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The Hybrid War On Hybrid War In Pakisan

@Shane @Verve @PakSword @graphican @ps3linux @HRK @Signalian @The Eagle @Dubious @MastanKhan @RIWWIR @Pakhtoon yum @Horus @StormBreaker @waz @Oscar @WebMaster @messiach @Sine Nomine @Counter-Errorist @Khafee @fitpOsitive

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland....

This thesis I have highlighted many a times... hopefully, it would be becoming clearer now... Even good Asad Umar in his presser yesterday mentioned it in an understated manner.

CPEC is NOT just a road or some powerplants or some SEZs... Nah,... CPEC is one critical component of Global Power Architecture ... with Phase 3 this will become clear to everyone...with eyesight. We are just entering Phase 2.

The US staying so long in the bad lands of Kabuliz aka Afghanistan was not for the love of Kabuliz but for this very Global Power Architecture ... Talibans provided more headache than percieved ... so now it has become a daldal of gule.

We all remember those infamouse maps of BloodBorders ... and that interview of an American on RT about breaking up of Pakistan on Ethnofacist lines... all bit the dust... Pakistan is here to stay... Fencing the border is going as planned... quite a monumental task... kinda building a smaller version of The Chinese Wall... let us call it The Pakistani Wall.

The Hybridwar
started with quite some vigour and Pakistan suffered, suffered and suffered...

DoMore. DoMore. DoMore
... as psychological warfare tool... trying to break the back of PakState with willing accomplices like ever smiling Zardari and nihari eating, now dying, Nawaz...

Visit the DarkDecade and the policies of the two... from 18th Amendment to not having a Foreign Minister to IsaqDollar doing his EconomicTerrorism to creating astronomical NationalDebt to keeping the Dollar-PKR parity through atrificial means... to destroying SteelMills / PIA... on and on... the Darkness of the last decade went...

In the same period... the breathing space to both GanguDaesh and Kabuli Gov.... building a narrative against the victim of terrorism Pakistan as terror sponsor... with 80k Dead and $220+Bln loss to economy and NO ONE defending Pakistan...
DawnLeaks1 to help the buddies and the DawnLeaks2 just to give some extra help in ICJ in Den Haag. Those were the golden days of Hybridwar!

Everyone wishes to take credit of CPEC in Pakistan... whereas it started in Mao and Ayyud Khan time as KKH project.

We, Paks, as people and as State, don't like to think .. let alone plan 50 years ahead.

Who deserve the credit for this long term thinking?

Anyhow, as always, it is between the Pentagon and the American people...once again... the American people want out of the hellhole of Afghanistan and the Pentagon wishes to stay there for a few decades...

Think South Korea, think Japan...and then link it to Afghanistan... picture must be clearer now.

Add to it Hybridwar on China through both TradeWar and HongKongProtests and added juice of love for muslims in China... while the same lovers of Muslims don't utter a word when someone burns the Holy Quran in Norway.... Love is truly blind!

Now the elegant Mrs. Wells is having sleepless nights because of the pain she feels for the people of Pakistan and their future... is highly touching.

Wasn't Mrs. Wells, directly or indirectly, part of those people who were egging on the Ever Ready Zardari Regime to sell off PakNukes for $100Bln under the Friends of Pakistan chadar?
Oh, the PeePee walaz... wanted those $... the same SMQ and same Zinda hae Bhutto lot .... and now Billo is doing dallas for whom?

Tough talk of the yester years and concern of today.. is the thrust of the same policy... it would be foolish to conclude it as victory of some sort... we Paks are rather quick at such things.. given Thinking is not our forte... yet!

What does it tell you... take a pause and SEE
.... one day elegant Mrs. Wells shows her deep concern and love for Pakistan and the next day the Chinese Ambassador in Isl gives an uncharachteristic, sharp reply... and then understated presser from Asad Umar (10/10 for AU for the presser!!!)

EconomicTerrorism not only hollows out a State it also takes away options to deploy Policy Instruements as well... not to mention Sovereignty of sorts... not that we, Paks, have been fully or even partially Sovereign ... sans 1948, 1965, 1971, 1984, 1998 (without Noora consent) ...and on 27th Feb 2019..

Underestimating the US will be mortal mistake.

With its deep ingress, roots within the PakSystem.. from Political Parties to coconut Babuz to MarasiMedia to Foreign Office to FIA to judiciary to, of course, FazoolMullahMaffia... The Octupus Hold!

So, here we stand.... GanguFacistRegime on one side wishing/designing that we vanish from the face of the Earth as PakState to BloodBorders Architects on the other.. working hand in glove... one has regional goals and the other global agenda... call it perfect match of Strategic Interests ...

However, 27th Feb was Paradigm breaking event... all that jazz about superpower went thoos... and what came out of that decade long media imagine building excercise was a naked, vintage war machine... so everyone went back to drawing board and we, Paks, went to sleep...

PakKashmiris totally forgotten... how long has there been curfew?
Anything on MarasiMedia?
Anything from MarasiUnitedFront aka ALL political parties?
Anything from PMIK?

First the FuzlaGangsters took all the attention on MarasiMedia... or it was given... then right on cue... Noora popped in Services Hospital with ONLY 6000 Platelets to make Medical History... clean shaven, sitting on the front seat of SUV and not an ambulance... and then walking directly into the resthouse...without any aid.. Miracles do happen.

Ever wondered that it was not just our esteemd Establishment...but other Forces which got Noora out?

From Londonistan the plastic superme leader will go to Boston and stay there with NanniTweetni in toe... Miracles of Justice to be seen in a week or two... Lahore HC shall not disappoint its trusted customers. Satisfaction guaranteed 100%!!!

  • Freedom is NEVER given.
  • Sovereignty is NEVER awarded...
  • Both require Vision, Thinking and Sacrifice.

PMIK might be a Pakistani Leader but his cabinet might have other masters than him or State of Pakistan...

Asad Umar acted PakNationalist and tried to protect economic/financial Sovereignty of Pakistan... his BBC interview and then his keeping Chin up in D.C... Weaponised Finance didn't like that one bit...and drops in the Undertaker... Asad goes looking at butterflies...and then the new Governor of SBP... who made these choices?

It is not over. It is just starting.

A State like Pakistan, if allowed to develop and become even semi Sovereign... would change the Economic, Strategic and Security dynamics of not only Eurasia, ME but also of EastAfrica ...

There have been Two Strategic Reliefs in our 72 years of 'new' history... both benefitted the US/West and China... we as cannon fodder paid the price and are still paying it dearly...

The Thrid Strategic Relief will change the Global Power Architecture and lay the foundations of the return of Power to East after 500+ years. If it succeeds, that is.

SCO is NOTHING without Pakistan... and Gawadar is not just a port.

The political 'unrest' or bazarism in MarasiParliment... MarasiMedia spreading daily rumours and fasad or Noora/Zardari going abroad or FazoolMullahMaffia acting way beyond its size and of course, Afghanistan and IoJK are all interlinked...

The Hybridwar on Pakistan continues and we haven't developed a comprehensive counter yet... CPEC Command is going to dovetail CPEC Authority ... should be announced sooner than later.

And of course, Kashmir Issue will be solved when China wants it to be solved. We must learn to SEE and Think!

Sweet, elegant Mrs. Wells has actually announced the Next Phase... and we need to decipher NOT the words but Thinking...

We can also offer a American Pakistan Economic Corridor with dedicated SEZs for American companies... but without DoMore. DoMore in the mix.

Can Pakistan act as Friends Not Masters?

Does the PakState and political leadership have the basic understanding of Statecraft and Jinnah Doctorine?

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland!!
As kids, we learnt formal and informal writing, think there is a need of 3rd one and you shall be the definer of that. Very nice style, always love it. Bolds and underlines, put emphasis on important and ‘must-focus’ points.
@Shane @Verve @PakSword @graphican @ps3linux @HRK @Signalian @The Eagle @Dubious @MastanKhan @RIWWIR @Pakhtoon yum @Horus @StormBreaker @waz @Oscar @WebMaster @messiach @Sine Nomine @Counter-Errorist @Khafee @fitpOsitive @Slav Defence @Reddington

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland....

This thesis I have highlighted many a times... hopefully, it would be becoming clearer now... Even good Asad Umar in his presser yesterday mentioned it in an understated manner.

CPEC is NOT just a road or some powerplants or some SEZs... Nah,... CPEC is one critical component of Global Power Architecture ... with Phase 3 this will become clear to everyone...with eyesight. We are just entering Phase 2.

The US staying so long in the bad lands of Kabuliz aka Afghanistan was not for the love of Kabuliz but for this very Global Power Architecture ... Talibans provided more headache than percieved ... so now it has become a daldal of gule.

