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GenocideAlert: Indian Genocide in Kashmir

Mangus Ortus Novem

Jun 7, 2008
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Genocide Watch is issuing a Genocide Alert for India Administered Kashmir.

On August 5, the Indian President revoked the Special Autonomous Status of India Administered Jammu and Kashmir under Articles 370 and 35A of the Constitution of India. India has over 600,000 troops in Kashmir. Movement of people and freedom of the press are restricted. India has cut off internet communications.

At the time of Indian and Pakistani independence in 1947, Jammu and Kashmir was a princely state with a majority of Hindus in Jammu and a majority of Muslims in Kashmir. During Partition, its Hindu Maharaja chose to remain independent. When Pashtun militias invaded from Pakistan, the Maharaja acceded to the Union of India and India airlifted in troops.

Fighting between Pakistani militias and Indian troops ensued. India took a dispute with Pakistan to the UN Security Council, which passed Resolution 47 of 1948. It called for withdrawal of Pakistani fighters and reduction of Indian troops in Jammu and Kashmir. It also called for a plebiscite to determine Jammu and Kashmir’s future. The plebiscite has never been held. India and Pakistan both assert sovereignty over Kashmir. They divide the territory along the “line of control.” They have fought three wars since independence. Both nations have nuclear weapons.

In 1984, Kashmiri Muslim youth began demonstrations for Kashmiri indigenous self-determination that were crushed by Indian armed forces. Riots destroyed Hindu properties in 1986; armed Muslim insurgents targeted Hindus in 1989; and in 1990, over 100,000 Hindu pandits fled from Kashmir. Human Rights Watch reported that 50,000 people were killed in Kashmir from 1989 to 2006. The Kashmir State Human Rights Commission has evidence of 2,730 bodies buried in 40 mass graves. The Commission reported over 8000 disappearances. The Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society said that by 2016, there were over 70,000 killings, most by Indian forces. Amnesty International reports that disappearances, torture and rape by Indian Army units against Kashmiri Muslims are common.

Applying Prof. Barbara Harff’s risk factors for genocide, the following are early warnings of massacres in Kashmir:
1. Prior genocidal massacres and continuing impunity for such killings;
2. Continued armed conflict between India and Pakistan over border areas in Kashmir;
3. An exclusionary ideology of “Hindutva” – India as Hindu nation – by Modi’s ruling BJP;
4. Authoritarian military rule without legal restraints imposed by civilian Indian officials;
5. Rule by a minority military force (Hindus and Sikhs) over majority Muslim citizens;
6. Cut-off of communications and outside access by internet, media, and trade;
7. Widespread violations of basic human rights – torture, rape, 2-year detentions without charge, arbitrary arrests and deportations of Muslim political and human rights leaders.

Genocide Watch’s Ten Stages of the genocidal process are also far advanced:
1. Classification: Hindu and Sikh Indian Army “us” vs. Kashmiri Muslim civilian “them;”
2. Symbolization: Muslims have Muslim names (on ID cards), Kashmiri language, dress, mosques;
3. Discrimination: Hindu pandits were economically dominant until 1990; BJP reasserted Hindu power;
4. Dehumanization: Muslims are called “terrorists”, “separatists,” “criminals,” “insurgents;”
5. Organization: 600,000 heavily armed Indian Army troops and police dominate Kashmir;
6. Polarization: Modi and the BJP incite anti-Muslim hatred; social media spread falsehoods;
7. Preparation: The Indian Army occupies Kashmir; BJP leaders speak of the “Final Solution” for Kashmir;
8. Persecution: Kashmiri Muslims are locked down, subject to arrest, torture, rape, and murder;
9: Extermination: Genocidal massacres occurred during Partition; since 1990, there have been at least 25 massacres with death tolls over 25: 10 of Muslims by Indian troops; 15 of Hindus by Muslim militants;
10. Denial: Modi and BJP say their goals are to “bring prosperity” and “end terrorism”; they deny any massacres. No Indian Army troops or police are ever tried for torture, rape or murder. Modi’s takeover is popular in India.

