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United States Navy's Gerald R Ford Class Supercarrier .... seen exercising ...


May 29, 2014
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United States
Behold, friends, the United States Navy's newest Supercarrier, the Gerald R Ford Class Supercarrier.





@SvenSvensonov , @AMDR , @Peter C , @MastanKhan , @F-22Raptor , @CENTCOM , @TruthSeeker , @XenoEnsi-14 , @C130 , @Aegis DDG , @Tokyo Drifter
I always wondered, what can the Ford class do that the Nimitz cannot?

Obviously Ford can launch faster and more efficiently, it's more modern, probably safer, and all that. In terms of operation, how is it revolutionary?

Say, China builds something like a Nimitz, and you have a Ford, we both launch aircrafts, what kind of advantages would Ford have, and how big of an advantage.
I always wondered, what can the Ford class do that the Nimitz cannot?

Obviously Ford can launch faster and more efficiently, it's more modern, probably safer, and all that. In terms of operation, how is it revolutionary?

Say, China builds something like a Nimitz, and you have a Ford, we both launch aircrafts, what kind of advantages would Ford have, and how big of an advantage.

The Ford has new radars, a more powerful reactor, putting out too much energy at time, an EMALs system to launch aircraft and recover them faster then the steam powered CATOBAR system, and a redesigned flight deck that can transition air-craft faster from bellow to above deck and launch them in greater interval. The Ford also features stealth enhancements where as the Nimitz lacked any such features. If China built a Nimitz Class equivalent it would be a major downgrade from the Ford, but an upgrade over it's current aircraft carrier trainer. Simply put, the Ford is one hell of a machine and is better then the Nimitz in every way.

This link will explain the differences in a video that I can't get to post:

Defense News with Vago Muradian — Expert interviews and discussions of U.S. defense with host Vago Muradian.

What’s So New About America’s New Aircraft Carriers?

"Many of the differences between the Nimitz and Ford classes are well known. Continuing the trend from the George H.W. Bush, the crew size of the Ford will be considerably smaller than the early Nimitz class carriers, and even smaller than CVN-77. A reorganization of the flight deck and elevator system gives the Ford class a 15 percent higher sortie rate than the Nimitz class. Altogether it will be able to launch about 90 total aircraft. The electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS) reduces strain on aircraft and eliminates the need for the elaborate steam catapult system that has launched carrier aircraft since the 1950s. EMALS will also facilitate the launch of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The Ford’s power plant generates considerably more electricity, allowing the ships to “grow into” future energy demands. This opens space for the genuinely transformational potential of the Ford class: directed energy weapons that could make cruise and ballistic missiles obsolete, and unmanned aircraft that could rewrite the history of air warfare."

From What’s So New About America’s New Aircraft Carriers? | The Diplomat

This Is What Makes the USS Gerald R. Ford the Best Aircraft Carrier Ever Designed

So, you want to buy an aircraft carrier. Stateside, there's only one place you can go—Newport News Shipbuilding, the largest dry-dock in the western hemisphere.

This crew, a division of Huntington Ingalls Industries, has designed and built every U.S. aircraft carrier since 1961. Since the mid-1970s, the US Navy has relied on Nimitz-class carriers. Now, Newport is hard at work on a new mega-ship—the Ford class—and Gizmodo paid a visit to see how the first one is coming together.

Evolution of an Aircraft Carrier
The Ford is really the next generation of the Nimitz class. The hull is the same size, but the vessel has been optimized and modernized, to make it a far more capable ship. The new design relocates the island house (the primary flight control and the bridge), reduces the number of aircraft elevators from four to three, and increases the sortie rate by 25 percent, helping to more quickly deploy aircraft, ships, or sets of troops.

The Ford also has three times the electric plant capacity—a capability meant to last through technology changes over its lifespan of fifty years. A new nervous system includes millions of feet of fiber optic cable, which greatly increases data speeds and capacities, and also adds durability, as fiber optic cable can endure marine life better than metal alternatives.

The Automated Sailor
This city on the sea has a lower population than its predecessor. "Nimitz was designed when the Navy had more sailors," Newport News Shipbuilding's President Matt Mulherin told us. "At the time, I don't think they really thought about what the cost of an individual sailor was. Today they do. That drives a lot of the operating and maintenance costs of the ship. So we've taken off a lot of bunks, and taken off workload for a lot of sailors... but it retains all of the functionality of the Nimitz-class ships."

The ship is more automated than any before it, which gives it increased capability despite the reduced crew. For the sailors that are there, things will be more comfortable. The whole carrier will be air-conditioned—a first—which adds comfort and also reduces components' and computers' corrosion from exposure to salt air.

