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Newly Industrialized Countries- current

Only fools believe those western lies. China and India started from roughly the same development level 70 years ago and now China's economy is over 5 times of Indias and China beats India all across the board in every economic sector, this is the hard fact even you liar Indians can't deny.
I would say China's economy on PPP. as below, is 'nearly' 1.5 times to India's economy, and its true :turkey:

China's economy grew with high export since 80s, economic growth based on foreign money/export money, which has a share in China's GDP. this way i would say, around a third of China's GDP has influence of foreign money/export money. countries like India-Indonesia didn't let their economy driven by export/foreign money.
here we have GDP on PPP listing as below. it still hasn't properly included share of 'undocumented' part of GDP :-)

also in this list, US's economy is a 'bubble' economy. US's industries have a large share of imported components. the 'value added' factors altogether in US's GDP....
hence i would say, US would be no more than 3rd place in the list, with China on 1st place :-)
I doubt the source and methodology used to establish the new NIC list. I just don’t see how Thailand or Mexico could be more industrialized than Poland or even Romania, Hungary. Also what about places like Chile?
I doubt the source and methodology used to establish the new NIC list. I just don’t see how Thailand or Mexico could be more industrialized than Poland or even Romania, Hungary. Also what about places like Chile?

you see Chinese engineers helping projects in Pakistan and in ASEAN, have you ever heard Chinese helping India or Russia :what:

there are only '4' industrialized nation. here it worth saying, France with 60mil people can't build Rafale by their own, its the US. as, EU is itself nothing, similar to ASEAN.....

while US? how much 'boties' Hindus threw to US's people, is the only industrialization of US. :usflag:

with other 3 are India, China and the Russia. only '4' industrialized nations this world has, which includes the US also....
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Agreed. Western countries are largely overrated. East Asia is way more advanced than Europe or the US except for a couple key technologies like semiconductors, AI, etc where the US still leads. Europe is way behind, leads in almost nothing and is falling even farther behind.

ALSO HOW IN THE FLYIIING FUKKK IS THE PHILIPPINES ON THAT LIST OVER VIETNAM?? Vietnam is way more of a powerhouse than the Philippines WTF

China can build the 7nm chips from scratch, whereas the US cannot do this alone.

The US still relies on Taiwan and South Korea for the chip fabrication.

As for the AI, the US has nothing to become complacent except the ChatGPT which is also becoming a fad.
This thread is so stupid.

How can BRICS challenge the West as long as China and India are enemies?

Kick out India for Pakistan in BRICS

no mate, India-China more co-operate with each others. we have Russia in middle who share information between India & China....
with help of allies like Russia- Iran, India and China are having more a sense of 'together' :-)
Properties in City Of London had an overall average price of £1,035,476 over the last year.

The majority of sales in City Of London during the last year were flats, selling for an average price of £1,019,493. Semi-detached properties sold for an average of £2,850,000, with terraced properties fetching £2,050,000.

Overall, sold prices in City Of London over the last year were similar to the previous year and 17% down on the 2018 peak of £1,248,823.

Nice 😎

we have a news here for year 2022, as below. here, what would be the total numbers of Billionaires of South Asia as whole? :-)

India’s ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI) with net worth over $30 million is estimated to rise by 58.4% in the next five years to 19,119 individuals in 2027 from 12,069 in 2022. India’s billionaire population is expected to move up to 195 individuals in 2027 from 161 individuals in 2022, showed a Knight Frank India report.

Number of ultra-high-net-worth individuals in India to rise 58% in 5 yrs: Report​

Number of ultra-high-net-worth individuals in India, having net worth of over $30 million, fell 7.5 per cent last year to 12,069 but will rise to 19,119 in the next five years, according to Knight Frank.

Number of ultra-high-net-worth individuals in India, having net worth of over USD 30 million, fell 7.5 per cent last year to 12,069 but will rise to 19,119 in the next five years, according to Knight Frank.

India’s billionaire population rose to 161 in 2022 from 145 in the previous year and is estimated to rise to 195 individuals by 2027.

