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Featured Indian Chronicles: deep dive into a 15-year operation targeting the EU and UN to serve Indian interests

First ask BJP to settle the Kashmiri pandits back in Kashmir, they are the real Kashmiris. My Mom had left the valley in 1990 due to terr0rism.

Settling is one thing.

Protecting them and ensuring their safety a whole different thing.

That is a place where a soldier is not safe.

Sab bolbacchan hai.

Cheers, Doc
Settling is one thing.

Protecting them and ensuring their safety a whole different thing.

That is a place where a soldier is not safe.

Sab bolbacchan hai.

Cheers, Doc
Nah, many are leaving the guns and joining the Indian Army. There are already thousands serving here. The more we seal our borders the less infiltration will happen and the less firearms will come to the valley.
Nah, many are leaving the guns and joining the Indian Army. There are already thousands serving here. The more we seal our borders the less infiltration will happen and the less firearms will come to the valley.

It takes one jihadi firing one bullet or exploding one bomb to kill you.

You don't need millions.

Inki dukan darr par khadi hai.

Cheers, Doc
First ask BJP to settle the Kashmiri pandits back in Kashmir, they are the real Kashmiris. My Mom had left the valley in 1990 due to terr0rism.

That will happen when more job opportunities happens. With EC allowing voting from any part of India, they can be in Bihar and still vote for their respective constituency in kashmir.

This should be the new emblem of the Troll Republic of India
China openly pokes into our internal matters already, they claim whole Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh to be theirs, they literally have border disputes with more countries than which it shares borders with. Chinese communism has an expansionism ideology.
China has become the most powerful market controller in Asia. In certain sectors, it has penetrated deep in to Euro-American markets by creating its own brand of consumerism in those countries. China has made his dream of combining labour, skill and science and created a new world order which has made better human life possible.
The capitalist West started consuming more than it required, creating a natural imbalance. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has created a new crisis in its consumerism. Though its contours are still not clear, a post-corona world order is likely to emerge.
The country could not afford to keep China out of its markets as Chinese products helped low income groups improve their standard of living. China bazars are available in every Indian city and people, particularly those on low incomes, throng these to buy cheap goods.
The cold war between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping will not resemble the cold war between the US and the USSR in the 1950s, 60s and 70s.The USSR had no household and kitchen market control over any nation of that time. In contrast, China has used ‘socialist’ organizational skills to harness the quantity and quality of its labour-power – 1.4 billion hard-working people, with a good agricultural base and skills. As a result, it has improved the lives of people all over the world, particularly in Asian and African countries Affordable Chinese products have changed the lifestyle of vast masses.
BJP ideologues are now saying that in post-COVID times, the India of their Hindutva will take the place of China in global markets. But has India prepared its labour force to challenge the Chinese skilled labour force? Can India produce goods and commodities as cheap and durable as they do?

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh survived for 95 years with a cultural nationalism fuelled by its anti-Muslim/anti-Pakistan agenda. The RSS-BJP never thought of improving the skills of India’s labour force as they come from the so-called lower castes. While Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism and Marxism believe in human equality and dignity of labour, the RSS’s ideology is rooted in Kautilya, Manu and Golwalkar’s thought and it never campaigned for human equality and dignity of labour. How can it challenge the Chinese labour force, which lives labour as life? Can the slogan of “Jai Sri Ram” challenge the Chinese slogan, “Let a hundred flowers bloom and a thousand schools of thought contend”? This slogan may never have been implemented in the political sphere but who can deny the phenomenal growth of China’s economy is the result of a thousand natural science and social science thoughts expanding and contending? Don't live in Paradise of fool worlds. Dream of Akanda Bharat which is also your expansion ideology.

China and India shared borders but they never shared cultures. They live in distinctly different cultures. China’s rural industry is capable of producing goods for all sorts of cultural and commercial markets. Where is the rural industry in India? While announcing his stimulus for post-corona economic activity, Narendra Modi talked about establishing cottage industries. But where is the skilled labour in rural India to produce goods and commodities for the global market’s tastes? Modi wants our local products to become global brands. How? All we are seeing from Modi ji ..surgical strike on Pakistan and when Pakistan return pilot with fantastic tea, Modi attacks on Muslim CAA bills, Farmers, Kashimir lockdown, etc etc ...Modi is just protecting the west and abani/andani interest and using you guys as a vote bank for next election.
China has become the most powerful market controller in Asia. In certain sectors, it has penetrated deep in to Euro-American markets by creating its own brand of consumerism in those countries. China has made his dream of combining labour, skill and science and created a new world order which has made better human life possible.
The capitalist West started consuming more than it required, creating a natural imbalance. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has created a new crisis in its consumerism. Though its contours are still not clear, a post-corona world order is likely to emerge.
The country could not afford to keep China out of its markets as Chinese products helped low income groups improve their standard of living. China bazars are available in every Indian city and people, particularly those on low incomes, throng these to buy cheap goods.
The cold war between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping will not resemble the cold war between the US and the USSR in the 1950s, 60s and 70s.The USSR had no household and kitchen market control over any nation of that time. In contrast, China has used ‘socialist’ organizational skills to harness the quantity and quality of its labour-power – 1.4 billion hard-working people, with a good agricultural base and skills. As a result, it has improved the lives of people all over the world, particularly in Asian and African countries Affordable Chinese products have changed the lifestyle of vast masses.
BJP ideologues are now saying that in post-COVID times, the India of their Hindutva will take the place of China in global markets. But has India prepared its labour force to challenge the Chinese skilled labour force? Can India produce goods and commodities as cheap and durable as they do?