Genocide Watch calls upon the United Nations and its members to warn India not to commit genocide in Kashmir.


Genocide Watch has issued a Genocide Watch for Assam State, India, where millions of Bengali Muslims face losing citizenship status. A Genocide Watch is declared when early warning signs indicate the danger of a genocidal process underway.

On July 30, 2018, seven million people in Assam State, mostly Muslims of Bengali descent, may lose their Indian citizenship and risk imprisonment in special “foreigner detention centers.” A process is now underway to “verify” the citizenship of all 32 million inhabitants of Assam state, which requires each person to affirmatively prove that they are Indian and not an “illegal migrant.” Beginning in colonial times, millions of ethnically Bengali Muslims settled in Assam. The 2011 Indian census put their number at 10.6 million in Assam state.

At the urging of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist central government, Assam is updating its master list of “citizens.” Those classified as Indian citizens will receive new Indian identity cards, symbolizing their classification. Anyone not on the final “citizen” list will be presumptively declared a “foreigner,” subject to statelessness and indefinite detention.

Assam’s Muslims are especially likely to be excluded from the “citizen” list as part of a decades-long pattern of discrimination. In advance of releasing the “citizen” list, the Assam state is constructing a new “foreigner” detention center to add to the six prisons already in existence. The word “foreigners” is a common term of dehumanization used to exclude targeted groups from citizenship and the exercise of their fundamental civil and human rights. Assam’s Chief Minister, Sarbananda Sonowal, has requested additional Indian government troops and police to arrest “foreigners.” This is the organization stage of the genocidal process. Propaganda against Muslims has polarized the Assam population.

Like the Rohingya of Rakhine State in Myanmar, Bengali-speaking Muslims in Assam have faced constant discrimination. Assamese ethno-nationalist independence movements grew in the 1970s, culminating in 1983 with the Nellie massacre of between 1,800 and 3,000 ethnically Bengali Muslims.

At least 4.8 million citizenship applicants, mostly poor Muslims, do not have documentation -- which in many cases is missing after several generations. Another 2.9 million Muslim women can only provide a marriage certificate from their local government, which the authorities often dismiss as inadequate. Meanwhile the Citizenship Amendment Bill of 2016, expected to pass soon in the Indian Parliament, would offer relief to some “foreigners,” but not to Muslims, evidence of discrimination and polarization.

Anyone left off the “citizen” list will automatically be classified as an illegal “foreigner.” The Chief Minister of Assam declared in January that “[t]he people who are declared foreigners will be barred from all constitutional rights, including fundamental and electoral.”

Muslims classified as “illegal foreigners” can challenge their classification before Indian government administrators and, ultimately, special “foreigners’ tribunals” -- where they will be denied due process and will have no right to legal counsel. Those adjudged to be “foreigners” will be imprisoned – usually without trial -- in special “foreigner” detention centers, where they will be confined to their cells 24 hours per day, 7 days per week so they cannot mix with “citizen” prisoners. They will be denied recreation time, and no communication with their families on the outside will be allowed.

This is a classic case of denial of citizenship in order to deprive a minority ethnic and religious group of its rights. It could become a prelude to another genocide like Myanmar’s genocide against its Rohingya Muslims. The parallels to the Rohingya situation are shocking.

Genocide Watch is issuing this Genocide Watch as an Early Warning of potential genocide. In Genocide Watch’s Ten Stages of Genocide the situation of Bengali Muslims in India’s Assam State is now at Stage Seven: Preparation. When Bengali Muslims in Assam are imprisoned in “foreigner” detention centers, the situation will move to Stage Eight: Persecution, the stage immediately preceding full genocide.

Genocide Watch calls upon the UN Secretary General, the UN Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and key UN member states to warn India not to strip citizenship from, imprison, and forcibly displace millions of Bengali Muslims who have lived their entire lives in Assam state.

Genocide Watch petitions the Chief Justice of India, Ranjan Gogoi, who is overseeing the citizenship verification process, to order that lists of citizens and “non-citizens” be classified as State Secrets never to be released to the public. Release of the lists is likely to ignite genocidal massacres and a massive refugee crisis, in violation of India’s obligations to prevent genocide under the Genocide Convention and to prevent forced deportation under the UN Refugee Conventions.