We all remember those infamouse maps of BloodBorders ... and that interview of an American on RT about breaking up of Pakistan on Ethnofacist lines... all bit the dust... Pakistan is here to stay... Fencing the border is going as planned... quite a monumental task... kinda building a smaller version of The Chinese Wall... let us call it The Pakistani Wall.

The Hybridwar
started with quite some vigour and Pakistan suffered, suffered and suffered...

DoMore. DoMore. DoMore
... as psychological warfare tool... trying to break the back of PakState with willing accomplices like ever smiling Zardari and nihari eating, now dying, Nawaz...

Visit the DarkDecade and the policies of the two... from 18th Amendment to not having a Foreign Minister to IsaqDollar doing his EconomicTerrorism to creating astronomical NationalDebt to keeping the Dollar-PKR parity through atrificial means... to destroying SteelMills / PIA... on and on... the Darkness of the last decade went...

In the same period... the breathing space to both GanguDaesh and Kabuli Gov.... building a narrative against the victim of terrorism Pakistan as terror sponsor... with 80k Dead and $220+Bln loss to economy and NO ONE defending Pakistan...
DawnLeaks1 to help the buddies and the DawnLeaks2 just to give some extra help in ICJ in Den Haag. Those were the golden days of Hybridwar!

Everyone wishes to take credit of CPEC in Pakistan... whereas it started in Mao and Ayyud Khan time as KKH project.

We, Paks, as people and as State, don't like to think .. let alone plan 50 years ahead.

Who deserve the credit for this long term thinking?

Anyhow, as always, it is between the Pentagon and the American people...once again... the American people want out of the hellhole of Afghanistan and the Pentagon wishes to stay there for a few decades...

Think South Korea, think Japan...and then link it to Afghanistan... picture must be clearer now.

Add to it Hybridwar on China through both TradeWar and HongKongProtests and added juice of love for muslims in China... while the same lovers of Muslims don't utter a word when someone burns the Holy Quran in Norway.... Love is truly blind!

Now the elegant Mrs. Wells is having sleepless nights because of the pain she feels for the people of Pakistan and their future... is highly touching.

Wasn't Mrs. Wells, directly or indirectly, part of those people who were egging on the Ever Ready Zardari Regime to sell off PakNukes for $100Bln under the Friends of Pakistan chadar?
Oh, the PeePee walaz... wanted those $... the same SMQ and same Zinda hae Bhutto lot .... and now Billo is doing dallas for whom?

Tough talk of the yester years and concern of today.. is the thrust of the same policy... it would be foolish to conclude it as victory of some sort... we Paks are rather quick at such things.. given Thinking is not our forte... yet!

What does it tell you... take a pause and SEE
.... one day elegant Mrs. Wells shows her deep concern and love for Pakistan and the next day the Chinese Ambassador in Isl gives an uncharachteristic, sharp reply... and then understated presser from Asad Umar (10/10 for AU for the presser!!!)

EconomicTerrorism not only hollows out a State it also takes away options to deploy Policy Instruements as well... not to mention Sovereignty of sorts... not that we, Paks, have been fully or even partially Sovereign ... sans 1948, 1965, 1971, 1984, 1998 (without Noora consent) ...and on 27th Feb 2019..

Underestimating the US will be mortal mistake.

With its deep ingress, roots within the PakSystem.. from Political Parties to coconut Babuz to MarasiMedia to Foreign Office to FIA to judiciary to, of course, FazoolMullahMaffia... The Octupus Hold!

So, here we stand.... GanguFacistRegime on one side wishing/designing that we vanish from the face of the Earth as PakState to BloodBorders Architects on the other.. working hand in glove... one has regional goals and the other global agenda... call it perfect match of Strategic Interests ...

However, 27th Feb was Paradigm breaking event... all that jazz about superpower went thoos... and what came out of that decade long media imagine building excercise was a naked, vintage war machine... so everyone went back to drawing board and we, Paks, went to sleep...

PakKashmiris totally forgotten... how long has there been curfew?
Anything on MarasiMedia?
Anything from MarasiUnitedFront aka ALL political parties?
Anything from PMIK?

First the FuzlaGangsters took all the attention on MarasiMedia... or it was given... then right on cue... Noora popped in Services Hospital with ONLY 6000 Platelets to make Medical History... clean shaven, sitting on the front seat of SUV and not an ambulance... and then walking directly into the resthouse...without any aid.. Miracles do happen.

Ever wondered that it was not just our esteemd Establishment...but other Forces which got Noora out?

From Londonistan the plastic superme leader will go to Boston and stay there with NanniTweetni in toe... Miracles of Justice to be seen in a week or two... Lahore HC shall not disappoint its trusted customers. Satisfaction guaranteed 100%!!!

  • Freedom is NEVER given.
  • Sovereignty is NEVER awarded...
  • Both require Vision, Thinking and Sacrifice.

PMIK might be a Pakistani Leader but his cabinet might have other masters than him or State of Pakistan...

Asad Umar acted PakNationalist and tried to protect economic/financial Sovereignty of Pakistan... his BBC interview and then his keeping Chin up in D.C... Weaponised Finance didn't like that one bit...and drops in the Undertaker... Asad goes looking at butterflies...and then the new Governor of SBP... who made these choices?

It is not over. It is just starting.

A State like Pakistan, if allowed to develop and become even semi Sovereign... would change the Economic, Strategic and Security dynamics of not only Eurasia, ME but also of EastAfrica ...

There have been Two Strategic Reliefs in our 72 years of 'new' history... both benefitted the US/West and China... we as cannon fodder paid the price and are still paying it dearly...

The Thrid Strategic Relief will change the Global Power Architecture and lay the foundations of the return of Power to East after 500+ years. If it succeeds, that is.

SCO is NOTHING without Pakistan... and Gawadar is not just a port.

The political 'unrest' or bazarism in MarasiParliment... MarasiMedia spreading daily rumours and fasad or Noora/Zardari going abroad or FazoolMullahMaffia acting way beyond its size and of course, Afghanistan and IoJK are all interlinked...

The Hybridwar on Pakistan continues and we haven't developed a comprehensive counter yet... CPEC Command is going to dovetail CPEC Authority ... should be announced sooner than later.

And of course, Kashmir Issue will be solved when China wants it to be solved. We must learn to SEE and Think!

Sweet, elegant Mrs. Wells has actually announced the Next Phase... and we need to decipher NOT the words but Thinking...

We can also offer a American Pakistan Economic Corridor with dedicated SEZs for American companies... but without DoMore. DoMore in the mix.

Can Pakistan act as Friends Not Masters?

Does the PakState and political leadership have the basic understanding of Statecraft and Jinnah Doctorine?

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland!!

@viva_zhao @Indus Pakistan
We all remember those infamouse maps of BloodBorders ... and that interview of an American on RT about breaking up of Pakistan on Ethnofacist lines...
If you recall the events it was Pakistan which was targeted first and sign for this start coming out from 2005 .... what you see today in Syria is a exact replica of what was planned for Pakistan .... just draw the similarities of events how they unfold in both the countries and the strategies applies are all very similar ..... Special terms were invented for us and labelled on us which then were used for others BUT we survive because of two reasons

- We were portrayed as extremist but this Nation form its core is an Optimistic and Peace loving with happy go nature so not only we as a Nation remain happy in most difficult times of our history when we were not only facing terrorism but suffering form natural calamity such as multiple floods, earthquakes, political instability, wide spread corruption, blunt violation of our sovereignty by so called ally USA and day by day worsen economy .... these were enough reasons to put any Nation in Depression mood for a long time but we as a Nation because of our nature survived those hard times

- CG of our society and and State is not in Political System this is the reason even after conquering our political landscape by foreign nations our Strength and Nature of Resilience remained intact .... there is a reason foreign forces and their pawns continuously attack our CG.

one day elegant Mrs. Wells shows her deep concern and love for Pakistan
There is a saying in my family rough translation will be ''Oh God ....!!! save me from my well wishers''

Ms. Alice Wells and USA as an 'ally' State is that well wisher .....
We can also offer a American Pakistan Economic Corridor with dedicated SEZs for American companies... but without DoMore. DoMore in the mix.
Americans were offered first many people don't know that Gawadar was first offered to US to establish a port in this region during Ayub Khan Government or by Bhutto but as at time Iran was their main ally USA refused the the offer, even during the Musharraf era Musharraf many time offered US to establish Exclusive Economic Zones in Pakistan including in the FATA region but US was not interested in Economic progress of Pakistan ....

so now their concerns hold no weight .....
Last edited:
@Mangus Ortus Novem @Khafee @Oscar @Signalian @Windjammer @All Others

This is classic hagelian dialectic, creating anti-thesis against exsisting thesis & bringing thesis and anti-thesis in a catastrophic collision, creating a 'new flexible & compliant order' out of disorder. So many political examples from recent past - failed ukraine chaos, middle east pseudo-revolutions, bolshevik russian revolution, french turnover & then some from the distant past - creation of anti-thesis against the established thesis in the times of Usman ibne Affan RA and the followup murder of Usman ibne Affan RA resulting in an ever-expanding catastrophic collision between thesis and anti-thesis, eventually leading to emergence of a new far more compliant, amenable & infuencable order - which was always the prime objective from day1.

