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  • One does not encounter gentlemen very often on line these days. That tends to predispose one's reactions. That also tends to put one in exceedingly embarrassing positions of unintentional discourtesy. The only hope is that a gentleman will overlook these minor betises.
    Thanks. Though I would've loved reading more on some areas of the social sciences like history, i am too busy with my work and trying to be be decent in the field in which i should be good.

    People in the humanities tend to have a wide domain of knowledge. The same is rarely the case with people from the sciences, like me, and this is sometimes unavoidable.

    Even though I am very critical about my country and how it operates---I would like to be equally critical towards india for not taking charge.

    In order to make peace, you got to overlook the terrorist actions---britain did when they finally decided that enough is enough---regardles of what the ira did---they will make peace. So britain went ahead, regardless of ira bombings and indiscretions---they finally made peace.

    Was britain not more powerful than irish army---a million times more---. But they decided to take the high road. Could they have totally wiped out ireland---yes---at any time they wanted to----but that is not how things are done in the world at this time in this century.

    Our children deserve better decisions from us.
    Hello and welcome to the forum. It gets hot sometimes over here but we try not to lose our cool.
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