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  • قصيدة (الأعياد) لأحمد مطر

    قال الراوي:

    للناس ثلاثة أعياد

    عيد الفطر،

    وعيد الأضحى،

    والثالث عيد الميلاد.

    يأتي الفطر وراء الصوم

    ويأتي الأضحى بعد الرجم

    ولكنّ الميلاد سيأتي

    ساعة إعدام الجلاد.

    قيل له : في أي بلاد؟

    قال الراوي:

    من تونس حتى تـطـوا ن

    من صنعاء إلى عمّان

    من مكة حتى بغداد

    قُتل الراوي.

    لكنّ الراوي يا موتى

    علمكم سر الميلاد.
    Thank you my brother for your Openness clarity and realism . . This kind of dialogue that I appreciate and respect him . . But, unfortunately, many Muslims . . Arabs and Persians . . looks for things that's only Black or white . . With me or against me . . This is wrong . . The best way to progress and development and Islamic reconciliation. . Is when all parties recognized of there disadvantages . . Militancy in the views will only divide the Muslims.
    I repeat my thanks to you and i hope all the good and happiness of my Iranian brothers
    Alykume Assalam. I think both of us have misunderstanding on some points which caused that fight. You think Iranian regime insists on punishing 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims on event that happened 1400 years ago. In fact, this is the regime that wanted to destroy the remaining archeological sites of pre Islamic Iran. While I agree with you that Iranian government is crazy, But you should know that it was during the reign of Two Pahlavi shahs when Iran started to show that face of Nationalism. It was during the reign of Reza Shah when Iran started to see other minority ethnic groups as lower citizens. Not hte current regime. And the thing about that "punishing 1.5 bilion sunnis", I haven't heard anything about this expect for some articles by very Nationalist people of Mohammad Reza Shah's era. Which were opposed by the Iranian public. But yes. The current regime interferences in some Arab countries. In Lebanon, helping Hezbollah. If you think It is bad, Think about Israel that can attack Lebanon any time. But the only factor stopping it is Hezbollah's reaction. About Iraq, we saw that it was Iranian pressure that moqtada sadr agreed to join the iraqi coalition so the government of Iraq was established few weeks ago. And we see that nearly all of the explosions happening in Iraq are done by Al-Qaeida, Not Iranian backed groups and they mostly happen in Shia majority places. Excluding that Iran is helping Iraq to restablish it's economy. About Yemen, there are very few helps by Iran to shia insurgents. And Iranian help to other Groups in the middle east is largely opposed by the public. In fact, the Iranian regime is really hated inside the country because of it's actions. Iranians want to be strong and influential it is true. But not by this way. That is the reason you saw those rallies after the fraud in the election. Iranian public wants a role like Turkey. But again, yes there are some people who gain benefit from the current gov. and don't want it over. Such people are more common in Military forums so you will hear their voice in such places louder and think most of Iranians are that way. If you want to know the truth about Iranians, just use google maps to see how many Iranian buildings have satellite dishes above them. Because only the people who oppose the gov watch satellite channels. Or see the number of political persian blogs on then net to see the public opinion towards the Iranian gov. Hope this helps.
    Assalamu Alykum , dear brother
    I respect and appreciate Persian civilization and i have known some Iranians in some forums . . most of thim do not agree with the Iranian Gov. policy
    I can't understand why the Iranian regime insists on punishing 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims on event that happened 1400 years ago
    I do not think that Iran's policy in creating problems for some Arab countries
    Such as Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen is in the benefit of the Muslims
    Wa alaykom ala salam . . in fact i have some problems with msm . . so forgive me please
    Assalamu Alikkum dear brother
    I'm used to such tactics, Do not worry, Changing the direction of the subject I know it exactly
    "Solomon2 . . do you Hear the answer . . do you want it in louder "

    Nishan, you've been very helpful, but don't you think you're overdoing it a little? A mod might delete a post like this on the grounds it is "unnecessary".
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