Electromagnetic Airplane Slingshots
Nimitz-class carriers got planes moving for takeoff using steam-actuated catapults. The system required a lot of steam piping, a large condensate return, and tons of fresh water. They also have a lot of maintenence issues. Plus, with steam-actuation, the majority of the force is being transferred to the airplane at the beginning of the stroke—it's one hell of a jolt. But a more linear pattern of acceleration could put less stress on an airframe, and thus get a longer lifespan out of the multi-million dollar plane. That's where EMALS comes in.

EMALS stands for Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System. It uses a linear induction motor with an electric current to generate a magnetic field. That field then propels a carriage down a track. It's basically a gigantic railgun that launches airplanes instead of shells. Pretty damn cool.

The EMALS can accomodate lightweight drones and planes heavier than those we have today. It reaches top speeds gently, reloads more quickly, and requires less maintenance. The arresting gear (the mechanism which catches the planes as they return) will use EMALS technology as well, as will the elevators for the airplanes and weapons. The Ford class essentially eliminates steam from the equation.

Why Carriers Matter
"The four and a half acres of flight deck is what you really need to get that lethality," according to Mulherin. "Having the ability to do a catapult-launch of an airplane gives you the ability to load it with weapons and load it with fuel. If you do some kind of a vertical takeoff, you can add fuel in flight, but you can't add weapons, so it really limits its capabilities."

"The second thing is that size is cheap. Once you decide to build an aircraft carrier, you get some threshold of fundamental cost, and then to go from a medium-sized nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to a large deck, it's incremental cost, and you get more value for that incremental cost."

It's amazing to see a monolith like this still under construction. Nothing has been painted, and it's been in progress for years, so everything looks rusty, despite it being brand new. Inside, the various compartments are coming together. The rooms are designed to be modular, so for future upgrades, designers can just swap a box in and lock it down.

The ship is scheduled to be water-tight in 2013. That's when it will be christened, and the dry dock will be flooded. It will then be towed to a different dock at Newport News Shipbuilding where construction will continue until 2015. When its nuclear batteries go in, the Ford will be fully operational. The Ford will only need to be refueled once in its lifetime, 25 years after it launches. By then, this lighter, cheaper, more powerful carrier will have already made the seas a safer place.

From This Is What Makes the USS Gerald R. Ford the Best Aircraft Carrier Ever Designed

A revolution? Perhaps not. But this is one hell of an evolution over our current systems.
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Just some quick facts

Service Life - 50 years
Cost - $13 Billion
Air Wing- 75+ combination of the following:
EA-18G Growler Electronic Attack Aircraft
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
E-2C/D Hawkeye Early Warning Aircraft
MV-22 Osprey Tilt-rotor
MH-60S Seahawk Multirole Helicopter
Upcoming UCLASS

- 2 x Mk.49 RAM Launcher (42 missiles)
2 x Mk.29 ESSM Box Launchers (16 Missiles)
2 x Mk.15 Phalanx Block 1B
4 x 12.7mm Machine Guns

Powered by - 2 A1B Nuclear Reactors
Speed - 30+ Knots
Displacement - 100,000 tons
Length - 337 Meters
Crew - 4,600 ( 1,000 less than the Nimitz)
Aircraft Launch System - EMALS
Main Sensors -
AN/SPY-3 X-band MFR
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The Ford has new radars, a more powerful reactor, putting out too much energy at time, an EMALs system to launch aircraft and recover them faster then the CATOBAR system, and a redesigned flight deck that can transition air-craft faster from bellow to above deck and launch them in greater interval. The Ford also feature stealth enhancements where as the Nimitz lack any such features. If China built a Nimitz Class equivalent it would be a major downgrade from the Ford, but an upgrade over it's current aircraft carrier trainer. Simply put, the Ford is one hell of a machine and is better then the Nimitz in every way.

Well, we probably won't build an equivalent of Nimitz, I seen documentaries on that, and they still use manual knobs to determined how much steam to use.

Though a steam carrier of a similar size and no nuclear propulsion seems increasingly likely sometime before 2020, though probably won't be in service then.
Sorry Izumo Twins! I found a new love:enjoy:

LOL. To quote an American sailor friend (many years ago), "...more cushion for the pushin'...", literally. This beast (Ford-Class) can take a beating, and has an impressive launching capability. The revolutionary electromagnetic lauching system is , in its own right, light years ahead what many carrier-wielding navies have -- considering many of them are still based on steam launching systems.

Now, back to the human-interface analysis, svennny boy @SvenSvensonov , it aint the size of the boat that counts, but the motion in the ...ocean... :bunny::lol:



LOL. To quote an American sailor friend (many years ago), "...more cushion for the pushin'...", literally. This beast (Ford-Class) can take a beating, and has an impressive launching capability. The revolutionary electromagnetic lauching system is , in its own right, light years ahead what many carrier-wielding navies have -- considering many of them are still based on steam launching systems.