Paks, it has begun.

This UN was just a cover. The War for Saving Humanity and destroying #FacistGanguRegime has started... might be slow at first...but it is going to be The Last War!

May God have mercy on us all!



Genocide Watch is issuing a Genocide Alert for India Administered Kashmir.

On August 5, the Indian President revoked the Special Autonomous Status of India Administered Jammu and Kashmir under Articles 370 and 35A of the Constitution of India. India has over 600,000 troops in Kashmir. Movement of people and freedom of the press are restricted. India has cut off internet communications.

At the time of Indian and Pakistani independence in 1947, Jammu and Kashmir was a princely state with a majority of Hindus in Jammu and a majority of Muslims in Kashmir. During Partition, its Hindu Maharaja chose to remain independent. When Pashtun militias invaded from Pakistan, the Maharaja acceded to the Union of India and India airlifted in troops.

Fighting between Pakistani militias and Indian troops ensued. India took a dispute with Pakistan to the UN Security Council, which passed Resolution 47 of 1948. It called for withdrawal of Pakistani fighters and reduction of Indian troops in Jammu and Kashmir. It also called for a plebiscite to determine Jammu and Kashmir’s future. The plebiscite has never been held. India and Pakistan both assert sovereignty over Kashmir. They divide the territory along the “line of control.” They have fought three wars since independence. Both nations have nuclear weapons.

In 1984, Kashmiri Muslim youth began demonstrations for Kashmiri indigenous self-determination that were crushed by Indian armed forces. Riots destroyed Hindu properties in 1986; armed Muslim insurgents targeted Hindus in 1989; and in 1990, over 100,000 Hindu pandits fled from Kashmir. Human Rights Watch reported that 50,000 people were killed in Kashmir from 1989 to 2006. The Kashmir State Human Rights Commission has evidence of 2,730 bodies buried in 40 mass graves. The Commission reported over 8000 disappearances. The Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society said that by 2016, there were over 70,000 killings, most by Indian forces. Amnesty International reports that disappearances, torture and rape by Indian Army units against Kashmiri Muslims are common.

Applying Prof. Barbara Harff’s risk factors for genocide, the following are early warnings of massacres in Kashmir:
1. Prior genocidal massacres and continuing impunity for such killings;
2. Continued armed conflict between India and Pakistan over border areas in Kashmir;
3. An exclusionary ideology of “Hindutva” – India as Hindu nation – by Modi’s ruling BJP;
4. Authoritarian military rule without legal restraints imposed by civilian Indian officials;
5. Rule by a minority military force (Hindus and Sikhs) over majority Muslim citizens;
6. Cut-off of communications and outside access by internet, media, and trade;
7. Widespread violations of basic human rights – torture, rape, 2-year detentions without charge, arbitrary arrests and deportations of Muslim political and human rights leaders.

Genocide Watch’s Ten Stages of the genocidal process are also far advanced:
1. Classification: Hindu and Sikh Indian Army “us” vs. Kashmiri Muslim civilian “them;”
2. Symbolization: Muslims have Muslim names (on ID cards), Kashmiri language, dress, mosques;
3. Discrimination: Hindu pandits were economically dominant until 1990; BJP reasserted Hindu power;
4. Dehumanization: Muslims are called “terrorists”, “separatists,” “criminals,” “insurgents;”
5. Organization: 600,000 heavily armed Indian Army troops and police dominate Kashmir;
6. Polarization: Modi and the BJP incite anti-Muslim hatred; social media spread falsehoods;
7. Preparation: The Indian Army occupies Kashmir; BJP leaders speak of the “Final Solution” for Kashmir;
8. Persecution: Kashmiri Muslims are locked down, subject to arrest, torture, rape, and murder;
9: Extermination: Genocidal massacres occurred during Partition; since 1990, there have been at least 25 massacres with death tolls over 25: 10 of Muslims by Indian troops; 15 of Hindus by Muslim militants;
10. Denial: Modi and BJP say their goals are to “bring prosperity” and “end terrorism”; they deny any massacres. No Indian Army troops or police are ever tried for torture, rape or murder. Modi’s takeover is popular in India.

