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Indian aggression at LOC

Pak needs to avoid hitting innocent Kashmiris. The target should be imported RSS pandits and Indian military installations. Smoke the fvck out of them.

While CNN keeps barking about Hong Kong where not one person has been killed. And they say they have no agenda.

CNN is an extension of the deep state. The deep state is obsessed and worried with China's rise. Everything else takes a back seat in the US. Even a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.
Pak needs to avoid hitting innocent Kashmiris. The target should be imported RSS pandits and Indian military installations. Smoke the fvck out of them.

CNN is an extension of the deep state. The deep state is obsessed and worried with China's rise. Everything else takes a back seat in the US. Even a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.
Nuclear War is not an option for them as well......it will cause global catastrophe both environmentally as well as economically....too much calculations and post nuclear war scenarios available on internet.

The design is brief and fast paced war .....Indian will hurt too but UNSC will step in ....untill than Pakistan will have more burden ...CPEC will be on halt.....and some very dire consequences.....
Nuclear War is not an option for them as well......it will cause global catastrophe both environmentally as well as economically....too much calculations and post nuclear war scenarios available on internet.

The design is brief and fast paced war .....Indian will hurt too but UNSC will step in ....untill than Pakistan will have more burden ...CPEC will be on halt.....and some very dire consequences.....

That is what sane minds would conclude.

Do you think Modi has a sane mind? Are you willing to bet your life that Modi wouldn't go nuclear?
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Nuclear War is not an option for them as well......it will cause global catastrophe both environmentally as well as economically....too much calculations and post nuclear war scenarios available on internet.

The design is brief and fast paced war .....Indian will hurt too but UNSC will step in ....untill than Pakistan will have more burden ...CPEC will be on halt.....and some very dire consequences.....
That is what sane minds would conclude.

Do you think Modi has a sane mind?
Sir, Modi is working on a script ....written by Boss
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Allah Rehm karey..... There are some sane voices against Modi in India as well....

MODI govt planning to table another bill... Putting restrictions on Indian Muslims.... Jobs/Civil rights specially control on birth rate....
India has close to 0.8 million troops in IOK while PA is not even 1/3 of IA in Kashmir. The only way to take IOK at this moment by force is to follow the same path what Pak did in 1947.

This may sounds stupid but Pak needs to bring armed tribals in mass numbers on LOC. This is how Pak got AJK in 1947. There is No chance IA can fight PA backed by armed tribals. Off course the war will spread to IB and this can lead to nuclear war but if Pak wants to take IOK then Pak needs to take the risk.
Pak is in advantage here - experience in Afganistan definitely plays out!!! Moreover, the arrogant Hindutuva Demons will never disclose their loses, nor will they backtrack from their strategies/tactics!! It’s like a double down on the Indian troops at the front!!! Let’s see how far they can stomach...
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