On the home front, little that you are aware of, our administrative babus 'getting trained from their imperial boses' have played the same dirty game, leading to persistent and chronic instability of state, politics & economics leading to eventual collapse of state and society.
@Shane @Verve @PakSword @graphican @ps3linux @HRK @Signalian @The Eagle @Dubious @MastanKhan @RIWWIR @Pakhtoon yum @Horus @StormBreaker @waz @Oscar @WebMaster @messiach @Sine Nomine @Counter-Errorist @Khafee @fitpOsitive @Slav Defence @Reddington

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland....

This thesis I have highlighted many a times... hopefully, it would be becoming clearer now... Even good Asad Umar in his presser yesterday mentioned it in an understated manner.

CPEC is NOT just a road or some powerplants or some SEZs... Nah,... CPEC is one critical component of Global Power Architecture ... with Phase 3 this will become clear to everyone...with eyesight. We are just entering Phase 2.

The US staying so long in the bad lands of Kabuliz aka Afghanistan was not for the love of Kabuliz but for this very Global Power Architecture ... Talibans provided more headache than percieved ... so now it has become a daldal of gule.

We all remember those infamouse maps of BloodBorders ... and that interview of an American on RT about breaking up of Pakistan on Ethnofacist lines... all bit the dust... Pakistan is here to stay... Fencing the border is going as planned... quite a monumental task... kinda building a smaller version of The Chinese Wall... let us call it The Pakistani Wall.

The Hybridwar
started with quite some vigour and Pakistan suffered, suffered and suffered...

DoMore. DoMore. DoMore
... as psychological warfare tool... trying to break the back of PakState with willing accomplices like ever smiling Zardari and nihari eating, now dying, Nawaz...

Visit the DarkDecade and the policies of the two... from 18th Amendment to not having a Foreign Minister to IsaqDollar doing his EconomicTerrorism to creating astronomical NationalDebt to keeping the Dollar-PKR parity through atrificial means... to destroying SteelMills / PIA... on and on... the Darkness of the last decade went...

In the same period... the breathing space to both GanguDaesh and Kabuli Gov.... building a narrative against the victim of terrorism Pakistan as terror sponsor... with 80k Dead and $220+Bln loss to economy and NO ONE defending Pakistan...
DawnLeaks1 to help the buddies and the DawnLeaks2 just to give some extra help in ICJ in Den Haag. Those were the golden days of Hybridwar!

Everyone wishes to take credit of CPEC in Pakistan... whereas it started in Mao and Ayyud Khan time as KKH project.

We, Paks, as people and as State, don't like to think .. let alone plan 50 years ahead.

Who deserve the credit for this long term thinking?

Anyhow, as always, it is between the Pentagon and the American people...once again... the American people want out of the hellhole of Afghanistan and the Pentagon wishes to stay there for a few decades...

Think South Korea, think Japan...and then link it to Afghanistan... picture must be clearer now.

Add to it Hybridwar on China through both TradeWar and HongKongProtests and added juice of love for muslims in China... while the same lovers of Muslims don't utter a word when someone burns the Holy Quran in Norway.... Love is truly blind!

Now the elegant Mrs. Wells is having sleepless nights because of the pain she feels for the people of Pakistan and their future... is highly touching.

Wasn't Mrs. Wells, directly or indirectly, part of those people who were egging on the Ever Ready Zardari Regime to sell off PakNukes for $100Bln under the Friends of Pakistan chadar?
Oh, the PeePee walaz... wanted those $... the same SMQ and same Zinda hae Bhutto lot .... and now Billo is doing dallas for whom?

Tough talk of the yester years and concern of today.. is the thrust of the same policy... it would be foolish to conclude it as victory of some sort... we Paks are rather quick at such things.. given Thinking is not our forte... yet!

What does it tell you... take a pause and SEE
.... one day elegant Mrs. Wells shows her deep concern and love for Pakistan and the next day the Chinese Ambassador in Isl gives an uncharachteristic, sharp reply... and then understated presser from Asad Umar (10/10 for AU for the presser!!!)

EconomicTerrorism not only hollows out a State it also takes away options to deploy Policy Instruements as well... not to mention Sovereignty of sorts... not that we, Paks, have been fully or even partially Sovereign ... sans 1948, 1965, 1971, 1984, 1998 (without Noora consent) ...and on 27th Feb 2019..

Underestimating the US will be mortal mistake.

With its deep ingress, roots within the PakSystem.. from Political Parties to coconut Babuz to MarasiMedia to Foreign Office to FIA to judiciary to, of course, FazoolMullahMaffia... The Octupus Hold!

So, here we stand.... GanguFacistRegime on one side wishing/designing that we vanish from the face of the Earth as PakState to BloodBorders Architects on the other.. working hand in glove... one has regional goals and the other global agenda... call it perfect match of Strategic Interests ...

However, 27th Feb was Paradigm breaking event... all that jazz about superpower went thoos... and what came out of that decade long media imagine building excercise was a naked, vintage war machine... so everyone went back to drawing board and we, Paks, went to sleep...

PakKashmiris totally forgotten... how long has there been curfew?
Anything on MarasiMedia?
Anything from MarasiUnitedFront aka ALL political parties?
Anything from PMIK?

First the FuzlaGangsters took all the attention on MarasiMedia... or it was given... then right on cue... Noora popped in Services Hospital with ONLY 6000 Platelets to make Medical History... clean shaven, sitting on the front seat of SUV and not an ambulance... and then walking directly into the resthouse...without any aid.. Miracles do happen.

Ever wondered that it was not just our esteemd Establishment...but other Forces which got Noora out?

From Londonistan the plastic superme leader will go to Boston and stay there with NanniTweetni in toe... Miracles of Justice to be seen in a week or two... Lahore HC shall not disappoint its trusted customers. Satisfaction guaranteed 100%!!!

  • Freedom is NEVER given.
  • Sovereignty is NEVER awarded...
  • Both require Vision, Thinking and Sacrifice.

PMIK might be a Pakistani Leader but his cabinet might have other masters than him or State of Pakistan...

Asad Umar acted PakNationalist and tried to protect economic/financial Sovereignty of Pakistan... his BBC interview and then his keeping Chin up in D.C... Weaponised Finance didn't like that one bit...and drops in the Undertaker... Asad goes looking at butterflies...and then the new Governor of SBP... who made these choices?

It is not over. It is just starting.

A State like Pakistan, if allowed to develop and become even semi Sovereign... would change the Economic, Strategic and Security dynamics of not only Eurasia, ME but also of EastAfrica ...

There have been Two Strategic Reliefs in our 72 years of 'new' history... both benefitted the US/West and China... we as cannon fodder paid the price and are still paying it dearly...

The Thrid Strategic Relief will change the Global Power Architecture and lay the foundations of the return of Power to East after 500+ years. If it succeeds, that is.

SCO is NOTHING without Pakistan... and Gawadar is not just a port.

The political 'unrest' or bazarism in MarasiParliment... MarasiMedia spreading daily rumours and fasad or Noora/Zardari going abroad or FazoolMullahMaffia acting way beyond its size and of course, Afghanistan and IoJK are all interlinked...

The Hybridwar on Pakistan continues and we haven't developed a comprehensive counter yet... CPEC Command is going to dovetail CPEC Authority ... should be announced sooner than later.

And of course, Kashmir Issue will be solved when China wants it to be solved. We must learn to SEE and Think!

Sweet, elegant Mrs. Wells has actually announced the Next Phase... and we need to decipher NOT the words but Thinking...

We can also offer a American Pakistan Economic Corridor with dedicated SEZs for American companies... but without DoMore. DoMore in the mix.

Can Pakistan act as Friends Not Masters?

Does the PakState and political leadership have the basic understanding of Statecraft and Jinnah Doctorine?

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland!!

I have been saying this all along. People are still not able to decipher the malicious nature of US.
After the end of Afghan war, more US pressure will be exerted on Pakistan and they will go after nuclear program.

