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The threat of the growing Egyptian military power, an Israeli study

even though sisi is an israeli puppet these illegal european squatters will never accept any stable Muslim country in the region.
The amount of unity between our Muslim majority nations is beyond my expectation.
No wonder why an apartheid state like Israel still survives to this day.
the crusaders survived for almost 90 years the last time when they captured Al Quds. even though at that time Muslims were a force to b reckon with.
It has literally no use. My Palestinian friend told me that any male Palestinian under the age of 50 and over the age of 18 is not allowed to visit Egypt except for studies. Imagine the BS. His father is too old to travel and he have the property in Egypt and they can't sell it because his son can't travel to Egypt. This is the level of influence Zionists have in these so called Muslim countries.
sisi is in bed with his zionist masters. ever since he was installed by the western powers he has provided no support to the Palestinian cause.
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[QUOTE = "AZMwi ، البريد: 13377923 ، العضو: 202454"]
على الرغم من أن السيسي دمية إسرائيلية ، فلن يقبل هؤلاء المستقطنون الأوروبيون غير الشرعيين أبدًا أي دولة إسلامية مستقرة في المنطقة.

نجا الصليبيون لما يقرب من 90 عامًا في المرة الأخيرة عندما استولوا على القدس. رغم أن المسلمين في ذلك الوقت كانوا قوة يحسب لها حساب.

السيسي في الفراش مع أسياده الصهاينة. منذ أن تم تنصيبه من قبل القوى الغربية لم يقدم أي دعم للقضية الفلسطينية.
even though sisi is an israeli puppet these illegal european squatters will never accept any stable Muslim country in the region.

the crusaders survived for almost 90 years the last time when they captured Al Quds. even though at that time Muslims were a force to b reckon with.

sisi is in bed with his zionist masters. ever since he was installed by the western powers he has provided no support to the Palestinian cause.
The merit of Egypt does not deny the Palestinian cause except the ungrateful. There are many cases in Egypt
The Jews themselves did not speak like you, the Islamic countries are the last of them with microphones only and they will not do anything
You have become like idols from which there is no harm or benefit. You are deaf and blind.
وفضيلة مصر لا تنكر القضية الفلسطينية إلا الجاحد. هناك حالات كثيرة في مصر
اليهود انفسهم لم يتكلموا مثلك الدول الاسلامية اخرهم بالميكروفونات فقط ولن يفعلوا شيئا
صرت مثل الأصنام التي لا ضرر منها ولا منفعة. أنت أصم وأعمى.
even though sisi is an israeli puppet these illegal european squatters will never accept any stable Muslim country in the region.

the crusaders survived for almost 90 years the last time when they captured Al Quds. even though at that time Muslims were a force to b reckon with.

sisi is in bed with his zionist masters. ever since he was installed by the western powers he has provided no support to the Palestinian cause.
He made clear he wanted to rebuild Gaza and sent egyptian ambulances and built field hospitals for the Palestinians in Gaza, sisi even phoned Netanyahu and told him if only one Egyptian was to be killed helping the gazans, its as if your going after all of egypt and we will retaliate. Wonder why israel accepted the ceasefire then, rockets from Hamas caused a big ruckus against the iron dome, so what makes them think they can go toe to toe with the EGYS in 21? Meanwhile what did turkey do? Just sent a turban helmet medallion to Mahmood abbas in "solidarity" and called it a day?
ven though sisi is an israeli puppet these illegal european squatters will never accept any stable Muslim country in the region.
Every guy who cares for his country is an "Israeli puppet"? Really? This is becoming silly. All "real muslims" are saying "oh oh,this guy won't fight Israel,he's a puppet" for Arab leaders. You know that Palestinians were fighting themselves? Didn't the 2008 Gaza takeover tell you something? The cause of Palestine has eventually destroyed a lot of countries. And the Palestinians themselves were fighting each other.
The slaves are occupied by the Americans and NATO with 28 military bases. They are the first to recognize Israel and their military industry is based on military industries. They abuse Israel by day, lick the shoes of the Jews, and sleep in their beds at night.

WRONG!!! The very first Muslim majority country to recognize israel was Turkey, in March 1949. Important thing to remember here is how soon after israel's creation, did Turkey recognize that zionist state. As the zionist-fascist state was created in May 1948. In other words, it was less than a year after israel declared statehood, that Turkey rushed to recognize it.

I am not here to defend any state, rather expose their true nature. Any Muslim country that recognizes that zionist+fascist state, is going against Islam and is defacto submitting to zionist hegemony.
Is human rights watch credible source ?
seems like Sisi wanted to secure his power by removing any opposition by any means necessary.

