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AgNoStiC MuSliM

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  • I have requested for my username to be changed. This is for personal and security reasons. I have contacted the Webmaster to do this but your intervention would help. This is really a matter of safety for me and is important to me. Could you kindly do the needful. Thanks.
    Hey AM. Long time. How are you?
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    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    Lol. Sorry. I’m doing fine. Activity on the forum is in spurts. Nowadays a little higher due to the ongoing political catastrophe in Pakistan.

    I’m great, man. Getting old now. Remember you with a lot of respect and affection (obligatory no homo here? lol). But it’s been a while - I’ve become more active (in my case ‘more active’ means 1/2 comments per month!) here after ages.

    Stay healthy, be well. How’s your life going? Anytime ever if you decide to come to India (!) look me up. And stay in touch - the good guys of this world need to do that!
    Hello !
    Could you explain why, suddenly, I can't answer to some subject? " You have insufficient privileges to reply here."
    I'm french, and my opinions differ from the main forum people. But isn't it the interest in a forum to have several opinions?

    With my best regards.
    I'm French. How can I prove it to you?
    French from my mother, Dutch by my father grand parents.

    Some reports against me? for sure. Honnestly when you just don't applause to Pakistani, Chinese or Turkish products they all cried. I think the plurality of opinions is essential (with some limits, I agree).
    Hahahaha bAjWa iS pAcIfIsT

    U are really a real one using analytical thinking when it comes to what a General says!
    Whatever dude, this forum is dumb anyway.
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    And we are neutral. The only members who have accused us of being sectarian are the ones who are sectarian themselves. If you have an issue with my moderation, raise the issue with the Admins in GHQ.
    bro, I already launch 2 Complaints against my mistreatment, your GHQ sections don't work Trust me. Look as I mentioned in my post which was deleted, you guys are free to run your forum however you want, but this is not what a neutral forum looks like, I am on many forums(non Military) but their moderation teams are good, here is just either you agree with mods or you are banned or post deleted.
    Have a great day.
    Please approve my posts in the featured thread "Maulana Dr. Adil Khan Sahib, head of Jamia Farooqia Karachi, martyred in a murderous attack"
    Bro you need to do something about this star lord guy he is beyond the pail, encouraging violence, and his gay friend areesh is not far behind.
    I will get back to you when the thread is unlocked, unless you want to have conservation here .. your call
    @AgNoStiC MuSliM you are comparing a common Sunni with TTP , ISIS and AQ, why not compare the common Shia with Hamas and Zanaibiyun ?
    You always say, and I agree with you when we go to Foreign lands we must follow the law of the land, but we are in Pakistan hence we must follow Pakistani law, and in our law blaspheming against Prophets family , his companion is punishable offense , its not me that create this law but Parliament . You accuse me of inciting violence, not a single word i said about violence against anyone .
    I want nothing but peace in Pakistan, for all sects of Islam and all non Muslims live in peace, respect the sentiments of others and also ( Respect the law of land ) if you blaspheme than you break a law and if Govt don't act then people take matters in their hands by protesting ( Not violent Protest ) .
    Imran khan member of PDF said, the Mulvi deserved to be killed and hence no warning to him ?if i said, some shia scholar who was killed Deserve to killed , would that be fine ? Please and I am requesting you as my elder brother (assuming you are older than me) understand my point , I am not inciting any violence against anyone,I just want both sides to restrain
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    I thread banned you (you should have received a notification with my reason). I will remove the threadban if you're going to comment on the thread topic.
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    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    AgNoStiC MuSliM
    Thread ban removed
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