Hameed gul words always ring true. After all he was not an idiot but the person who knows very deep secrets

Iran bhana hai --- Afghanistan thekana hai --- Pakistan nishana hai..
@Shane @Verve @PakSword @graphican @ps3linux @HRK @Signalian @The Eagle @Dubious @MastanKhan @RIWWIR @Pakhtoon yum @Horus @StormBreaker @waz @Oscar @WebMaster @messiach @Sine Nomine @Counter-Errorist @Khafee @fitpOsitive @Slav Defence @Reddington

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland....

This thesis I have highlighted many a times... hopefully, it would be becoming clearer now... Even good Asad Umar in his presser yesterday mentioned it in an understated manner.

CPEC is NOT just a road or some powerplants or some SEZs... Nah,... CPEC is one critical component of Global Power Architecture ... with Phase 3 this will become clear to everyone...with eyesight. We are just entering Phase 2.

The US staying so long in the bad lands of Kabuliz aka Afghanistan was not for the love of Kabuliz but for this very Global Power Architecture ... Talibans provided more headache than percieved ... so now it has become a daldal of gule.

We all remember those infamouse maps of BloodBorders ... and that interview of an American on RT about breaking up of Pakistan on Ethnofacist lines... all bit the dust... Pakistan is here to stay... Fencing the border is going as planned... quite a monumental task... kinda building a smaller version of The Chinese Wall... let us call it The Pakistani Wall.

The Hybridwar
started with quite some vigour and Pakistan suffered, suffered and suffered...

DoMore. DoMore. DoMore
... as psychological warfare tool... trying to break the back of PakState with willing accomplices like ever smiling Zardari and nihari eating, now dying, Nawaz...

Visit the DarkDecade and the policies of the two... from 18th Amendment to not having a Foreign Minister to IsaqDollar doing his EconomicTerrorism to creating astronomical NationalDebt to keeping the Dollar-PKR parity through atrificial means... to destroying SteelMills / PIA... on and on... the Darkness of the last decade went...

In the same period... the breathing space to both GanguDaesh and Kabuli Gov.... building a narrative against the victim of terrorism Pakistan as terror sponsor... with 80k Dead and $220+Bln loss to economy and NO ONE defending Pakistan...
DawnLeaks1 to help the buddies and the DawnLeaks2 just to give some extra help in ICJ in Den Haag. Those were the golden days of Hybridwar!

Everyone wishes to take credit of CPEC in Pakistan... whereas it started in Mao and Ayyud Khan time as KKH project.

We, Paks, as people and as State, don't like to think .. let alone plan 50 years ahead.

Who deserve the credit for this long term thinking?

Anyhow, as always, it is between the Pentagon and the American people...once again... the American people want out of the hellhole of Afghanistan and the Pentagon wishes to stay there for a few decades...

Think South Korea, think Japan...and then link it to Afghanistan... picture must be clearer now.

Add to it Hybridwar on China through both TradeWar and HongKongProtests and added juice of love for muslims in China... while the same lovers of Muslims don't utter a word when someone burns the Holy Quran in Norway.... Love is truly blind!

Now the elegant Mrs. Wells is having sleepless nights because of the pain she feels for the people of Pakistan and their future... is highly touching.

Wasn't Mrs. Wells, directly or indirectly, part of those people who were egging on the Ever Ready Zardari Regime to sell off PakNukes for $100Bln under the Friends of Pakistan chadar?
Oh, the PeePee walaz... wanted those $... the same SMQ and same Zinda hae Bhutto lot .... and now Billo is doing dallas for whom?

Tough talk of the yester years and concern of today.. is the thrust of the same policy... it would be foolish to conclude it as victory of some sort... we Paks are rather quick at such things.. given Thinking is not our forte... yet!

What does it tell you... take a pause and SEE
.... one day elegant Mrs. Wells shows her deep concern and love for Pakistan and the next day the Chinese Ambassador in Isl gives an uncharachteristic, sharp reply... and then understated presser from Asad Umar (10/10 for AU for the presser!!!)

EconomicTerrorism not only hollows out a State it also takes away options to deploy Policy Instruements as well... not to mention Sovereignty of sorts... not that we, Paks, have been fully or even partially Sovereign ... sans 1948, 1965, 1971, 1984, 1998 (without Noora consent) ...and on 27th Feb 2019..

Underestimating the US will be mortal mistake.

With its deep ingress, roots within the PakSystem.. from Political Parties to coconut Babuz to MarasiMedia to Foreign Office to FIA to judiciary to, of course, FazoolMullahMaffia... The Octupus Hold!

So, here we stand.... GanguFacistRegime on one side wishing/designing that we vanish from the face of the Earth as PakState to BloodBorders Architects on the other.. working hand in glove... one has regional goals and the other global agenda... call it perfect match of Strategic Interests ...

However, 27th Feb was Paradigm breaking event... all that jazz about superpower went thoos... and what came out of that decade long media imagine building excercise was a naked, vintage war machine... so everyone went back to drawing board and we, Paks, went to sleep...

PakKashmiris totally forgotten... how long has there been curfew?
Anything on MarasiMedia?
Anything from MarasiUnitedFront aka ALL political parties?
Anything from PMIK?

First the FuzlaGangsters took all the attention on MarasiMedia... or it was given... then right on cue... Noora popped in Services Hospital with ONLY 6000 Platelets to make Medical History... clean shaven, sitting on the front seat of SUV and not an ambulance... and then walking directly into the resthouse...without any aid.. Miracles do happen.

Ever wondered that it was not just our esteemd Establishment...but other Forces which got Noora out?

From Londonistan the plastic superme leader will go to Boston and stay there with NanniTweetni in toe... Miracles of Justice to be seen in a week or two... Lahore HC shall not disappoint its trusted customers. Satisfaction guaranteed 100%!!!

  • Freedom is NEVER given.
  • Sovereignty is NEVER awarded...
  • Both require Vision, Thinking and Sacrifice.

PMIK might be a Pakistani Leader but his cabinet might have other masters than him or State of Pakistan...

Asad Umar acted PakNationalist and tried to protect economic/financial Sovereignty of Pakistan... his BBC interview and then his keeping Chin up in D.C... Weaponised Finance didn't like that one bit...and drops in the Undertaker... Asad goes looking at butterflies...and then the new Governor of SBP... who made these choices?

It is not over. It is just starting.

A State like Pakistan, if allowed to develop and become even semi Sovereign... would change the Economic, Strategic and Security dynamics of not only Eurasia, ME but also of EastAfrica ...

There have been Two Strategic Reliefs in our 72 years of 'new' history... both benefitted the US/West and China... we as cannon fodder paid the price and are still paying it dearly...

The Thrid Strategic Relief will change the Global Power Architecture and lay the foundations of the return of Power to East after 500+ years. If it succeeds, that is.

SCO is NOTHING without Pakistan... and Gawadar is not just a port.

The political 'unrest' or bazarism in MarasiParliment... MarasiMedia spreading daily rumours and fasad or Noora/Zardari going abroad or FazoolMullahMaffia acting way beyond its size and of course, Afghanistan and IoJK are all interlinked...

The Hybridwar on Pakistan continues and we haven't developed a comprehensive counter yet... CPEC Command is going to dovetail CPEC Authority ... should be announced sooner than later.

And of course, Kashmir Issue will be solved when China wants it to be solved. We must learn to SEE and Think!

Sweet, elegant Mrs. Wells has actually announced the Next Phase... and we need to decipher NOT the words but Thinking...

We can also offer a American Pakistan Economic Corridor with dedicated SEZs for American companies... but without DoMore. DoMore in the mix.

Can Pakistan act as Friends Not Masters?

Does the PakState and political leadership have the basic understanding of Statecraft and Jinnah Doctorine?

The Greatest Game is in town and Pakistan is The Heartland!!
Thanks for using the right terminology
There is Big Hole in OurSouls... we hide it.. we deny it... we run away from it...

It is like those anxiety dreams...where you run, run and run...and find yourself standing on the same spot... waking up in sweat and with a jolt.

Unless, we accept it.... recognise it..and give it its proper place we are not going to be Anything!

Since, we are psychologically wounded, deeply hurt... we have engaged in Escapismoz of anything but Ourselves... we are EscapeArtists still confined in the box, in chains...and water is full..

And this Hole in OurSouls have created Hollowness...and of course, Hollowmen! Which we see now everyday...from MarasiParliment to MarasiMedia to AllooGoshtTraitors to FazoolMullahMaffiaz...

  • We are more Arabz than Arabz...
  • We are more Persianz than Persianz
  • We are more Goraz than Goraz...

Anything but Ourselves...anything to help us Escape!

And we wake up to find ourselves standing on the same place every morning!

Everything is a process..and then there is the end of the process.

It is rather difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when we recieved the Hole in OurSouls... however, there are some events which do demonstrate more graphically than others!

We lament about TipuSultan... because it helps us with OurEscape!

But we don't talk about the moment when we got wounded definitively.
Pain is unbearable. Understandable!

