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Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG


Saudi Arabian women cadets.

I hope that they name one of the female units after women like

What a rich culture. To have recorded women warriors of importance that old. Some of the most important female warriors in history were Arab. Another name (out of quite few) used could be that of Queen Zenobia (ancient famous Arab Queen regent of the Palmyrene Empire).

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That is such a good-looking aircraft and a superb piece of engineering.

@The SC , here's something you don't see too often. Saudi Panavia Tornado with both Saudi and British emblems. Probably in the UK for overhaul. Looks like a Storm Shadow CM on the belly pylon.

View attachment 949555
All the toys in the world and still crap. Very sad. I wish I was wrong
RSAF Eurofighter Typhoon with digital and anniversary camo.
Tapered aerodynamic shape from the nozzles to the bulbous radome flanked by the canard whiskers. A beauty.

Looks like Saudiya's interest in the Rafale is moving closer to fruition. They're requesting a price proposal from Dassault by November 9th. If they agree on the price and follow through with a contract, this will be yet another super significant boost for the powerful RSAF. 54 Rafales. That will make KSA the first operator of both Euro-canards, the EFT2000 & Rafale. Speaking of the Typhoon, this might also be an indication that Saudiya is not happy with the effects of the EFT being a conglomeration creation and specifically Germany's dilly-dallying of tranche upgrades and weapons restriction etc. I also think that it is forcing these manufacturers to compete with one another and that they're not just paying any asked price anymore. It's also a message to the US regarding its strangling sales & usage conditions as well as the refusal of the F-35. Good for Saudiya. Doing it right.


A possible military deal: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia officially submits a request to the French company Dassault to inquire about the purchase price of 54 Rafale aircraft. The French company Dassault Aviation, which manufactures the Rafale aircraft, has until November 10 to respond to Riyadh’s inquiry and send a price quote.
How many Rafales , Muslim countries will have in the next few year? Maybe 250 or more. Definitely more than France, yet it is India which got some technical and production transfer and industrial capacities. Yet another plain, yet another supply chain yet another set of tactics to develop. Anyway it is what it's.
How many Rafales , Muslim countries will have in the next few year? Maybe 250 or more.

Let's take an accurate look at the numbers.

In order of acquisitions:
- Egypt 24 + 30 will have 54 by 2025
- Qatar 36
- Indonesia 24 on contract
- UAE 80
- Saudiya 54 possibly

Total 242
- India 36 EM & DM and 22 M on order
Total 58.

Definitely more than France, yet it is India which got some technical and production transfer and industrial capacities. Yet another plain, yet another supply chain yet another set of tactics to develop. Anyway it is what it's.

I'm not even sure what the Indian procurement for industrial or technology transfer is with their Rafale deal. I know it was a whole convoluted mess once the MMRCA was concluded and they wanted to purchase 126 with an option for 63 more. That's a huge number of aircraft and the only way a sole company like Dassault would ever agree to a ToT contract, is if the purchasing party buys a huge bunch of aircraft. That's probably why the deal fell through originally because Dassault just wanted way too much money and the Indians were smart enough to put a hold on it. In the end, I know they got some industrial and local manufacturing or certain components only, but nothing substantial IIRC.

Anyway, I hope we're not in some form of competition with the India which has 200 million Muslim Indians itself.

I think no matter how well Arab & Muslim countries do, or succeed in, there will always be some form of criticism levied on us. Impossible for Arabs/Muslims to ever do the right thing and please everyone. :D
Brother I am basically a bit sad about this situation.
Also I think that India is potential danger not only to Indian Muslims but in future can become problematic for Gulf Countries as well.
Looks like Saudiya's interest in the Rafale is moving closer to fruition. They're requesting a price proposal from Dassault by November 9th. If they agree on the price and follow through with a contract, this will be yet another super significant boost for the powerful RSAF. 54 Rafales. That will make KSA the first operator of both Euro-canards, the EFT2000 & Rafale. Speaking of the Typhoon, this might also be an indication that Saudiya is not happy with the effects of the EFT being a conglomeration creation and specifically Germany's dilly-dallying of tranche upgrades and weapons restriction etc. I also think that it is forcing these manufacturers to compete with one another and that they're not just paying any asked price anymore. It's also a message to the US regarding its strangling sales & usage conditions as well as the refusal of the F-35. Good for Saudiya. Doing it right.


A possible military deal: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia officially submits a request to the French company Dassault to inquire about the purchase price of 54 Rafale aircraft. The French company Dassault Aviation, which manufactures the Rafale aircraft, has until November 10 to respond to Riyadh’s inquiry and send a price quote.

Because of Saudi Arabia, the “Eurofighter Typhoon” program in Germany is approaching its end



Michael Schöllhorn, CEO of Airbus Defense and Space and president of the German Aviation Industry Association, warned that the German government's decision would lead to the Eurofighter program being halted in Germany. Schöllhorn called on the government to start producing a new series of aircraft, known as Tranche 5, by 2025 to avoid this scenario.

The German government's ban on Typhoon exports to Saudi Arabia will remain in place. This is evidenced by the British Prime Minister's unsuccessful personal intervention, which confirms Berlin's commitment to maintaining this decision. This position is largely influenced by the Green Party, currently the largest political faction in Germany.

The future of Germany's Eurofighter program is unclear, but the German government needs to decide soon whether to order a new series of Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft. If it does not, Germany's Eurofighter program will come to an end, which will have disastrous consequences for the German military aviation industry.


“Bloomberg”: Saudi Arabia is considering purchasing 54 French “Rafale” fighters

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