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amardeep mishra

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  • Hey Mate, hows life :-) ?
    Im doing good :-) i have been here, maybe not posting that much, u work or study ?
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    I am a researcher, I left my job to pursue something that I always wanted- missiles guidance and control. My area of research is nonlinear dynamics and control specialising in adaptive dynamic programming using NNs.
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    What about you man? What do you do? Are you also a researcher?
    Hey, liked your posts, are you on twitter etc that I can connect?
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    No I'm not Twitter, however yo can find me on fb,git, YouTube etc
    Bhai ID bhi to de, follow kaise karon.
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    Just type my name you'd find me on fb, YouTube, github, etc etc
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    Hi Amardeep, I'm Sajeev

    I've something to contact you, please ping me at sajeevpearlj@gmail.com

    Thanks and Regards
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    Contact me on fb
    I got 20 people with that name on Facebook
    Yes, yes I am. I can't find the private message button. Message me if you find it lol.
    Only TTA or mods can open private messages.
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    Yep even I was trying to find a pm button but couldn't man
    regarding your post in other thread ... will desist further lest we go into non public domain discussion. Cheers!
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    Oh yeah,you can ping me at facebook if you want! We will continue it from there
    Hello amardeep, I like your post, and they are very informative, but I think gives too much effort, and gives too much information then needed. Its your choice, but its an advice not to give some sensitive information, and technical data too much to our pakistani members. Thanks and regards.
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    i am afraid you're mistaken,i give out what is already available in published media - known as "scientific literature". to be frank i do not know anything that might be classified. perhaps you fail to see that as a student of aerospace engineering(researcher) i have a plethora of such literature at my disposal
    I know very well that whatever you have given is not at all sensitive, but I only advice to not let that happens. Because your post qty, does indicates you have a firm knowledge, and thought you might be in an important position or if not should be in that position soon in future. Thats all. regards.
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    I mean i dont see anything wrong with discussing pure technical aspects of a system- based on "published literature". I mean come on,go to IEEE or AIAA ,and you'd understand.Anyways, i try to explain the phenomenon using detailed drawings(sometimes my notes) - and that perhaps caught your attention?
    Ukrainian officials in 2001 conspired illegal sold12 Ukraine Kh-55—six to China and Iran plus four Kolchuga passive surveillance . Also smuggled were detailed production engineering data packages of a LACM called Korshun. The Korshun’s was a redesigned RD95-300 turbofan that bore a strong resemblance to the 36MT engine developed by Russia’s NPO Saturn.
    Also smuggled out of Kiev by August 2001 were detailed production engineering data packages of a long-range land-attack cruise missile (LACM) called Korshun, which had by then been developed by Ukraine’s
    Ukrainian officials in August 2001 had conspired in the illegal sale of 12 Ukraine-owned Kh-55 strategic cruise missiles—six each to China and Iran (known locally as the Soumar GLCM), plus four Kolchuga passive surveillance systems to the PRC.
    Ya know that but what about the ALCM Raa'd , couldn't find the answer, looking at its design, its strange design with flat nose
    Can you calculate the actual range if we use RD95-300 as the base engine and for the fuel inside the missile guessing with the size of the missile.
    Because whatever they are posting in the babur thread is what they got from the chinese posters and media. It has to guessed.
    Hey there mate,before I shoot my question to you,let me tell you how big of an admirer I'm of your knowledge wrt defence electronics in general and solid state transistor tech in particular.
    |Now coming to the question that I would like to ask you,do you have any idea about the average and peak power output ratings of the LRDE developed S band and L band TRMs??And their average duty cycle??

    Thankx in advance.
    if you really want info about then go for YJ-10 which is the direct copy of ukraine LACM which china buyed its ipr and blue prints of the its engine deeply. Do you really believe pakistan have capability to build babur. NULL
    amardeep mishra
    amardeep mishra
    Well I go strictly by published literature, I'm not into speculating, hence a lot of Pakistanis don't really like my comments
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