It would be better to ask your traitor government to open boarders to Muslims in Myanmar who are being Slaughtered rather than saying fake propaganda about a country that 10,000 KMs away from you and you don’t know any thing about it .
even though sisi is an israeli puppet these illegal european squatters will never accept any stable Muslim country in the region.

the crusaders survived for almost 90 years the last time when they captured Al Quds. even though at that time Muslims were a force to b reckon with.

sisi is in bed with his zionist masters. ever since he was installed by the western powers he has provided no support to the Palestinian cause.

you dare to mention the Crusades…!!
my ancestors fought the crusaders and defended Al-AqSA while your were eating and enjoying Their lives ..!

just yesterday, I was in the Egyptian city in the heart of the Nile Delta ( Al-Mansoura ) or “ the victorious “ where the Egyptians defeated the 7th crusade that directed to the heart of Egypt to destroy Egypt that fought those invading crusaders in the previous 6 times) …. In Mansoura battle 1250 , Lois IX of France army was destroyed and he himself captured prisoner in ( IBN LOKMAN HOUSE) he is a judge at that time ….. and in 1973 there was another battle in Al-Manoura which is Mansoura Air Battle where about 20 Israeli fighterjets downed by EAF fighters while defending Mansoura Air base , the battle consisted of about 200 fighters engaging for 50 minutes … which considered the longest air battle since WWII.
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Direct military conflict between Israel and Egypt is highly unlikely. Egypt does need to be conscious to Israel's shadow wars against the Arab world. The Zionists have reeked havoc in Arab countries using the "Arab spring" and regional sectarian conflicts (Sunni v Shia, Arab v Turk, and Arab v Iranian). A MENA bloc that includes Arab nations, Turkey and Iran will be superpower that can resolve the worlds energy crisis. Overland energy links to Europe and Asia from MENA will be critical in the post-dollar future.
It would be better to ask your traitor government to open boarders to Muslims in Myanmar who are being Slaughtered rather than saying fake propaganda about a country that 10,000 KMs away from you and you don’t know any thing about it .
:lol: we have , keep up, more than 120K Rohingyas living with us as refugees.
Human rights watch is propaganda :lol:
The fact is that Usrael has always seen the Egyptian military power _growing or not_ as a threat..

The best examples are their blitzkrieg attack on Egypt in 1967.. and worst yet..their defeat in the Ramadan war in 1973..
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Good job Egypt, but focus on economy first

This is how you really grow
Egypt has great growth capabilities in exploiting obsolete and stockpiled combat aircraft, or which will soon be out of service, by converting them into UCAV aircraft.

By removing many components, as well as the oxygen generator with avionics, developing engines, reducing the weight of the structure and increasing the volume of fuel in the aircraft.

It owns 40 Alpha-jet planes that can be converted into UCAV planes
Reducing the weight to 2.5-2.75 tons instead of 3.5 tons
Exploiting this to increase the range of the froth of internal fuel and the armament capacity of 2.5-3 tons and make the working radius of 800-1200 km
And supplying it with a variety of eastern and western munitions

alphjet uav.jpg

Egypt has 40+ L-59 Super Albatros aircraft with an armament load of 2 tons that can be converted into a UCAV aircraft with a working radius of 500 km


Egypt has 80 Mirage 5 aircraft removed from service by completing the entry of 30 Rafale aircraft and 50 MIG-35 aircraft
It can be converted into 80 loyal Wingman aircraft for the Mirage-2000 and the Egyptian Rafale


Egypt can convert 30 Egyptian F-4E Phantoms into UCAVs
It was cut into suicide planes loaded with munitions against large-sized targets such as reactors or dams
WhatsApp Image 2021-10-21 at 10.40.13 PM.jpeg
Egypt has 100 MIG-21s and 100 F-7s , 50 F-6 aircraft,

China has previously converted chinese F-6 these aircraft to UCAV

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-21 at 10.40.30 PM.jpeg

Vietnam and Syria have already converted their MIG-21s into UCAVs
with 3000KG weapons

China has converted its F-7 and F-6 aircraft into UCAVs
Egypt can buy the old Sudanese planes of these models, which exceed 40 planes, to convert more of them into UCAV planes.


Egypt has 150 helicopters SA-341/342 GAZELLE
Convert it to an ATTACK UAV after removing the seats and it can be converted into an unmanned light transport helicopter
It will support 150 AH-64/KA-52/MI-24/35 . aircraft
It is planned that the Egyptian Air Force will reach it to support the Egyptian ground forces

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