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  • This shall answer Islamic perspective over Rape - Extra/Pre Marital sex.


    People committing such acts are not acting according to Islam therefore its illogical to blame Islam for their actions while ignoring the fact that its actually strongly prohibited & punishable in Islam. If Muslim choose to drink , eat pork , take drugs , rape girls or boys , break the law , commit murder , lie , lie on oath , commit treason etc Must be taken as their personal actions as Islam strictly prohibits all of them.

    What's your avatar & why ...who's got the best avatar on PDF@ members club

    post here, Thanks
    Please refrain from making threats.. if you are offended by someone then simply report dont second guess the Admin / mods...
    if you are not happy you are free to leave. your objection is noted and the person has been contacted already to remove or modify his signature.

    your own signature falls under the category of flame bait so correct yourself first before complaining.
    The policy of this forum is clear on the Kashmir issue and how each side should behave in the matter. There will be a lot more strictness on this issue since people generally are turning the matter into a free for all. There can be no support of illegal violence.

    As is the norm, Seniors were given a leeway through suspension everyone else is kicked out for good.
    Lawsuit against ISI is fine, however media outlets (even Pakistani) have incorrectly reported that the ISI chief has been summoned. The US court cannot summon him.
    No. No.. India will go for either the UAE Mirages or F 16s from US for inventory augmentation once the decision on MMRCA is made. With scales tilting towards F 18, F 16 will end up being the choice.. Again, this is loose talk and I dont have any news item to back it up, except my conversation with a serving AC..
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