The Struggle for Pakistan ended on August 14, 1947.

However, struggle for Pakistanwali started almost a 100 years before that. We didn't call it Pakistan then... we didn't have too... we had OurWorld... and we wanted to protect OurWorld which ended definitively in 1857!

And then after that started myths and mersia ...

Ganguz tried to hijack
the Struggle for Pakistanwali...and succeeded... whilst all those outside of the RedFort tied to cannonz and blasted away were Paks!


In 1850 Ganguz planted a stone statue and magically recovered it too..... under the BabariMasjid.... with the full consent of the NewOverlord!

Yet, the struggle for Pakistanwali started long before... struggle to save OurWorld...

After the demonstration of CannonPower and turning us into completely smashed pulp... we have Ghalib doing his lament... It would be quite instructive to read him before and after... he too recieved a Hole in HisSoul...

And we had 'OurEmperor' served with heads of his sons on silver plate... funny how.... served on SilverPlate has become so common.. Silver is Good for Health...

It is immaterial what kind of 'Emperor' Zafar was... but he was Symbol of OurWorld.... and Samshing of the Symbols is important... be it Daesh or a ColonialPower...

Smashing of Symbols
has SubliminalValue and deep effect on CollectiveSubconcious!


We are today in the same State of Existence in which Zafar died!

We took the beating and it was some beating... pieces of OurWorld scatered, desicrated with total abandon... we saw Mules tied in Badshahi Masjad... we saw Jewels scraped away from ShahiMahalz... we watched, heads down, hands tied...

Madrassaz were of course targeted to smash the Pakistanwali.... only paid mullahz were left... any Alim e Haq fighting for Pakistanwali... hanged from Khyber to Chitagong... hangings, hangings... Only WE WERE Hanged. Ganguz played Ganguz and served the NewOverlord!

With OurEducationalSystem gone it was time to create Coconutz and Gageerdarz loyal to their new OverLord, Master! Zinda hae, zinda hae... Pir Sahib... Chaudary Sahib.. Sain Sain.. ShahWadaraz... Sardarz, Sardarz... Barra Admee was born. To rule over SubHuman.... us!

To get ahead you have to join TheBritishArmy TheBritishPolice or BritishCivilService... and they did... yes, they did it with pride! And why not?

BrownGoraz birthed with perfection! And still ruling us!

Capture their minds and their hands will follow...

GC Lahore enters the Heartland and then Peshawar..why not!!!


It could have been anyone... even some African country... Anyone with ability and technological advancement and administrative capacity which in OurWorld was lacking would have done it... It is what it is!

Kashmir was sold in 1846 and with the Fall of Lahore in 1849 .. destruction of OurWorld was continuing... and once again, why not!!!

December 25, 1876.

November 9, 1877.

But to think that Struggle for Pakistan ended with the Cannonz blasting us outside RedFort in OurDelhi is just dishonest.

We NEVER stopped... despite the incorporation of the local PakElite ... despite their serving of the Master... the Struggle for Pakistan never stopped... it mutated ..it gave itself different names..but OurWoundedSoul never stopped searching for Peace!

From GulshanSchool to AligarhUni ... we even tried to educate ourselves... adopting to the ScientificMethod was sought to fill the Hole... to recover... to crawl back/out.... we tried!

December 28, 1885....Gora Sahib, A. O. Hume, even established IndianNationalCongress... with long term Game in mind... but Our Syed opposed it and entertained notions of Resurrection of OurWorld!!!

However, when you smash an OldWorld you wish to impose YourWorld and you do everything which you deem necessary for it... It is what it is!

Kim, Kim, Kim... how you play TheirGame, TheGreatGame!

Czar vs. Crown! And we were the CannonFodder... Afghania needed to be conquered... but it didn't happen.. so TheGreatGame shifted to Kashmir!


OurWorld is Dead. We shall save YourWorld!!!

The underlying feeling of KhilafatMovement was desparate attempt to Fill the Hole in OurSouls... and driver was admission... of OurLoss... though GanguCongress tried to hijack it to gain pressure point to create its AkhandGanguDaesh... we were the true drivers of This Movement..This Medicine!


We failed! We fail to protect TheirWorld too! So back to Pakistanwali!!!

The brave BritishIndianArmy fought for the Master .... and we gave OurBlood to save Someone elese's World again!

OurBlood is that Cheap!?

Gora Sahib with his Trains, Colleges and Jimkhanaz..where we were not allowed..... settled back to Rule! TheGreatGame was/is Longterm.... and Kashmir was/is very critical to this!

Lawarance of Arabia becomes Kashmiri!


The Coconut Sheikz were/are BritishAgents... that is the reason they were against Kashmir joining Pakistan. We must never forget that... Kashmir even today remains pivot in TheGreatGame!

We can go in detail about the Creation of Pakistan...and how with Brains Quaid e Azam snatched OurLand away from the jaws of GanguEmpire.... but we all know it too well.

Once again we paid in OurBlood... 72+% of those who died were Muslims!

We got OurLand but we DONOT have OurWorld... we live in someone else's world.
And ONLY we are the only one to blame...

Jinnah's Jew was parked/sidelined by the BrtishCoconutBabuz and he died in Grief.

The Unionists
who were rooting for UnifiedGanguEmpire aka AkhanandGanguDaesh became part of the new PakPoliticalSystem...and are still there...TheElectables!

Creation of the British is still serving TheEmpire. And why not!!?

Be it FazoolMullahMaffia or ANP or BalochNationalists or SindhiWadaraz or UrduSpeakingLeaders...all roads lead to TheEmpire! And those Electables in PTI...lest we forget!

And even today... even today.. K$osa ...CJP.. goes to Yankistan for $!

have offshore Trusts... AllooGosht is in Londonistan.. Kalia is in Londonistan... Billo parties in Londonistan... there is always LondonPlan of PakRulingElites... JumWhoirat hae!

It is intstructive to note that FuzlaGangster visited 3 Gora embassies before their FuzlaMarch to stop YahoodiAgent!!!

We have 'BalochNationalists' in Lonondistan... we have KhooniLiberals a la Sethi variety in Londonistan.... and of course... we have PakLootedWealth in Londonistan!

The UglyTruth we must Accept!

We have OurLand but we are NOT Independent.... because we are still ruled by TheEmpire..through its minions..its beneficiaries... and OurSystem is British in Design and conduct... and now this system has reached a dead end...

And in OurPublicDiscourse we swing between Mullahism or Goraism ... seeking to fill the Emptiness within..

WE are so scared to Own OurCivlisation that we be rather Persianz or Arabz... and we think we have our own culture which we look down upon...????

We don't have to even look deeper... just look superficially at The Heart of Darkness Sindh... or FreeForLootPunjab or EasyMoneyBalochistan or KPK or AJK.... we are running away.... seeking escape...

And this is seen in MarasiParliment...with its tharaybaz senators ... throwing poetry at everything...

This is one big Symptom of OurEscapism... this addiction to useless poetry...that offers Medicine!

Easy Hybridwar on Pakistan!

That the Hybridwar is imposed on Pakistan is a given... and it is rather easy to do so...when stopping building dams in Pakistan requires a few billion PKR... or hiring FazoolMullahMaffia to provide CannonFodder for Kosher AfghanJihad or TTP suicidebombers... same market... same shopkeepers.

This Hybridwar is successful because we have within ourselves Actors/Vectors which have a long history of service to the Outside Powers...

That is why we see FazalurRehman wearing an aba or some Shia cleric wearing the attaire of Persians... or JeanWearing MeraJismMeriMarzi or for hire InteluckChoowalz... all up for sale!

Yet vast majority of Paks..practically all wish to see OurWorld...to Live in OurWorld....

And OurLeaders don't have the backbone to stand up to anyone... be it Mushy or PMIK... let us not even talk about Noora or Ghardari or MullahMaffia...

Unless we Own Pakistanwali... and allow PakPositiveNationalism

Jinnah with his consumed lungs...and dying Cells had more Pakistanwali in him than all of these supreme leaders of JumWhoriat combined.

Nobody understands Iqbal who has detailed Pakistanwali with Clarity that only happens in centuries!

MentalSlavery is the result of those Cannonz blasting holes in the chests of Paks fighting for OurWorld!

And with NO eductional system that can be called Pakistani or any contribution to ScientifiWorld... we are reduced to listening to AllooGosht level intellectual on MarasiMedia or howling of Hollowness in MarassiParliment.

PakPositivism and PakPositiveNationlism is the ONLY way that we can Create OurWorld!

How difficult it is to belive:

Nobody is above us!
Nobody is below us!

We are Paks, Pak is OurLand... from Ladakh to Taftan Pakistanwali!