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh survived for 95 years with a cultural nationalism fuelled by its anti-Muslim/anti-Pakistan agenda. The RSS-BJP never thought of improving the skills of India’s labour force as they come from the so-called lower castes. While Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism and Marxism believe in human equality and dignity of labour, the RSS’s ideology is rooted in Kautilya, Manu and Golwalkar’s thought and it never campaigned for human equality and dignity of labour. How can it challenge the Chinese labour force, which lives labour as life? Can the slogan of “Jai Sri Ram” challenge the Chinese slogan, “Let a hundred flowers bloom and a thousand schools of thought contend”? This slogan may never have been implemented in the political sphere but who can deny the phenomenal growth of China’s economy is the result of a thousand natural science and social science thoughts expanding and contending? Don't live in Paradise of fool worlds. Dream of Akanda Bharat which is also your expansion ideology.

China and India shared borders but they never shared cultures. They live in distinctly different cultures. China’s rural industry is capable of producing goods for all sorts of cultural and commercial markets. Where is the rural industry in India? While announcing his stimulus for post-corona economic activity, Narendra Modi talked about establishing cottage industries. But where is the skilled labour in rural India to produce goods and commodities for the global market’s tastes? Modi wants our local products to become global brands. How? All we are seeing from Modi ji ..surgical strike on Pakistan and when Pakistan return pilot with fantastic tea, Modi attacks on Muslim CAA bills, Farmers, Kashimir lockdown, etc etc ...Modi is just protecting the west and abani/andani interest and using you guys as a vote bank for next election.

Bhai, khana kya chahte ho?

You dont know what CAA is? You dont know what Farm Bills are? You dont know what Kashmir lockdown was about?

If you just focus on these 3 ( pure facts), you will be amazed at Modi .
India went to UN and not Pakistan and the only reason why India has not withdrawn the resolutions is the occupation by pakistan of J&K parts. Its instrument of accession that is the legal instrument and not some UN resolutions in Schedule which is not mandatory even as per UN. Your army and politicians hide facts but yiu have google. Just search and educate yourself.

India will come for the occupied part the way China will come for Taiwan. Another decade and India will by that time put it shit together as the 3rd largest world economy , supported by all..except 5 or 6 countries.

I am already planning to buy a plot of land in Kashmir valley. Love Kasmiri people, have classmates from Kashmir. But you dont do this mistake in the occupied part.
Was it an error of judgment on India part to have rushed to the UN? After lifting article 370, you brought back Kashimir in 1947. It is a cardinal principle of diplomacy that once you bring your dispute out in the open, the busybodies of the world will take over. Anyone and everyone feel free to interject. kashimir status is now rogue states in the world; anybody with might power takes over this state. These slogans are just slogans warn that he would not back down, 'even if Kashmir, India, and the whole world went to pieces. No value in real life. You have tasted us; did we back off from Kashimir? We know how to fight with courage, and we proved to the world, which you don't have just wording or overflow of hormones in social media.
Nehru knew these facts because India cant win war with Pakistan which is why he rushed to the UN.
Please don't bring the 1971 pocket-size picture, which you always carry in your pocket for immediate worship daily.
Bhai, khana kya chahte ho?

You dont know what CAA is? You dont know what Farm Bills are? You dont know what Kashmir lockdown was about?

If you just focus on these 3 ( pure facts), you will be amazed at Modi .
Simple and easy understanding, Modi is just protecting Abani/Andani's corporate interest by the rubber stamp of Indian bills.
There's a link with CPEC on farmers' bills, how? figure out yourself. CAA , we knew very well how it links to us.
PDM is taking direction directly from you, why should you talk?
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Bhai, khana kya chahte ho?

You dont know what CAA is? You dont know what Farm Bills are? You dont know what Kashmir lockdown was about?

If you just focus on these 3 ( pure facts), you will be amazed at Modi .
They know nothing just want to become experts by poking into our internal issues. By that logic there are opposition rallies all over Pakistan which no one in India is talking about in personal level. Not even one guy at Defence Forum India is even talking about PDM rallies but here everyone is farm bills, caa nrc etc etc.
Was it an error of judgment on India part to have rushed to the UN? After lifting article 370, you brought back Kashimir in 1947. It is a cardinal principle of diplomacy that once you bring your dispute out in the open, the busybodies of the world will take over. Anyone and everyone feel free to interject. kashimir status is now rogue states in the world; anybody with might power takes over this state. These slogans are just slogans warn that he would not back down, 'even if Kashmir, India, and the whole world went to pieces. No value in real life. You have tasted us; did we back off from Kashimir? We know how to fight with courage, and we proved to the world, which you don't have just wording or overflow of hormones in social media.
Nehru knew these facts because India cant win war with Pakistan which is why he rushed to the UN.
Please don't bring the 1971 pocket-size picture, which you always carry in your pocket for immediate worship daily.

Simple and easy understanding, Modi is just protecting Abani/Andani's corporate interest by the rubber stamp of Indian bills.
There's a link with CPEC on farmers' bills, how? figure out yourself. CAA , we knew very well how it links to us.
PDM is taking direction directly from you, why should you talk?

Dude, India is India. It will do what it will do. Dont confuse it with any other country in the world. At its worst, it lead NAM...WHEN IT WAS POOR AS POOR CAN BE now NOW...it will frame rules of game...very soon...

In the meabtime, just see hiw your new Daddy is sweating

Dude, India is India. It will do what it will do. Dont confuse it with any other country in the world. At its worst, it lead NAM...WHEN IT WAS POOR AS POOR CAN BE now NOW...it will frame rules of game...very soon...

In the meabtime, just see hiw your new Daddy is sweating

don't quote srivast group media. it is all fake media propaganda. this is right coming out from China legit source and enjoy what your daddy is saying about you

Or read this book before your IA delete it , it saying you can’t defeat us written your own author because Truth hurts. And nowadays truth is really hurting the blind bhakts.

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