Real estate consultant Knight Frank’s on Wednesday released ‘The Wealth Report 2023’.
“India’s ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI) with net worth over USD 30 million is estimated to rise by 58.4 per cent in the next five years from 12,069 in 2022 to 19,119 individuals in 2027,” the consultant said.

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a news as below: :coffee:
Jul 09, 2023

The middle class is the fastest-growing major segment of the Indian population in both percentage and absolute terms, rising at 6.3 percent per year between 1995 and 2021. It now represents 31 percent of the population and is expected to be 38 percent by 2031 and 60 percent in 2047. More than one billion Indians will make up the middle-class when India will turn 100. These are the figures from PRICE ICE 3600 surveys based on primary data.

Pakistan should be a Newly industrialized Nation.

Pakistan with 250 million people should be competing with countries like Japan, Brazil, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, and Morocco.

We really need to get our act up together.
Golra Sharif Railway Heritage Station

Pakistan looks a more healthy country than India. its fate of Pakistan to finally exceed Philippines type countries with levelling Indonesia-ASEAN.
but never let Pakistan become Vietnam-China. you won't have 'smoke' of others :no:

Pakistan will finally exceed Philippines type NICs countries and join NICs. but never let smoke of Pakistani Industries become similar to Vietnam. Pakistan will join NIC later with smoke of its Industries for Pakistani people. their smoke won't be for export .....
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You should be counting GDP PER CAPITA. :-)

Overpopulated countries like India will always rank at the top.

Compare with China, who has a similar population as yours, and look at the piss-poor gau mutra showing.

And Comparing London, Shanghai, Beijing and HongKong with Mumbai is like comparing your kaamwali bai to Aishwarya Rai.

Not even in the same league as infra, city services, convenience to access parts of the city and a hundred other things.

I know it looks good in Swarajya Mag, but come the f*ck on !!

Stay limited within India.

Don't make me post pictures of Dharavi slums - which should be enough.

how you people think of Philippines, the NIC member as below? are the countries like Philippines able to feed themselves? :what:
here we have table of NIC, current. we find GDP on PPP per Capita of India is close to Philippines-Indonesia, have a close look on the table as below.

here i would say, India-Philippines-Vietnam-China might be having similar ratio of 'undocumented' part of GDP :enjoy:
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why club India with Russia ?
Nothing in common except a long term military equipment trade relationship
we share "Veto power" and other means of Russia together. here 'we' include Delhi-Tehran-Moscow :mps:

What veto power ?

Russia is part of P5s of UN, with Veto, and Delhi-Moscow-Tehran share this together, with other means of Moscow having since SU's time, since Cold war :-)
US is the sole Super Power of the world in true sense.
You attack any American ally and you will have Americans fighting with their whole might against you.
Russia,China and India have very little true-alliance building behaviour.They are mostly business oriented dealers.
They will never be able to compete US when it comes to building alliances.
And alliance is what that builds a solid block to set a world order.

China despite its military might is afraid to come out of its shell and build alliance with anti-US countries and challenge the US hegemony.
Russia is simply exhausted now.
India's approach is always careful.
They will never take risk
Typical Subcontinental behaviour.

Chinese are old buddies thanks to their one child Policy.they can't expend their men to build their influence on the world.
Russia is a giant gas station owned by oligarchs.

Russia military innovation has been close to zero post Cold War.

Russian military industrial base has been declining slowly

Educated Russians have been migrating. The population is stagnant.

we find India-Russia-Tehran combined power increased consistently since 1990 :-)

The Five Most Expensive Cities In The World

To buy a 970-square-foot apartment in Hong Kong, Mumbai, Beijing or Shanghai would take more than 30 years for a household with a median income, according to a recent report by Oxford Economics which looked at price-to-income ratios around the globe.

Here are five most expensive real estate markets in the world--only one of which isn't in Asia.

5. London

London's property prices are severely unaffordable to most residents after decades of growth. Since 2013, London's property prices have increased at a double-digit rate every year. Average home prices in the city have gone from £257,000 in 2006 to £474,000 in 2016, an 84% increase.