We must win This Hybridwar on Pakistan.

In our 72 years existence we have provided TwoStrategicReliefs to the West and China with PakBlood and PakTreasure... and now we are at the point of providing ThridStrategicRelief ...

Can we benefit, finally, from the ThirdStrategicRelief?


@Reddington @SIPRA @Verve @Shane @Slav Defence @HRK @Ipcha Mistabra @WebMaster @Horus @Irfan Baloch @Khafee @ali_raza @masterchief_mirza @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PakSword @The Eagle @Signalian @niaz @Tps43 @Dubious @Arsalan @Pakhtoon yum @Indus Pakistan @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER
There is Big Hole in OurSouls... we hide it.. we deny it... we run away from it...

It is like those anxiety dreams...where you run, run and run...and find yourself standing on the same spot... waking up in sweat and with a jolt.

Unless, we accept it.... recognise it..and give it its proper place we are not going to be Anything!

Since, we are psychologically wounded, deeply hurt... we have engaged in Escapismoz of anything but Ourselves... we are EscapeArtists still confined in the box, in chains...and water is full..

And this Hole in OurSouls have created Hollowness...and of course, Hollowmen! Which we see now everyday...from MarasiParliment to MarasiMedia to AllooGoshtTraitors to FazoolMullahMaffiaz...

  • We are more Arabz than Arabz...
  • We are more Persianz than Persianz
  • We are more Goraz than Goraz...

Anything but Ourselves...anything to help us Escape!

And we wake up to find ourselves standing on the same place every morning!

Everything is a process..and then there is the end of the process.

It is rather difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when we recieved the Hole in OurSouls... however, there are some events which do demonstrate more graphically than others!

We lament about TipuSultan... because it helps us with OurEscape!

But we don't talk about the moment when we got wounded definitively.
Pain is unbearable. Understandable!

The Struggle for Pakistan ended on August 14, 1947.

However, struggle for Pakistanwali started almost a 100 years before that. We didn't call it Pakistan then... we didn't have too... we had OurWorld... and we wanted to protect OurWorld which ended definitively in 1857!

And then after that started myths and mersia ...

Ganguz tried to hijack
the Struggle for Pakistanwali...and succeeded... whilst all those outside of the RedFort tied to cannonz and blasted away were Paks!


In 1850 Ganguz planted a stone statue and magically recovered it too..... under the BabariMasjid.... with the full consent of the NewOverlord!

Yet, the struggle for Pakistanwali started long before... struggle to save OurWorld...

After the demonstration of CannonPower and turning us into completely smashed pulp... we have Ghalib doing his lament... It would be quite instructive to read him before and after... he too recieved a Hole in HisSoul...

And we had 'OurEmperor' served with heads of his sons on silver plate... funny how.... served on SilverPlate has become so common.. Silver is Good for Health...

It is immaterial what kind of 'Emperor' Zafar was... but he was Symbol of OurWorld.... and Samshing of the Symbols is important... be it Daesh or a ColonialPower...

Smashing of Symbols
has SubliminalValue and deep effect on CollectiveSubconcious!


We are today in the same State of Existence in which Zafar died!

We took the beating and it was some beating... pieces of OurWorld scatered, desicrated with total abandon... we saw Mules tied in Badshahi Masjad... we saw Jewels scraped away from ShahiMahalz... we watched, heads down, hands tied...

Madrassaz were of course targeted to smash the Pakistanwali.... only paid mullahz were left... any Alim e Haq fighting for Pakistanwali... hanged from Khyber to Chitagong... hangings, hangings... Only WE WERE Hanged. Ganguz played Ganguz and served the NewOverlord!

With OurEducationalSystem gone it was time to create Coconutz and Gageerdarz loyal to their new OverLord, Master! Zinda hae, zinda hae... Pir Sahib... Chaudary Sahib.. Sain Sain.. ShahWadaraz... Sardarz, Sardarz... Barra Admee was born. To rule over SubHuman.... us!

To get ahead you have to join TheBritishArmy TheBritishPolice or BritishCivilService... and they did... yes, they did it with pride! And why not?

BrownGoraz birthed with perfection! And still ruling us!

Capture their minds and their hands will follow...

GC Lahore enters the Heartland and then Peshawar..why not!!!


It could have been anyone... even some African country... Anyone with ability and technological advancement and administrative capacity which in OurWorld was lacking would have done it... It is what it is!

Kashmir was sold in 1846 and with the Fall of Lahore in 1849 .. destruction of OurWorld was continuing... and once again, why not!!!

December 25, 1876.

November 9, 1877.

But to think that Struggle for Pakistan ended with the Cannonz blasting us outside RedFort in OurDelhi is just dishonest.

We NEVER stopped... despite the incorporation of the local PakElite ... despite their serving of the Master... the Struggle for Pakistan never stopped... it mutated ..it gave itself different names..but OurWoundedSoul never stopped searching for Peace!

From GulshanSchool to AligarhUni ... we even tried to educate ourselves... adopting to the ScientificMethod was sought to fill the Hole... to recover... to crawl back/out.... we tried!

December 28, 1885....Gora Sahib, A. O. Hume, even established IndianNationalCongress... with long term Game in mind... but Our Syed opposed it and entertained notions of Resurrection of OurWorld!!!

However, when you smash an OldWorld you wish to impose YourWorld and you do everything which you deem necessary for it... It is what it is!

Kim, Kim, Kim... how you play TheirGame, TheGreatGame!

Czar vs. Crown! And we were the CannonFodder... Afghania needed to be conquered... but it didn't happen.. so TheGreatGame shifted to Kashmir!


OurWorld is Dead. We shall save YourWorld!!!

The underlying feeling of KhilafatMovement was desparate attempt to Fill the Hole in OurSouls... and driver was admission... of OurLoss... though GanguCongress tried to hijack it to gain pressure point to create its AkhandGanguDaesh... we were the true drivers of This Movement..This Medicine!


We failed! We fail to protect TheirWorld too! So back to Pakistanwali!!!

The brave BritishIndianArmy fought for the Master .... and we gave OurBlood to save Someone elese's World again!

OurBlood is that Cheap!?

Gora Sahib with his Trains, Colleges and Jimkhanaz..where we were not allowed..... settled back to Rule! TheGreatGame was/is Longterm.... and Kashmir was/is very critical to this!

Lawarance of Arabia becomes Kashmiri!


The Coconut Sheikz were/are BritishAgents... that is the reason they were against Kashmir joining Pakistan. We must never forget that... Kashmir even today remains pivot in TheGreatGame!

We can go in detail about the Creation of Pakistan...and how with Brains Quaid e Azam snatched OurLand away from the jaws of GanguEmpire.... but we all know it too well.

Once again we paid in OurBlood... 72+% of those who died were Muslims!

We got OurLand but we DONOT have OurWorld... we live in someone else's world.
And ONLY we are the only one to blame...

Jinnah's Jew was parked/sidelined by the BrtishCoconutBabuz and he died in Grief.

The Unionists
who were rooting for UnifiedGanguEmpire aka AkhanandGanguDaesh became part of the new PakPoliticalSystem...and are still there...TheElectables!

Creation of the British is still serving TheEmpire. And why not!!?

Be it FazoolMullahMaffia or ANP or BalochNationalists or SindhiWadaraz or UrduSpeakingLeaders...all roads lead to TheEmpire! And those Electables in PTI...lest we forget!

And even today... even today.. K$osa ...CJP.. goes to Yankistan for $!

have offshore Trusts... AllooGosht is in Londonistan.. Kalia is in Londonistan... Billo parties in Londonistan... there is always LondonPlan of PakRulingElites... JumWhoirat hae!

It is intstructive to note that FuzlaGangster visited 3 Gora embassies before their FuzlaMarch to stop YahoodiAgent!!!

We have 'BalochNationalists' in Lonondistan... we have KhooniLiberals a la Sethi variety in Londonistan.... and of course... we have PakLootedWealth in Londonistan!

The UglyTruth we must Accept!

We have OurLand but we are NOT Independent.... because we are still ruled by TheEmpire..through its minions..its beneficiaries... and OurSystem is British in Design and conduct... and now this system has reached a dead end...

And in OurPublicDiscourse we swing between Mullahism or Goraism ... seeking to fill the Emptiness within..

WE are so scared to Own OurCivlisation that we be rather Persianz or Arabz... and we think we have our own culture which we look down upon...????

We don't have to even look deeper... just look superficially at The Heart of Darkness Sindh... or FreeForLootPunjab or EasyMoneyBalochistan or KPK or AJK.... we are running away.... seeking escape...

And this is seen in MarasiParliment...with its tharaybaz senators ... throwing poetry at everything...

This is one big Symptom of OurEscapism... this addiction to useless poetry...that offers Medicine!

