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The Economic History of the Last 2,000 Years in 1 Little Graph

A human common sense. India was established in 1947. By the UK.

Until someone comes up with a substitute for hydrocarbons Pakistan won't catch up

I was having a look on GDP on PPP list as below. here we find Bangladesh with high trade has levelled Pakistan in Table, on number 24, 25.....

and we know, Bangladesh won't be more than this and Pakistan won't be less than this level..... its Fate of Pakistan to finally match-exceed Philippines type economy, with close to Indonesia. Pakistan will finally match ASEAN nations....

Pakistan-India-Indonesia never let its economy driven by export like China-Vietnam type countries. what ASEAN has which Pakistan can't manufacture? just little help from China and co-operation with India and then Pakistan will be just near ASEAN, its Fate of Pakistan :-)
A human common sense. India was established in 1947. By the UK.

View attachment 965034

whats British proposed to India, Indian leaders never valued.
here a question, How Long Mr Jinnah passed in Jail like M.Gandhi and J.Nehru??? and this is the reason of today's Pakistan-East Pakistan.
'if' Mr Jinnah might be sitting in Jails with Gandhi,Nehru,Patel etc, then India might be including Khan Adbul Gaffar Khan's Afghanistan also .....

there is a difference between "dominion" Pakistan in 1948, as compare to free India. in 1947-48, Pakistan-East Pakistan as 'dominion' used to value what British say. while India never valued British :-)
I was having a look on GDP on PPP list as below. here we find Bangladesh with high trade has levelled Pakistan in Table, on number 24, 25.....

and we know, Bangladesh won't be more than this and Pakistan won't be less than this level..... its Fate of Pakistan to finally match-exceed Philippines type economy, with close to Indonesia. Pakistan will finally match ASEAN nations....

Pakistan-India-Indonesia never let its economy driven by export like China-Vietnam type countries. what ASEAN has which Pakistan can't manufacture? just little help from China and co-operation with India and then Pakistan will be just near ASEAN, its Fate of Pakistan :-)

Malaysia and Indonesia has ample natural resources on a per captia basis. India and Pakistan do not have them. You need to export something to purchase them.

The numbers you are providing are PPP numbers. When Pakistan has to repay its foreign debt look at those numbers taking a severe hit.
Malaysia and Indonesia has ample natural resources on a per captia basis. India and Pakistan do not have them. You need to export something to purchase them.

The numbers you are providing are PPP numbers. When Pakistan has to repay its foreign debt look at those numbers taking a severe hit.

I find Pakistan is more healthy than India. Pakistan, as a developing economy, is set to grow. its not like OECD economies which can't grow. the upward 'trend' of Pakistan's, FR to FD the post as below, would continue :-)

If we look at the value of rupee in 1947 to dollar, we were equal. It was how resources were exploited by Britain for 250 years for its own benifit, we saw how india became from 25℅ of world exporter to some 1℅ in 1947. After some 75 years we doubled to 2℅ of world trade. I don't have data on wages in 1700s to compare if India was rich in comparison to the West.
I am quite surprised at how GDP is being calculated.

Owning a house will not increase GDP, because it produces nothing.

But losing a house (because of misfortune) and then renting a house will increase GDP from the renting cost.

GDP is increasing, but the people is getting poorer (except the landlord).

Not to mention the other ways to calculate GDP.

Yes, the country is getting wealthier, but the people are getting poorer...

Innovation and technological :turkey:advancement bring price and cost reduction.

It won't be calculated in GDP (aka grow nothing or just a little), but people standard of living increases significantly.

comparing Price of Panty-Bra, manufactured in US/west and Asia
once i was reading a news, " what we make in Holden car?". in Australian newspaper. mostly we import its components, assemble it and sell it for the AU$ price. and we say this is our output. :-) means, final output of these Industries, their share in GDP hide share of imported component. .. if you manufacture a car then you need to see China, India, Russia, how these 3 countries do? they keep expertise of 'total' of a Car or of any low to high tech manufactured products-services. .....

from here, what if we 'now' have to make 'every' component of Holden car in Australia, our brand of nation? its scaring but "this is the bubble" what i was talking about. the 'Value Added' share, in Western economy (GDP) grew since 80s, which they didn't stop.