Now, back to the human-interface analysis, svennny boy @SvenSvensonov , it aint the size of the boat that counts, but the motion in the ...ocean... :bunny::lol:



Oh, I understand well. More is always better... until you're married:cry: I'd like to think I'm a love ninja, the misses isn't so supportive:lol:






Just some quick facts

Service Life - 50 years
Cost - $13 Billion
Air Wing- 75+ combination of the following:
EA-18G Growler Electronic Attack Aircraft
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
E-2C/D Hawkeye Early Warning Aircraft
MV-22 Osprey Tilt-rotor
MH-60S Seahawk Multirole Helicopter

Armament - 2 x Mk.49 RAM Launcher (42 missiles)
2 x Mk.29 ESSM Box Launchers (16 Missiles)
2 x Mk.15 Phalanx Block 1B
4 x 12.7mm Machine Guns

Powered by - 2 A1B Nuclear Reactors
Speed - 30+ Knots
Displacement - 100,000 tons
Length - 337 Meters
Crew - 4,600 ( 1,000 less than the Nimitz)
Aircraft Launch System - EMALS
Main Sensors -
AN/SPY-3 S-band Active Phased Array Radar
AN/SPY-4 X-Band Active Phased Array Radar

Dear God ! She can steam full speed at 30 knots??? Impressive does not even do justice to describe this mighty ship.
Oh, I understand well. More is always better... until you're married:cry: I'd like to think I'm a love ninja, the misses isn't so supportive:lol:

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I try to be reserved as much as possible whenever I watch pictures of ...American Supercarriers. But seriously tho, three words come to mind when looking at these pictures, "I Want One."


The top speed is classified, but is well above 30 knots.

100,000 + Tonnes of Full Military Might steaming over 30 knots ! To phrase the American Colloquial Diction, "Dayummmm!"

100,000 + Tonnes of Full Military Might steaming over 30 knots ! To phrase the American Colloquial Diction, "Dayummmm!"


It is more like "Hot Diggity Double Dayummm!" if you knew just how fast it can go. :D

In simple words, GF class super carrier can put much more birds with full weapon station in lesser time than Nimitz class super carrier which will be launching the slower rate due to many factors like launch system, runway management, elevators, and specially the top speed in all conditions. Nimitz is a hell of machine built by US, no doubt about that but GF is class apart. There is only one country in the world that can challenge US dominance in high seas which is US itself. That's the ultimate truth. No China, no Russia, no France, no UK, no India, I mean literally no one can challenge US there, not even in next thirty years. We may build fancy and as many as boats in the water but we can't compare them with our boats or birds. Thank you.

Not bad for a country that we know makes nothing! :D
I always wondered, what can the Ford class do that the Nimitz cannot?

Obviously Ford can launch faster and more efficiently, it's more modern, probably safer, and all that. In terms of operation, how is it revolutionary?

Say, China builds something like a Nimitz, and you have a Ford, we both launch aircrafts, what kind of advantages would Ford have, and how big of an advantage.
In simple words, GF class super carrier can put much more birds with full weapon station in lesser time than Nimitz class super carrier which will be launching the slower rate due to many factors like launch system, runway management, elevators, and specially the top speed in all conditions. Nimitz is a hell of machine built by US, no doubt about that but GF is class apart. There is only one country in the world that can challenge US dominance in high seas which is US itself. That's the ultimate truth. No China, no Russia, no France, no UK, no India, I mean literally no one can challenge US there, not even in next thirty years. We may build fancy and as many as boats in the water but we can't compare them with our boats or birds. Thank you.
Funny story, the shaft (giggitty) on the Nimitz isn't strong enough to support the output of the carrier's two reactors. These ships could go even faster, but their machinery isn't strong enough! While the listed speed is +30 Knots, during the First Gulf War two US Nimitz Carriers went over 50 Knots en-route to the region. There's a reason these ships have only two reactors! The Enterprise had four... that was far too much power, even for a ship that size. Since the Big E, two has been standard.

Contrary to popular belief, US carriers are the fastest warships in the USN inventory.

Yup, listed as +30, but far greater.

I've never been so impressed than during my time in military service when our ship was traveling behind the USS Stennis , as the latter yields port and then starboard, making impressive turns ---- a Super Carrier !

Our crew merely smirked in utter amazement --- as if the USS Stennis (US 7th Fleet) were telling our ship, JS Chokai, "You're good, but can you do this....?"

I tried to find videos on youtube that can best illustrate , i found this:


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