Genocide Watch calls upon the United Nations and its members to warn India not to commit genocide in Kashmir.


Genocide Watch has issued a Genocide Watch for Assam State, India, where millions of Bengali Muslims face losing citizenship status. A Genocide Watch is declared when early warning signs indicate the danger of a genocidal process underway.

On July 30, 2018, seven million people in Assam State, mostly Muslims of Bengali descent, may lose their Indian citizenship and risk imprisonment in special “foreigner detention centers.” A process is now underway to “verify” the citizenship of all 32 million inhabitants of Assam state, which requires each person to affirmatively prove that they are Indian and not an “illegal migrant.” Beginning in colonial times, millions of ethnically Bengali Muslims settled in Assam. The 2011 Indian census put their number at 10.6 million in Assam state.

At the urging of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist central government, Assam is updating its master list of “citizens.” Those classified as Indian citizens will receive new Indian identity cards, symbolizing their classification. Anyone not on the final “citizen” list will be presumptively declared a “foreigner,” subject to statelessness and indefinite detention.

Assam’s Muslims are especially likely to be excluded from the “citizen” list as part of a decades-long pattern of discrimination. In advance of releasing the “citizen” list, the Assam state is constructing a new “foreigner” detention center to add to the six prisons already in existence. The word “foreigners” is a common term of dehumanization used to exclude targeted groups from citizenship and the exercise of their fundamental civil and human rights. Assam’s Chief Minister, Sarbananda Sonowal, has requested additional Indian government troops and police to arrest “foreigners.” This is the organization stage of the genocidal process. Propaganda against Muslims has polarized the Assam population.

Like the Rohingya of Rakhine State in Myanmar, Bengali-speaking Muslims in Assam have faced constant discrimination. Assamese ethno-nationalist independence movements grew in the 1970s, culminating in 1983 with the Nellie massacre of between 1,800 and 3,000 ethnically Bengali Muslims.

At least 4.8 million citizenship applicants, mostly poor Muslims, do not have documentation -- which in many cases is missing after several generations. Another 2.9 million Muslim women can only provide a marriage certificate from their local government, which the authorities often dismiss as inadequate. Meanwhile the Citizenship Amendment Bill of 2016, expected to pass soon in the Indian Parliament, would offer relief to some “foreigners,” but not to Muslims, evidence of discrimination and polarization.

Anyone left off the “citizen” list will automatically be classified as an illegal “foreigner.” The Chief Minister of Assam declared in January that “[t]he people who are declared foreigners will be barred from all constitutional rights, including fundamental and electoral.”

Muslims classified as “illegal foreigners” can challenge their classification before Indian government administrators and, ultimately, special “foreigners’ tribunals” -- where they will be denied due process and will have no right to legal counsel. Those adjudged to be “foreigners” will be imprisoned – usually without trial -- in special “foreigner” detention centers, where they will be confined to their cells 24 hours per day, 7 days per week so they cannot mix with “citizen” prisoners. They will be denied recreation time, and no communication with their families on the outside will be allowed.

This is a classic case of denial of citizenship in order to deprive a minority ethnic and religious group of its rights. It could become a prelude to another genocide like Myanmar’s genocide against its Rohingya Muslims. The parallels to the Rohingya situation are shocking.

Genocide Watch is issuing this Genocide Watch as an Early Warning of potential genocide. In Genocide Watch’s Ten Stages of Genocide the situation of Bengali Muslims in India’s Assam State is now at Stage Seven: Preparation. When Bengali Muslims in Assam are imprisoned in “foreigner” detention centers, the situation will move to Stage Eight: Persecution, the stage immediately preceding full genocide.

Genocide Watch calls upon the UN Secretary General, the UN Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and key UN member states to warn India not to strip citizenship from, imprison, and forcibly displace millions of Bengali Muslims who have lived their entire lives in Assam state.