i was discussing about WWE's Hulk Hogen time. "if you want to date a girl, call on Landline Number, family can also see whats going on. you straight dial mobile and take the girl?" from here, since when we dating 'Chinese'/Asian price of Panty-Bra? during Hulk Hogen time say, "since when you dating a girl of 'Chinese priced' Panty-Bra, it not you :disagree: . you have to pay its price in AU$ for the Panty-Bra to date a girl......" the price of Chinese Panty-Bra, Asian products price and here we have reached 'upto now'. :-)

I came to Australia as an International student in 2003, and when we make difference between "made in Japan" and "made in China" product, i walked to St Leonards to buy "made in Japan" Sony laptop on student discount price. "Made in China products were cheap, in price and quality both."
and today, if we go to market then we find only made in China products in Australia, cheap and expansive both. i wonder on these students, "how many of you buy a Sony Laptop and see on the back, is it Made in China or Made in Japan? do you people even know this difference?"
we only have Chinese Laptop in market now. during 2003-04 Sony Laptop was a Product, while its now a 'Commodity', common products which is available in "Made in China" only. and here, Japan-Garmany's products were "We", and "made in China" is not we :no:

from here, what if we have to make-manufacture all the Cars, Laptop etc in Australia, in Japan-Germany 'now'? are we prepared for that? it was also the time, we used to discuss, "what's major difference between Chinese and Indians." and the answer was, "Chinese run their own business, Chinese work for themselves, while Indian students 'usually' work for US-Western firms......" we would now be ready to make all the Car's components, with Laptops etc in Australia, in Japan-Germany, as its 'we'.
and if we have a look on Asia, they have 'total' expertise of Cars-Laptops type thing, we would be ready to manufacture every component of these products. and here, i was talking in my last post#2, "if US-West fall from here? from here????.... then you will have to make-manufacture total TV, Fridge, Aircon etc also. you will break all the records and start from where you will be 'bottom out'. :-)

we will be "bottom-out" with breaking all the records industrial revolutions in US-West, we will start from almost every 'Value Added" components of imported manufactured parts- services also.....

also, i used to carry bag of my then boss, Mr K-J-Lawrence during employment during recession. one day we were coming back from client and he told us, "Time is coming when Japanese are going to copy Chinese technology." later on he responded those who were not happy, "once you have a look on what we do in China and what we do in Japan? its too visible..."
it was answer to your post, "Innovation and technological :turkey:."
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comparing Price of Panty-Bra, manufactured in US/west and Asia
here, since when we dating 'Chinese'/Asian price of Panty-Bra? during Hulk Hogen time say, "since when you dating a girl of 'Chinese priced' Panty-Bra, it not you :disagree: . you have to pay its price in AU$ for the Panty-Bra to date a girl......" the price of Chinese Panty-Bra, Asian products price and here we have reached 'upto now'. :-)

bra panty prices vary a lot even within a country :enjoy:
you might want to try a better example.

Wikipedia, post#14, states that Maratha Ruler became a pensioner of Bithoor-UP, after loosing in 1818-1820 .
show the pension money in 19th century similar to then Maratha rulers, from at least as credible news/reference as Wikipedia, post#14 :-)

Ultimately, the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817–1818) resulted in the loss of Maratha independence. It left the British in control of most of the Indian subcontinent. The Peshwa was exiled to Bithoor (Marat, near Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh) as a pensioner of the British.

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why are you quoting Nixon?

we ruled india for a 1000 years.. we are you daddies ..

dont forget

here we have details of Pensioners, the Royals of India since 1758, the map.
this is list of Indian Kings who have been state governments during Mughal rule also. Mughal Rule, which was nothing but Center government and these regional rulers were State governments

all these Indians state's kings became pensioner at least since 1849, at least, when Sikh Ruler Ranjit Singh lost to British empire

the Sikh Empire was a regional power based in the Punjab region of South Asia.[8] It existed from 1799, when Maharaja Ranjit Singh captured Lahore, to 1849, when it was defeated and conquered by the British East India Company in the 'Second' Anglo-Sikh War.
Forget the guy, he is a moron.

We Muslims ruled South Asia as a minority. Pakistan was created so Muslims do not become a minority in their own lands.