Easy Hybridwar on Pakistan!

That the Hybridwar is imposed on Pakistan is a given... and it is rather easy to do so...when stopping building dams in Pakistan requires a few billion PKR... or hiring FazoolMullahMaffia to provide CannonFodder for Kosher AfghanJihad or TTP suicidebombers... same market... same shopkeepers.

This Hybridwar is successful because we have within ourselves Actors/Vectors which have a long history of service to the Outside Powers...

That is why we see FazalurRehman wearing an aba or some Shia cleric wearing the attaire of Persians... or JeanWearing MeraJismMeriMarzi or for hire InteluckChoowalz... all up for sale!

Yet vast majority of Paks..practically all wish to see OurWorld...to Live in OurWorld....

And OurLeaders don't have the backbone to stand up to anyone... be it Mushy or PMIK... let us not even talk about Noora or Ghardari or MullahMaffia...

Unless we Own Pakistanwali... and allow PakPositiveNationalism

Jinnah with his consumed lungs...and dying Cells had more Pakistanwali in him than all of these supreme leaders of JumWhoriat combined.

Nobody understands Iqbal who has detailed Pakistanwali with Clarity that only happens in centuries!

MentalSlavery is the result of those Cannonz blasting holes in the chests of Paks fighting for OurWorld!

And with NO eductional system that can be called Pakistani or any contribution to ScientifiWorld... we are reduced to listening to AllooGosht level intellectual on MarasiMedia or howling of Hollowness in MarassiParliment.

PakPositivism and PakPositiveNationlism is the ONLY way that we can Create OurWorld!

How difficult it is to belive:

Nobody is above us!
Nobody is below us!

We are Paks, Pak is OurLand... from Ladakh to Taftan Pakistanwali!

We must win This Hybridwar on Pakistan.

In our 72 years existence we have provided TwoStrategicReliefs to the West and China with PakBlood and PakTreasure... and now we are at the point of providing ThridStrategicRelief ...

Can we benefit, finally, from the ThirdStrategicRelief?


@Reddington @SIPRA @Verve @Shane @Slav Defence @HRK @Ipcha Mistabra @WebMaster @Horus @Irfan Baloch @Khafee @ali_raza @masterchief_mirza @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PakSword @The Eagle @Signalian @niaz @Tps43 @Dubious @Arsalan @Pakhtoon yum @Indus Pakistan @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER

"Jee jalaata hoon, aur sochta hoon
Raegaan yeh hunar na jaaye kaheen"
(Nasir Kazmi)

جی جلاتا ھوں اور سوچتا ھوں
رائیگاں یہ ھنر نہ جائے کہیں
There is Big Hole in OurSouls... we hide it.. we deny it... we run away from it...

It is like those anxiety dreams...where you run, run and run...and find yourself standing on the same spot... waking up in sweat and with a jolt.

Unless, we accept it.... recognise it..and give it its proper place we are not going to be Anything!

Since, we are psychologically wounded, deeply hurt... we have engaged in Escapismoz of anything but Ourselves... we are EscapeArtists still confined in the box, in chains...and water is full..

And this Hole in OurSouls have created Hollowness...and of course, Hollowmen! Which we see now everyday...from MarasiParliment to MarasiMedia to AllooGoshtTraitors to FazoolMullahMaffiaz...

  • We are more Arabz than Arabz...
  • We are more Persianz than Persianz
  • We are more Goraz than Goraz...

Anything but Ourselves...anything to help us Escape!

And we wake up to find ourselves standing on the same place every morning!

Everything is a process..and then there is the end of the process.

It is rather difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when we recieved the Hole in OurSouls... however, there are some events which do demonstrate more graphically than others!

We lament about TipuSultan... because it helps us with OurEscape!

But we don't talk about the moment when we got wounded definitively.
Pain is unbearable. Understandable!

The Struggle for Pakistan ended on August 14, 1947.

However, struggle for Pakistanwali started almost a 100 years before that. We didn't call it Pakistan then... we didn't have too... we had OurWorld... and we wanted to protect OurWorld which ended definitively in 1857!

And then after that started myths and mersia ...

Ganguz tried to hijack
the Struggle for Pakistanwali...and succeeded... whilst all those outside of the RedFort tied to cannonz and blasted away were Paks!


In 1850 Ganguz planted a stone statue and magically recovered it too..... under the BabariMasjid.... with the full consent of the NewOverlord!

Yet, the struggle for Pakistanwali started long before... struggle to save OurWorld...

After the demonstration of CannonPower and turning us into completely smashed pulp... we have Ghalib doing his lament... It would be quite instructive to read him before and after... he too recieved a Hole in HisSoul...

And we had 'OurEmperor' served with heads of his sons on silver plate... funny how.... served on SilverPlate has become so common.. Silver is Good for Health...

It is immaterial what kind of 'Emperor' Zafar was... but he was Symbol of OurWorld.... and Samshing of the Symbols is important... be it Daesh or a ColonialPower...

Smashing of Symbols
has SubliminalValue and deep effect on CollectiveSubconcious!


We are today in the same State of Existence in which Zafar died!

We took the beating and it was some beating... pieces of OurWorld scatered, desicrated with total abandon... we saw Mules tied in Badshahi Masjad... we saw Jewels scraped away from ShahiMahalz... we watched, heads down, hands tied...

Madrassaz were of course targeted to smash the Pakistanwali.... only paid mullahz were left... any Alim e Haq fighting for Pakistanwali... hanged from Khyber to Chitagong... hangings, hangings... Only WE WERE Hanged. Ganguz played Ganguz and served the NewOverlord!

With OurEducationalSystem gone it was time to create Coconutz and Gageerdarz loyal to their new OverLord, Master! Zinda hae, zinda hae... Pir Sahib... Chaudary Sahib.. Sain Sain.. ShahWadaraz... Sardarz, Sardarz... Barra Admee was born. To rule over SubHuman.... us!

To get ahead you have to join TheBritishArmy TheBritishPolice or BritishCivilService... and they did... yes, they did it with pride! And why not?

BrownGoraz birthed with perfection! And still ruling us!

Capture their minds and their hands will follow...

GC Lahore enters the Heartland and then Peshawar..why not!!!


It could have been anyone... even some African country... Anyone with ability and technological advancement and administrative capacity which in OurWorld was lacking would have done it... It is what it is!

Kashmir was sold in 1846 and with the Fall of Lahore in 1849 .. destruction of OurWorld was continuing... and once again, why not!!!

December 25, 1876.

November 9, 1877.

But to think that Struggle for Pakistan ended with the Cannonz blasting us outside RedFort in OurDelhi is just dishonest.

We NEVER stopped... despite the incorporation of the local PakElite ... despite their serving of the Master... the Struggle for Pakistan never stopped... it mutated ..it gave itself different names..but OurWoundedSoul never stopped searching for Peace!

From GulshanSchool to AligarhUni ... we even tried to educate ourselves... adopting to the ScientificMethod was sought to fill the Hole... to recover... to crawl back/out.... we tried!

December 28, 1885....Gora Sahib, A. O. Hume, even established IndianNationalCongress... with long term Game in mind... but Our Syed opposed it and entertained notions of Resurrection of OurWorld!!!

However, when you smash an OldWorld you wish to impose YourWorld and you do everything which you deem necessary for it... It is what it is!

Kim, Kim, Kim... how you play TheirGame, TheGreatGame!

Czar vs. Crown! And we were the CannonFodder... Afghania needed to be conquered... but it didn't happen.. so TheGreatGame shifted to Kashmir!


OurWorld is Dead. We shall save YourWorld!!!

The underlying feeling of KhilafatMovement was desparate attempt to Fill the Hole in OurSouls... and driver was admission... of OurLoss... though GanguCongress tried to hijack it to gain pressure point to create its AkhandGanguDaesh... we were the true drivers of This Movement..This Medicine!


We failed! We fail to protect TheirWorld too! So back to Pakistanwali!!!

The brave BritishIndianArmy fought for the Master .... and we gave OurBlood to save Someone elese's World again!

OurBlood is that Cheap!?

Gora Sahib with his Trains, Colleges and Jimkhanaz..where we were not allowed..... settled back to Rule! TheGreatGame was/is Longterm.... and Kashmir was/is very critical to this!

Lawarance of Arabia becomes Kashmiri!


The Coconut Sheikz were/are BritishAgents... that is the reason they were against Kashmir joining Pakistan. We must never forget that... Kashmir even today remains pivot in TheGreatGame!

We can go in detail about the Creation of Pakistan...and how with Brains Quaid e Azam snatched OurLand away from the jaws of GanguEmpire.... but we all know it too well.

Once again we paid in OurBlood... 72+% of those who died were Muslims!