Genocide Watch petitions the Chief Justice of India, Ranjan Gogoi, who is overseeing the citizenship verification process, to order that lists of citizens and “non-citizens” be classified as State Secrets never to be released to the public. Release of the lists is likely to ignite genocidal massacres and a massive refugee crisis, in violation of India’s obligations to prevent genocide under the Genocide Convention and to prevent forced deportation under the UN Refugee Conventions.

Paks, it has begun.

This UN was just a cover. The War for Saving Humanity and destroying #FacistGanguRegime has started... might be slow at first...but it is going to be The Last War!

May God have mercy on us all!


The ultimate aim of Hindu Extremist is to change the IOK Valley demography by genocide and making the life of ordinary Kashmiris so misrable and forcing them as refugees to migrate across LOC.

Azad Kashmir is about to be made a center of refugee crises that would shame Afghan war refugee situation that Pakistan still faces today.

Here is a look back at Kashmiri genocide in Jammu that Modi may be trying to mimic and replicate for the Valley:

The forgotten massacre that ignited the Kashmir dispute
In November 1947, thousands of Muslims were killed in Jammu by paramilitaries led by the army of Dogra ruler Hari Singh.

by Rifat Fareed
06 Nov 2017 GMT+3
Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir - The family of Israr Ahmad Khan lived through the massacre of Jammu in what was then part of the princely state of Kashmir. He recalls that many of his relatives were killed during the violence that followed months after British rule over Indian sub-continent ended.

"My father was young then and other immediate family members were in Kashmir at that time. But many of my relatives were brutally killed," the 63-year-old told Al Jazeera.

"To be honest that was a mad period. There was no humanity shown at that time," Khan, who retired as senior police officer, said at his home in Jammu.

In November 1947, thousands of Muslims were massacred in Jammu region by mobs and paramilitaries led by the army of Dogra ruler Hari Singh.

The exact number of casualties in the killings that continued for two months is not known but estimates range from 20,000 to 237,000 and nearly half million forced into displacement across the border into the newly created nation of Pakistan and its administered part of Kashmir.

Khan said many of his relatives had escaped to Pakistan, where they continue to live. "The incident divided families. There were a lot of Muslims in Jammu but now you won't find many," he said.

The killings triggered a series of events, including a war between two newly independent nations of India and Pakistan, which gave birth to Kashmir dispute.

The killings took place when millions of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs were crossing the border from the one side to the other, as part of British-designed plan to partition the subcontinent into India and Pakistan.

"The immediate impact (of partition) was in Jammu. The Muslim subjects from different parts of Jammu province were forcibly displaced by the Dogra Army in a programme of expulsion and murder carried out over three weeks between October-November 1947," Idrees Kanth, a fellow at International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, who researched the 1940s history of Kashmir, told Al Jazeera.

In mid-October, the Dogra Army troops began expelling Muslim villagers from Jammu province. The refugees were sent on foot toward West Punjab (later to form part of Pakistan), where most were accommodated in refugee camps in the districts of Sialkot, Jhelum, Gujrat and Rawalpindi.

On November 5, Kanth said, the Dogra Army soldiers began another organised evacuation of the Muslims but "instead of taking them to Sialkot, as they had been promised, the trucks drove them to forest hills of Rajouri districts of Jammu, where they were executed".

Kanth added that there may have been a systematic attempt by the dying Dogra regime to ensure that records of the incident are destroyed and made it a lesser known massacre of the partition.

"I guess as happens with certain events, they got lost to history and resurface at a later time and in that sense they sort of rewrite our memory of the past. I would say the particular incident was sort of lost on us to a great extent until the post 1990s when the event was resurrected as yet another example of Dogra regime's communal politics," Kanth said.

'Demographic changes'
The historians say that the killings carried out by the Hindu ruler's army and Sikh army was a "state sponsored genocide" to bring out demographic changes in Jammu - a region which had an overwhelming population of Muslims.

