.Sleeper Cells Present Within The Indian Army and Air Force Can Sabotage Any Attack.Plus There Is A Huge Proxy Within India That Can Inflict Massive Attrition On The Army In Case of Mobilization
    Ahmet Pasha
    Ahmet Pasha
    ISI/Armed Forces should have some mechanism in place to quickly raise, train, equip a resistance army if need be. Or invite muslims from around the world to fight hindu mushrik. I think alot more real muslims will answer the call and not some khariji terrorists.
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    This Goes Back To 1991 .Pakistan Always Knew That RAW and IB Were Heavily Infiltrated By Soviet Union.When USSR Broke,ISI Was Able To Get Some Officials On It's Side They Provided Vital Info On RAW And Much More A Backdoor Into RAW!!!
    ISI Had Successfully Infiltrated RAW.Massive RAW Networks Were Compromised Including One Based On Combined CIA Mossad RAW Team Tasked With Sabotaging Our Strategic Program.
    I have a theory. Since you are acquainted with actual people on ground, you may be able to tell whether I am right or wrong.

    I think some country’s intelligence agencies are doing this with the populace of Pakistan and Kashmir.

    Searching, identifying and then literally killing the brightest (most intelligent) of the populace and sparing the rest.

    Continued in next post.
    Kamikaze Pilot
    Kamikaze Pilot
    That means filter out the best genes and leave out the lesser ones.

    If you keep doing this for decades, the chances of the victim country producing scientists will certainly reduce and it sabotages the economy.

    Has this really happened? Did any intelligence agency really do this?
    I Apologize For Late Response But Here Is My 2 Cents Intelligence Agencies Do Not Normally Engage In Such Long Term Social Engineering Mostly They Conduct Operations With Short To Medium Term Political Gains
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