We got OurLand but we DONOT have OurWorld... we live in someone else's world.
And ONLY we are the only one to blame...

Jinnah's Jew was parked/sidelined by the BrtishCoconutBabuz and he died in Grief.

The Unionists
who were rooting for UnifiedGanguEmpire aka AkhanandGanguDaesh became part of the new PakPoliticalSystem...and are still there...TheElectables!

Creation of the British is still serving TheEmpire. And why not!!?

Be it FazoolMullahMaffia or ANP or BalochNationalists or SindhiWadaraz or UrduSpeakingLeaders...all roads lead to TheEmpire! And those Electables in PTI...lest we forget!

And even today... even today.. K$osa ...CJP.. goes to Yankistan for $!

have offshore Trusts... AllooGosht is in Londonistan.. Kalia is in Londonistan... Billo parties in Londonistan... there is always LondonPlan of PakRulingElites... JumWhoirat hae!

It is intstructive to note that FuzlaGangster visited 3 Gora embassies before their FuzlaMarch to stop YahoodiAgent!!!

We have 'BalochNationalists' in Lonondistan... we have KhooniLiberals a la Sethi variety in Londonistan.... and of course... we have PakLootedWealth in Londonistan!

The UglyTruth we must Accept!

We have OurLand but we are NOT Independent.... because we are still ruled by TheEmpire..through its minions..its beneficiaries... and OurSystem is British in Design and conduct... and now this system has reached a dead end...

And in OurPublicDiscourse we swing between Mullahism or Goraism ... seeking to fill the Emptiness within..

WE are so scared to Own OurCivlisation that we be rather Persianz or Arabz... and we think we have our own culture which we look down upon...????

We don't have to even look deeper... just look superficially at The Heart of Darkness Sindh... or FreeForLootPunjab or EasyMoneyBalochistan or KPK or AJK.... we are running away.... seeking escape...

And this is seen in MarasiParliment...with its tharaybaz senators ... throwing poetry at everything...

This is one big Symptom of OurEscapism... this addiction to useless poetry...that offers Medicine!

Easy Hybridwar on Pakistan!

That the Hybridwar is imposed on Pakistan is a given... and it is rather easy to do so...when stopping building dams in Pakistan requires a few billion PKR... or hiring FazoolMullahMaffia to provide CannonFodder for Kosher AfghanJihad or TTP suicidebombers... same market... same shopkeepers.

This Hybridwar is successful because we have within ourselves Actors/Vectors which have a long history of service to the Outside Powers...

That is why we see FazalurRehman wearing an aba or some Shia cleric wearing the attaire of Persians... or JeanWearing MeraJismMeriMarzi or for hire InteluckChoowalz... all up for sale!

Yet vast majority of Paks..practically all wish to see OurWorld...to Live in OurWorld....

And OurLeaders don't have the backbone to stand up to anyone... be it Mushy or PMIK... let us not even talk about Noora or Ghardari or MullahMaffia...

Unless we Own Pakistanwali... and allow PakPositiveNationalism

Jinnah with his consumed lungs...and dying Cells had more Pakistanwali in him than all of these supreme leaders of JumWhoriat combined.

Nobody understands Iqbal who has detailed Pakistanwali with Clarity that only happens in centuries!

MentalSlavery is the result of those Cannonz blasting holes in the chests of Paks fighting for OurWorld!

And with NO eductional system that can be called Pakistani or any contribution to ScientifiWorld... we are reduced to listening to AllooGosht level intellectual on MarasiMedia or howling of Hollowness in MarassiParliment.

PakPositivism and PakPositiveNationlism is the ONLY way that we can Create OurWorld!

How difficult it is to belive:

Nobody is above us!
Nobody is below us!

We are Paks, Pak is OurLand... from Ladakh to Taftan Pakistanwali!

We must win This Hybridwar on Pakistan.

In our 72 years existence we have provided TwoStrategicReliefs to the West and China with PakBlood and PakTreasure... and now we are at the point of providing ThridStrategicRelief ...

Can we benefit, finally, from the ThirdStrategicRelief?


@Reddington @SIPRA @Verve @Shane @Slav Defence @HRK @Ipcha Mistabra @WebMaster @Horus @Irfan Baloch @Khafee @ali_raza @masterchief_mirza @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PakSword @The Eagle @Signalian @niaz @Tps43 @Dubious @Arsalan @Pakhtoon yum @Indus Pakistan @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER
Ohh bahadur shah zafar :smitten:

My great great grandfather served under him during 1857 rebellion until he was brutally martyred by goraz.
  • We are more Arabz than Arabz...
  • We are more Persianz than Persianz
  • We are more Goraz than Goraz...
In simpler words We are still slaves and Iqbal R.A said
Ghulami Mein Na Kaam Ati Hain Shamsheerain Na Tadbeerain.jpg

OurBlood is that Cheap!?
Slaves always cost cheap .....
The Unionists who were rooting for UnifiedGanguEmpire aka AkhanandGanguDaesh became part of the new PakPoliticalSystem...and are still there...TheElectables!

Creation of the British is still serving TheEmpire. And why not!!?

Be it FazoolMullahMaffia or ANP or BalochNationalists or SindhiWadaraz or UrduSpeakingLeaders...all roads lead to TheEmpire! And those Electables in PTI...lest we forget!
manzil unheñ milī jo sharīk-e-safar na the.JPG

How difficult it is to belive:

Nobody is above us!
Nobody is below us!

We are Paks, Pak is OurLand... from Ladakh to Taftan Pakistanwali!

We must win This Hybridwar on Pakistan.

In our 72 years existence we have provided TwoStrategicReliefs to the West and China with PakBlood and PakTreasure... and now we are at the point of providing ThridStrategicRelief ...
Laya Qateel waqat hame kis muqam per.jpg
Americans were offered first many people don't know that Gawadar was first offered to US to establish a port in this region during Ayub Khan Government or by Bhutto but as at time Iran was their main ally USA refused the the offer, even during the Musharraf era Musharraf many time offered US to establish Exclusive Economic Zones in Pakistan including in the FATA region but US was not interested in Economic progress of Pakistan ....

so now their concerns hold no weight .....[/QUOTE]

The Americans needed us to use against the ebil "Soviets" despite the Soviets being non-hostile in our inception they only became hostile cause we did not want to decent relations with Moscow but be hitman for Washington instead

Brother mine,

Do we not speak the same!

We must own OurTragedy... this is the only way to heal from within and build OurWorld...

You also know what Allama Iqbal R.A. said about us Muslims..... Jawab e Shikwa

Our new "teachers" will teach us a hard lesson then we will learn thats all I can say
Yes, my very dear YoungPak,

The New HalakuKhan will make the mountains of our skulls as we keep on being more Arabz than Arabz and more Persianz than Persianz...

This too shall pass!


Of course but dont expect "the new teachers" to have an easy time our people so stuck in the sand that any semblence of change will have to come through force and backlash will occur this is Yankee final card anyways use the masses and remaining elite to scuttle other powers be it the next super power or next regional power from carrying out their designs
Great thread @Mangus Ortus Novem

I will only add that this hybrid war has always been imposed on Pakistan ever since its inception. Afghanistan has always supported separatist/Pashtunistan movement in Pakistan and has been involved in terrorism in Pakistan. Not much has changed really. They only thing that is new this time is media and especially unchecked social media where propaganda is disseminated.

Also in the 80's, terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan was fully supported by KGB/Khad now it happens under the US occupation. While today Iran is also actively involved in destabilising Balochistan by supporting terrorists. Not to mention recruitment of terrorists for sectarian wars by Iran.

However, imo, the fault lies in us. 100,000 Pakistanis have either died or been injured in this proxy war supported from Afghanistan by RAW/NDS and others in last 20 years. Yet even after 20 years we still are fighting this war on our own territory and we are still not taking this war to our enemies territory even after lost of 100,000 Pakistan and $200 Billion+ economic losses. This is beyond insane!

تو ادھر ادھر کی نہ بات کر، یہ بتا کہ قافلہ کیوں لٹا
مجھے رہزنوں سے گلہ نہیں، تیری رہبری کا سوال ہے

Throughout the human history and even today, a nation/state/country/empire tries to take the war to the enemy territory or spread its influence as far away as possible from the borders so that the fires don't reach home. Faliure to do that results in other expansionist states coming after that state and then that nation has to fight a defensive war within its own borders.

In 90's we had peaceful borders with Afghanistan for the first time in our history because we helped a pro Pakistan regime to come to power in Afghanistan.

There is only one solution to all this. We must adopt the policy of striking iron with iron.

And regarding stagnant economy and this entire corrupt system which is stopping Pakistan from industrialization; The solution lies in a technocratic dictatorship.
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