"The massacre of more than two lakh (two hundred thousands) Muslims was state-sponsored and state supported. The forces from Patiala Punjab were called in, RSS (a right-wing Hindu organisation) was brought to communalise the whole scenario and kill Muslims," said PG Rasool, the author of a book The Historical Reality of Kashmir Dispute.

The Muslims, who constituted more than 60 percent of the population of Jammu region, were reduced to a minority after the killings and displacement.

He said that when the then Indian Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru and Kashmiri leader Sheikh Abdullah met a delegation of Muslims in Jammu, they were told about the "tragic events" but they preferred to remain silent.

"They didn't want that people in Kashmir - which had a Muslim majority from the beginning - should know about it because it could have led to demonstrations. The state from the beginning has tried to cover up it. I don't call it massacre but it was a staged genocide that is unfortunately not talked about," he said.

"They thought even if they lose Kashmir at least they should get Jammu and the only way was to have a Hindu majority."

Muhammad Ashraf Wani, a professor of History at the University of Kashmir, said that the Muslims in Jammu "do not talk about it because they fear for their survival".

"This is the worst tragedies in the history of Kashmir but unfortunately no one talks about it because the state doesn’t want anyone to remember it," Wani said.

Khurram Parvez, a noted human rights defender in Kashmir, told Al Jazeera that the perpetual conflict in Kashmir has its roots in 1947 massacre. "It is deliberately forgotten. Actually, the violence of that massacre in 1947 continues. Those who were forced to migrate to Pakistan have never been allowed to return," he said.

Five days after the Jammu killings, tribal militias from Pakistan’s North Western Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), where many of the Jammu Muslims had family ties, invaded Kashmir.

As the army of tribesmen rushed to Kashmir, the army of Dogra monarch fled to Jammu. The king Hari Singh signed the instrument of accession with New Delhi, which sent its army to fight the tribesmen.

The fighting of several weeks between tribesmen and Indian Army eventually led to first India-Pakistan war. When New Delhi and Islamabad agreed to a ceasefire in January 1948, the formerly princedom of Jammu and Kashmir was divided between the two countries.

The conflict born in 1947 has led to three wars between India and Pakistan. An estimated 70,000 people have been killed in the violence in past three decades since the armed revolt against Indian rule broke out in the region in 1989.



My very dear brother,

A great post yet again!

Paks need to understand that #TerroristGanguArmy is intentionally targeting Paks in AJK to create space so that they can push the Paks from IoJK into AJK.

We are alive to this evil strategy... PA will burn the pigs alive before anything of this kind happens.

However, let us never underestimate the #GangaDaeshFacists ... besides they are not alone in this Final Solution... they have the backing of their masters as well.

We need to fight this war inside GangaDaesh!


Going to UNSC was a formality while both Armies size each other eye ball to eye ball. That none of the big 5 vetoed a calling of SC meet on IOKashmir is being termed as failure of Indian Government by anti-Modi Indians themselves.

Whatever this economically weak and diplomatically compromised government achives is nothing but a blessing of Allah Subhan Taala for poor Kashmiris in trouble.

The real game starts after curfew is lifted. Indian forces are preparing for that too like never before. There seems to be a definite method to their current lockdown madness.

Indian army it seems is profiling every other house hold, as many as they can, in IOK by abducting school boys/young men from random house holds, interrogating them about neighbours and potential threats, at tge same time intimidating and warning the area population about consequences of demonstrating against occupation.

They are trying to make sure that once curfew is lifted, the demonstrations are half as strong as they would be if left unchecked or unintimidated. Then they would go after that demonstrating half using the profiles they are collecting since they started this practice, so on and so forth.

Pakistan may have no other option but to go for gorilla war once curfew is lifted and the valley errupts, the occupation forces are going to instigate their planned blood bath.

Once the refugees trickle in, they should be trained, equipped and sent back to fight and become catalyst to the freedom struggle and win back the freedom of their homeland with complete support and military backing of Pakistan.
Going to UNSC was a formality while both Armies size each other eye ball to eye ball. That none of the big 5 vetoed a calling of SC meet on IOKashmir is being termed as failure of Indian Government by anti-Modi Indians themselves.