"if you can't change a story, if, it's then a truth and would be accepted." this is news of Wikipedia, my last few posts#39,#40 :enjoy:
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India heads to a glorious Hindu revival under Modi | After 1000 Years Muslim & 100 year British Rule

There is a growing sense in ardent supporters in India that Hindus are in initial stage of its glorious Hindu revival. BJP & RSS ideology has made grips in Indian media and Indian society. Muslims, Christian, Sikhs and even Dalit Hindus are not part of that actual glorious Indian revival under PM Narendar Modi. For starters, he dominates Indian politics in a way not seen since the 1980s. Much of the domestic media acts more like a lap dog than a watchdog, amplifying the government’s talking points and savaging its critics and haters of BJP party.

Although India got punches from Pakistan in Feb 2019, Chinese which took 5 times the size of land of Manhattan from India, pandemic wreak havoc everywhere in India, businesses closing, economy breaking, lost election in Occupied Kashmir, many expensive weapons purchases to teach China and Pakistan a lesson, UAE & Saudia in Indian lap. India has made a remarkable Hindu revival which will finish the 1000 years of Islamic influence and major parts of subcontinent, and also end the British India effects which ruled from 1858 to 1947 for almost 100 years of British Raj in some parts of Pakistan and all of India.

How far is this true, after 1947 and now after 6.5 years under Modi things are now exclusive Hindu domination all over?

Mr Modi is similar to those illiterates who become political people without proper education. Godhara was start of his political career and then BJP's Hindutva, and then he became leader of educated India. an illiterate leading educated India :-)
here we have story of India, which couldn't be changed upto now. :
Ultimately, the Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817–1818) resulted in the loss of Maratha independence. It left the British in control of most of the Indian subcontinent. The Peshwa was exiled to Bithoor (Marat, near Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh) as a pensioner of the British.


=> here the wikipedia news states that during first half of 19th Century, the Lahore was Ruled by Sikh Empire. is this rule of Mughal in first half of 19th century? :-)

the Sikh Empire was a regional power based in the Punjab region of South Asia.[8] It existed from 1799, when Maharaja Ranjit Singh captured Lahore, to 1849, when it was defeated and conquered by the British East India Company in the 'Second' Anglo-Sikh War.
map of South Asia at 1839


it was the last major region of the Indian subcontinent to be annexed by the British Empire.
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whats British proposed to India, Indian leaders never valued.
The same goes for Jinnah - This is what the BRITISH viceroy said about him:
You can’t argue with a man like that. That was his strength, and I don’tthink that anybody who did not know him would believe it.’
What could the British viceroy possibly be arguing with him about? Pakistan. Because the British were desperate to have our homelands handed to radical Hindus in BIMARU on a golden platter. We now know that the radical Hindu line about Pakistan being a British project is false - they wanted us to be part of BHARAT to make defense arrangements in the region after they left much more simple. Your entire country has already renounced Gandhi and celebrate his killers; might as well also stop pushing their tired conspiracy theories too.
The same goes for Jinnah - This is what the BRITISH viceroy said about him:

What could the British viceroy possibly be arguing with him about? Pakistan. Because the British were desperate to have our homelands handed to radical Hindus in BIMARU on a golden platter. We now know that the radical Hindu line about Pakistan being a British project is false - they wanted us to be part of BHARAT to make defense arrangements in the region after they left much more simple. Your entire country has already renounced Gandhi and celebrate his killers; might as well also stop pushing their tired conspiracy theories too.
There was no country by the name "India" under Muslim or British rule. The Mughal Empires borders did not correspond to the border of present-day India.

Neither did the British Raj.

=> https://pdf.defence.pk/threads/why-india-is-an-illegitimate-nation.778568/page-4#post-14595995

sir, have a look on story of Sikh Empire upto 1849, with Sikh Empire map post#43.

from here, did British got Lahore from Sikh Empire? so, does this mean Lahore belong to Sikh Empire, to Maharaja Ranjit SIngh, as, now British got Lahore from Sikh Empire?...

where were Mughal during wars of 19th century, from 1800s to 1849? how Mughal fought for Lahore? who gave Lahore to British? :-)

we have even the pension history for Maratha rulers and Sikh Rulers during 19th century..... no pension news of Mughal/Muslims during second half of 19th century?
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