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Tree Plantation in Pakistan

New imported gov't will go on tree cutting spree as the current imported PM oversaw and disappearance of tree cover from Lahore and surrounding areas through their 30 years of mismanagement as CM Punjab.
New imported gov't will go on tree cutting spree as the current imported PM oversaw and disappearance of tree cover from Lahore and surrounding areas through their 30 years of mismanagement as CM Punjab.
That is what i fear.

All the work that IK did for climate change risk management as well as fundamentally alterating the landscape for enabling olive trees; i think these useless dodos will wipe the slate clean
Mangrove cover expands by over 4 times in 2 decades, though experts voice concern on degradation

Anadolu Agency
July 25, 2022

Pakistan's mangrove cover has seen rapid expansion along the Arabian Sea over the past two decades due to coordinated efforts by government agencies and environmental organizations.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency on the eve of the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, which is celebrated on July 26 every year, Tahir Rasheed, a regional director of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Pakistan, said that in Southeast Asia, Pakistan is the only country where mangrove cover has increased dramatically over the last two decades.

Between 1999-2021, the vulnerable mangrove area along Pakistan’s 1,050-kilometer (652-mile) coastline has increased to over 200,000 hectares (over 494,000 acres) from 46,000 hectares (over a 113,000 acres).

A colossal chunk of mangrove forest falls in southern Sindh province, whereas southwestern Balochistan province, which boasts a 700-kilometer (435-mile) coastline, shares a meager portion of nearly 4,000 hectares.

“We witnessed a decline of mangrove forest from 600,000 hectares along the Sindh coastline in the early 20th century to merely 46,000 hectares in the mid-1980s. However, the cover area of mangroves has increased to over 200,000 hectares along the Sindh and Balochistan coastline over the past two decades,” Rasheed said.

Due to the “well-coordinated” plantation and rehabilitation campaigns by the Sindh Forest Department the federal government, WWF-Pakistan, and civil society organizations, the country’s mangrove cover is increasing at a “good pace,” he went on to say.

A host of projects by WWF-Pakistan alone have contributed 16,000 hectares to the country’s overall mangrove cover, apart from the rehabilitation of 32,000 hectares, he added.

Danger still lurking

Mangroves, a group of trees and shrubs that grow in the intertidal regions of tropical and subtropical coastlines, are significantly important for ecosystems and are considered the first line of defense against cyclones, strong surges, tsunamis, and other natural calamities.

The Sindh coast, particularly the port city of Karachi, has been reeling from a relentless process of morphological changes mainly due to anthropogenic activities including industrial pollution, soil erosion, deforestation, rapid industrialization, urbanization, and land degradation in addition to natural processes.

Industrial and economic infrastructure development, land-grabbing and inhabitation along the coast, and the construction of huts at beaches have adversely impacted the marine ecosystems and mangroves of the adjoining creeks, say environmentalists.

Making matters worse, some natural phenomena such as high energy waves, tidal currents, and strong winds during monsoons have also influenced changes along the coast.

Acknowledging a “rapid” increase in mangrove cover in the country, Hammad Gilani, a Lahore-based environmentalist, nonetheless observed that the danger is still lurking.

“Mangroves along Pakistan’s coastal belt and Indus Delta are still facing two key threats in the form of sea intrusion and degradation,” Gilani, a researcher at the International Water Management Institute in Lahore, told Anadolu Agency.

“Deforestation (of mangroves) is not a big problem. But degradation, which includes some justifiable livestock needs, is really an issue,” he argued.

He noted that rising sea levels have long been wreaking havoc on mangroves, especially in the Indus Delta, from where the Indus River flows into the Arabian Sea.

Also, mangroves require a systematic flow of fresh water, which unfortunately does not persist at the moment, he said.

Gilani noted that the South Asian country has seen a rapid augmentation in mangrove cover after the 2010 massive floods, which, although inundating a fifth of Pakistan, made up for a freshwater shortage.

Sharing a similar view, Rasheed said: "To keep the momentum going, we have to create awareness among the masses, and especially the policymakers, about the environmental significance of the mangroves and reinforce how important they are as the threat is not over yet."

Bulwark against sea battering

Thick mangroves have long protected Karachi and its coastal communities from erosion caused by the Arabian Sea's unending waves, observed Shabina Faraz, a Karachi-based expert, who often writes on the environment.

However, she added, the fragile ecosystem faces numerous threats, from coastal development, urbanization, and encroachment to the commercial exploitation of mangroves, reduction of freshwater flows and sedimentation, erosion of coastal areas, chemical dumping, and raw sewage.

"Karachi city alone contributes 500 million gallons of untreated water to the sea. Apart from that, polluted water from 6,000 industries also contributes high-impact pollutants to the Arabian sea that negatively affect the mangrove ecosystem and marine fauna," she maintained, speaking to Anadolu Agency.

Gilani, the Lahore-based expert, said that despite an increasing mangrove cover, satellite imagery has punctuated the need for national-scale carbon sequestration reporting for a performance-based payment mechanism flowing from developed countries to developing ones.

Seconding his view, Faraz said carbon sequestration reporting could add to the national economy "significantly."
U Microfinance Bank in collaboration with the Capital Development Authority (CDA) organized a tree plantation drive on 12th August, 2022 at G-8/1 Islamabad.

To celebrate the onset of monsoons, U Bank employees participated in plantation activity. 5,000 trees were planted in order to continue U Bank’s drive to be an environmentally conscious company.

U Microfinance Bank is led by a triple bottom line ambition and have been organizing tree plantation campaigns every year. Cognizant of the impact of its work on the planet, U Bank has kept its tradition alive and has been playing its part in conserving and protecting environment from the past four years. The initiative is part of U Bank’s larger vision as a company to work towards reducing its carbon and waste footprint as well as incurring a set of products to support climate resilience and a sustainable change in society as a whole.

Emphasizing the need to conserve and safeguard the environment U Microfinance Bank President & CEO, Mr. Kabeer Naqvi said, “There is a dire need to initiate such drives in order to reduce the adverse impacts of climate change. U Bank has always been taking steps to protect the environment. We are committed to our ambition in consciously designing products to support our fragile environment which is constantly under threat from climate change. Let us all pledge not only to plant trees but also nurture them”.
CDA Islamabad..

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has developed the world’s largest Urban Miyawaki Forest in collaboration with a private organization.

The CDA Chairman, Captain (retired) Muhammad Usman Yunus, and the Managing Director (MD) of Mari Petroleum, Faheem Haider, inaugurated the forest by planting saplings in the H-12 Sector of Islamabad. Other CDA officials were also present at the occasion.

The forest covers an area of 17 acres (740,520 square feet). The first 20,000 large-sized saplings of different species have already been planted, while the plantation will continue, making the forest larger gradually. A special protective fence has been installed to protect the plantation.

Usman Younis congratulate MPCL for working with CDA for the construction of forest. He stated further that Islamabad is already a green city and addition of more 20,000 plants would make it more greener.

He moreover informed that there are not many saplings which are left to be planted because of environmental pollution but the CDA administration is making an effort to plant additional saplings.

Whereas, Akira Miyawaki was a Japanese botanist who was the specialist in seeds and natural forest and a directive authority in Plant Ecology.

Moreover, Akira also worked in the restoration of natural vegetation on degraded land as a specialist all over the world.
Fruit farms development in Bahria Town Karachi..

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