Whatever this economically weak and diplomatically compromised government achives is nothing but a blessing of Allah Subhan Taala for poor Kashmiris in trouble.

The real game starts after curfew is lifted. Indian forces are preparing for that too like never before. There seems to be a definite method to their current lockdown madness.

Indian army it seems is profiling every other house hold, as many as they can, in IOK by abducting school boys/young men from random house holds, interrogating them about neighbours and potential threats, at tge same time intimidating and warning the area population about consequences of demonstrating against occupation.

They are trying to make sure that once curfew is lifted, the demonstrations are half as strong as they would be if left unchecked or unintimidated. Then they would go after that demonstrating half using the profiles they are collecting since they started this practice, so on and so forth.

Pakistan may have no other option but to go for gorilla war once curfew is lifted and the valley errupts, the occupation forces are going to instigate their planned blood bath.

Once the refugees trickle in, they should be trained, equipped and sent back to fight and become catalyst to the freedom struggle and win back the freedom of their homeland with complete support and military backing of Pakistan.

My dear Pak,

I have come to believe that ganguz are engaged in their sick-holy-religious war against Kashmiris in particular and muslims of GangaDaesh in general.

With the news of RSS terrorists in GangaTerroristArmy uniforms doing the killing and rapes.... and the curfew providing them ample cover is an extremely terrible reality.

When the news of this genocide comes out... our souls shall be shattered.

PMIK today has cancelled all his engagements and even the address to The PakNation is indictive of what is happening in IoJK.

The sad, UglyTruth is that Paks are so divided, confused that they are mentally and emotionally unequipped to deal with what is coming.

GanguTerroristArmy will engage us in SialkotSector because of Baba Sahib's resting place... in their sick, evil minds they will like to take over this place and kill the possiblity of Khalistan as well.

Lahore they can try to create panic and have their assets there create sabotage/unrest... given the political environment in the country they will try to create maximum unrest/chaos within Pak.

Balochistan and former FATA have been reactivated... more so Quetta/Balochistan to keep us busy on the western front.. with AF Peace talks hitting stall....

Ganguz can even buy some BLA front people and have them declare some kind of independence...with support coming from regional countries.

If we think that Ganguz are acting alone then we must have our heads checked.

GanguFacistRegime has full support of certain powers... China being engaged in HK and Taiwan being activated.... there is a very BigPlot behind this.

The Truth is that this is Our War. This is Our Duty. This is The Last War. And We, Paks, Win This War.

The Struggle has begun!

My dear Pak,

I have come to believe that ganguz are engaged in their sick-holy-religious war against Kashmiris in particular and muslims of GangaDaesh in general.

With the news of RSS terrorists in GangaTerroristArmy uniforms doing the killing and rapes.... and the curfew providing them ample cover is an extremely terrible reality.

When the news of this genocide comes out... our souls shall be shattered.

PMIK today has cancelled all his engagements and even the address to The PakNation is indictive of what is happening in IoJK.

The sad, UglyTruth is that Paks are so divided, confused that they are mentally and emotionally unequipped to deal with what is coming.

GanguTerroristArmy will engage us in SialkotSector because of Baba Sahib's resting place... in their sick, evil minds they will like to take over this place and kill the possiblity of Khalistan as well.

Lahore they can try to create panic and have their assets there create sabotage/unrest... given the political environment in the country they will try to create maximum unrest/chaos within Pak.

Balochistan and former FATA have been reactivated... more so Quetta/Balochistan to keep us busy on the western front.. with AF Peace talks hitting stall....

Ganguz can even buy some BLA front people and have them declare some kind of independence...with support coming from regional countries.

If we think that Ganguz are acting alone then we must have our heads checked.

GanguFacistRegime has full support of certain powers... China being engaged in HK and Taiwan being activated.... there is a very BigPlot behind this.

The Truth is that this is Our War. This is Our Duty. This is The Last War. And We, Paks, Win This War.

The Struggle has begun!

