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  • haha. He is a shyte stirrer. He likes to get Indians riled up against "westerners" and then he ll come and bad mouth both Indians and Westerners.

    Not worth it eh. I have 3-4 unexpired infractions, so I can't risk getting into arguments.
    Oh yeah didn't realise that cricket was on. Looks like India is getting belted again.

    BBL belongs to Sydney brah. You guys don't stand a chance. You going to see the game btw?
    lmao he did that?

    He is a compulsive liar. I mean just because someone asked him if he was in Dubai, he didn't have to say yes.
    Lol well you did own his as*.

    Pretty pathetic how he was trying to prove you a racist. Pretty desperate.
    lol Pakistanis think that Indians have inferiority complex, and thats why there are so many of them on this Pakistani forum.
    Lol yup thats pretty much everything.Do you do any sports yourself?

    I Love Rugby Union, but I was a lil shyte when in school, late growth spur and what not, so never made it to the team.

    I watch pretty much any sport on telly, but only follow League, Union, NBA and occasionally Euro league. Our A league soccer sucks tbh.
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