4. Shanghai

One of China's hottest property markets, Shanghai's real estate prices rose as much as 40% last year and were up 5% a single month last August. Housing prices have been difficult to clamp down on. Spooked by a weak domestic stock market in 2015, many investors poured into the property sector, seeing it as one of the few options left for favorable returns.

3. Beijing

The most expensive housing market in mainland China, the average home price in Beijing is now $5,820 per square meter, according to the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. In September, average home prices in Beijing rose nearly 30% year on year. By comparison, prices in China's major cities rose about 11%.

2. Mumbai

Located on a narrow peninsula, Mumbai is now home to some of the world's most expensive real estate. As Quartz notes, Mumbai's house price-to-monthly income ratio "is the highest among major Indian cities." And as the country accumulates wealth, developers have been struggling to find building sites in the crowded city where millions still live in densely-packed slum

1. Hong Kong

Holding on to its rank as the most expensive housing market in the world for the seventh year in a row is Hong Kong. The median home price was 18.1 times the median annual pretax household income last year, according to a recent annual report from Demographia. Though a small improvement from the year before when home prices were 19 median household income, Hong Kong still ranks as "severely unaffordable" the report said.


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That just shows an unequal distribution of wealth. Moscow on the other hand has an average high income lifestyle. While Mumbai has a slum right next to ambani house.

We should be in our own race to reduce poverty, unemployment and illiteracy. We should be fighting together to eliminate these things in our countries, not spread more hatred. Healthy competition is good for us.

You should be counting GDP PER CAPITA.

Overpopulated countries like India will always rank at the top.

Compare with China, who has a similar population as yours, and look at the piss-poor gau mutra showing.

And Comparing London, Shanghai, Beijing and HongKong with Mumbai is like comparing your kaamwali bai to Aishwarya Rai.

Not even in the same league as infra, city services, convenience to access parts of the city and a hundred other things.

I know it looks good in Swarajya Mag, but come the f*ck on !!

Stay limited within India.

Don't make me post pictures of Dharavi slums - which should be enough.

No, that's not what PPP means.
It means that the purchasing parity within the country is a lot higher.
This is due to the low cost of Labour and low living standards in India, which means that a lot more can be purchased for the same amount, theoretically making the average person better off on paper, but not when you have a colossal population like India.

You've again proven that India suffers from a colossal amount of poverty due to the massive value of its PPP economy within the nation and that a lot more can be bought for a lot less due to the higher value of currency to the average person.

Of course this is going to be lower in the UK where the currency value for the average person is lower due to the higher prices of commodities and services due to having a much more advanced educational and operational system, which leads to much higher competition in demand and therefore better living standards in the long run

here we have news as below, India is among nations who give 'free Ration/food' to 2/3rd population, if they exercise their rights in India :coffee:

what about other South Asian nations? do they offer the same for their poor? how many countries in world where poor don't sleep hungry? it cost India budget around $30bil per year :-)

Free ration to the poor will be extended for 5 years, 80 crore will benefit: Modi

"During Covid-19, the biggest concern of the poor was what they would feed their children... Then I decided that I will not let any poor sleep hungry, hence the BJP government started the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana," PM Modi said.


=> https://www.businesstoday.in/latest...for-next-five-years-pm-modi-404558-2023-11-04

BJP-led Centre to extend free ration scheme for 80 crore poor for next five years. PM Narendra Modi made the announcement at a rally in Chhattisgarh. According to government officials, this move will incur an expenditure of approximately Rs 2 lakh crore.
We should be in our own race to reduce poverty, unemployment and illiteracy. We should be fighting together to eliminate these things in our countries, not spread more hatred. Healthy competition is good for us.

hows going? we find the list of NICs where our GDP on PPP per capita match with Philippines, near to Indonesia also. here, is the Philippines-Indonesia also the countries where poor don't sleep hungry? hows many countries would be in world where poor don't sleep hungry? my last posts :-)
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