This news been confirmed many time, Indian govt send hundreds of RSS in police uniform in Kashmir.
My dear Pak,

I have come to believe that ganguz are engaged in their sick-holy-religious war against Kashmiris in particular and muslims of GangaDaesh in general.

With the news of RSS terrorists in GangaTerroristArmy uniforms doing the killing and rapes.... and the curfew providing them ample cover is an extremely terrible reality.

When the news of this genocide comes out... our souls shall be shattered.

PMIK today has cancelled all his engagements and even the address to The PakNation is indictive of what is happening in IoJK.

The sad, UglyTruth is that Paks are so divided, confused that they are mentally and emotionally unequipped to deal with what is coming.

GanguTerroristArmy will engage us in SialkotSector because of Baba Sahib's resting place... in their sick, evil minds they will like to take over this place and kill the possiblity of Khalistan as well.

Lahore they can try to create panic and have their assets there create sabotage/unrest... given the political environment in the country they will try to create maximum unrest/chaos within Pak.

Balochistan and former FATA have been reactivated... more so Quetta/Balochistan to keep us busy on the western front.. with AF Peace talks hitting stall....

Ganguz can even buy some BLA front people and have them declare some kind of independence...with support coming from regional countries.

If we think that Ganguz are acting alone then we must have our heads checked.

GanguFacistRegime has full support of certain powers... China being engaged in HK and Taiwan being activated.... there is a very BigPlot behind this.

The Truth is that this is Our War. This is Our Duty. This is The Last War. And We, Paks, Win This War.

The Struggle has begun!

Thank you for the reply. It is indeed terribly worrisome.

It was really irksome when the news first came out that India is bolstering its 800k armed to the teeth troops already deployed in Kashmir with another measly 30k para military troops.

The logical question that arises is why send a few thousand more new ones when already nearly a million experienced troops are already deployed?

I'll search my post on these additional troops at the time that I recall as stating that these must be the worst of the worst selected for raping, abusing and specializing in the most henious crimes against humanity.
One killed, multiple injured in Indian-occupied Kashmir after firing
August 18,2019
Two senior government officials confirmed that at least two dozen people were admitted to hospitals with pellet injuries in Indian occupied Kashmir.

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ISLAMABAD: At least one person, identified as Mohammad Ayub, was martyred on Sunday and multiple were left injured during clashes between Indian troops and protesters who defied curfew orders and other restrictions in the Indian-occupied Kashmir (IOK).

Two senior government officials confirmed that at least two dozen people were admitted to hospitals with pellet injuries.

The heavy clashes broke out in around two dozen places in Srinagar including Soura, Rainawari, Nowhetta and Gojwara areas of the city.

Meanwhile, in occupied Kashmir , the authorities continue to impose strict curfew and other restrictions across the Kashmir valley and at least five districts of Jammu region on the 14th consecutive day.

Many residents in Bemina area of Srinagar complained that the troops raided their houses, assaulted them and damaged properties with stones and iron rods.

Thousands of people have been arrested by the Indian forces over the past two weeks.

The curfew was enforced on August 5 when Narendra Modi's government revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir by abrogating Article 370 of its constitution.


As a result of strict curfew and all sorts of communication blockade, a humanitarian crisis is unfolding as people are facing severe shortage of essential commodities including baby food and life-saving medicines in the occupied territory.

The authorities also continue to impose information blockade as TV channels, internet links and online editions of newspapers remain suspended since August 5.

After a brief pause, the authorities snapped mobile and internet services again in Jammu, Samba, Kathua, Udhampur and Reasi districts of Jammu region.

Almost all Hurriyat leaders, including Syed Ali Gilani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq continue to remain under house arrest or in jails.

Meanwhile, Turkey has urged the United Nations to play a more active role in resolving the Kashmir dispute within the framework of its resolutions.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry in a statement issued in Ankara, welcomed the consultations held by the UN Security Council on the recent developments in Kashmir.

Also read:
Six martyred, 100 injured in Indian troops’ firing in occupied Kashmir - August 7th, 2019.

Kashmiri Protesters have started writing dates on placards in demonstrations to counter sleazy bag Indians propagating that these are old pics and vids:

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