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Why Pakistan is 'boosting Kashmir militants'

We are not free yet to boost them.

The day we are free to boost the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters then India will be needing another 100,000, 000 troops for Held Kashmir.

So relex for the time being
We are not free yet to boost them.

The day we are free to boost the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters then India will be needing another 100,000, 000 troops for Held Kashmir.

So relex for the time being

:woot::woot::lol::lol::lol: Emotional Ejaculation.

Jokes apart, But I seriously respect your love for Pakistan.


That's very surprising only few politicians keep 7000,0000 Indian soldiers busy day and nite..what economic burden ..
(do u like germany?)

who gives sh.t to bbc in Pakistan..and no my country doesn't claim ISI is involved rather few idiots as i explained on payroll of us of a claims and yes its a claim there is no proof to it..am i clear now?

don't pay them. don't send them across east/west borders and everything will be alright..

...and so we have good elements Pakistani tribal men we'll use against you incase of war they helped before and are useful assets and strong country men...

how u used them against us?as soldiers or as mujaheedins????
its a important question for me,,,as it will answer ur stand????
We are not free yet to boost them.

The day we are free to boost the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters then India will be needing another 100,000, 000 troops for Held Kashmir.

So relex for the time being

jana r u a real journalist??????
do u realise what u r implicating?????
what makes u think that that india will not retalliate....(actually ,present scenario suggests me that ,if there is a war then india will not hold back).....yes i'm against war....i will conceive such response from some amateur pakistani ,but from u hazam nahi hota....even if educated person like u who has traveled so much will start to believe in extremism(actually terrorism)..then what do u expect from majority of uneducated n uninformed indians...if a full fledged war is what u want then understand this everybody we know at home will die.......i know u don't want this.. but what r u implicate by suggesting full fledged support to ur so called f.fighters???
moreover if india starts to openly support terrorism in ur destabilased regions(balooch etc.)kuch log kahenge ,abhi hum log hi kar rahe hai....anyway..
do u think u can match india in this karobaar????????
just asking jana kya yeh sahi hai???????n don't say idon't know reality n stuff...i can even give u tel.nos. of my seniors who live in srinagar(few) n others in kashmir.....
what makes u think that that india will not retalliate....
do u think u can match india in this karobaar????????

Mr over confident-indian (a common disease amongst indians),

your government can retaliate as much as they want, they can hold kashmir with 7 lac army, Pakistan has all the right to free kashmir from fascists hinduvta army involved in world's greatest human rights abuse.

Pakistan has yet to retaliate for 1971, and for current TTP terrorist being sent from Indian embassies from Afghanistan.

And yes, the brave muslims of Pakistan can easily match even 10 times bigger army then pathetic cowards of chankia army, so much for a hindu army - 65% of which are sikhs.
Mr over confident-indian (a common disease amongst indians),

your government can retaliate as much as they want, they can hold kashmir with 7 lac army, Pakistan has all the right to free kashmir from fascists hinduvta army involved in world's greatest human rights abuse.

Pakistan has yet to retaliate for 1971, and for current TTP terrorist being sent from Indian embassies from Afghanistan.

And yes, the brave muslims of Pakistan can easily match even 10 times bigger army then pathetic cowards of chankia army, so much for a hindu army - 65% of which are sikhs.

Your post clearly indicates who the overconfident guy here is.

1. Kashmir is a disputed territory, but it is an Indian state. Pakistan is what created a dispute over it.

2. No country has the right to send militant or even fund them across the border, or even LOC. So all those who believe its their right should just stop saying that.

3. India might have 7 lac, 15 lac or even 80 lac troops in Kashmir, but its the Indian administered Kashmir, they are deployed in, not in Pakistan's. So they shouldn't worry you. Why do you want them out?
Any sane man can tell, as soon as they are out, you'll send in your lacs of troops to invade Kashmir, as suggested by history.

4. You can retaliate as much as you want. But mind you, our retaliation to that would be much more devastating. History of all Indo-Pak wars suggest Indians dominated every war.

5. :lol: This one was a joke right.
Sikhs have a saying
Sawa lakh se ek laraoon
Tabe Gobind Singh Singh Nam Kahaoon

Means that a single Sikh is equivalent to 1.25 lac army. So by that logic your 1 muslim = 10 Hindu thing just won't work since you already said Indian army is 65% sikhs. I guess we won't need any more than 5-7 sikh soldiers like me to finish off your so called retaliation. Longewala battle was perfect example sikh regiment set up for you.
I bet they can achieve any objective, show me one place on earth where attacks by militants have forced the government to change the stand.

There are many examples my friend....though the more complex part is how you define terrorism...whom you call a terrorist...what side of opinion you are....people whom we address as militants in Kashmir are considered freedom fighters by our friends across the border etc etc...anyways if you read history books arms struggles have led to many changes in the world(some good some bad)...Before 9/11 everything was not considered as terrorism(something that we Indians know very well) but post 9/11 everything is terrorism...so to answer your question precisely would be difficult task...Just to give you an example Bhagat Singh was considered a terrorist by Britishers and an angel by Indians....

Is there anyone who can explain me as to how it is going to help. I seriously think it is more ego satisfying exercise with no clue on how objectives will be achieved.

Not really...my honest opinion terrorists are not an entity that can hold on themselves...They are raised very systematically by vested interests and used as proxy's to achieve goals that cannot be achieved otherwise(atleast openly) untill they get loose and become trouble for the creators...Just look at any examples of terrorists in the past/present(from Afghan Mujhahideen created by CIA-ISI to LET, JEM, HAMAS and what not) they are/have been nurtured by states one time or other to solve some specific goals...Talking about terrorism directed against India look how much damage it has caused us....Look at the number of troops that we have to station in Kashmir from couple of decades to fight this menace...Just imagine the kind of money we have already spent/spending to keep things under control vs the paltry sum of money that our friends from across the border have to spend.....Thereafter read the kind of role that these proxies played in the war of 1965,Kargil(Hats off to our soldiers who fought bravely)....then consider if there was no terrorism the issue of Kashmir would have died by now as far as International focus is concerned....In other words it is solving the purpose of keeping
Kashmir on Hot burner....Also in case of a war these lunatics will be bonus for our enemies(remember they are already in our territory with ammunitions) and can be used against strikes on sensitive targets...Above all you must have heard about Bleed India with thousand cuts...

I hope you will get some idea about how effective terrorism can be...though time has proved one gets their own hands burnt when playing with this kind of fire.....
There is no solution to Kashmir not politically and definitely not military as too much will be on stake for both countries.
The Best solution should be for now is to keep every nonsense aside and focus more on trade, the higher the trade volume between the two countries, the lesser the chance there will be for blame games, rhetoric, jingoism and as a result of this a possible military conflict. With years to come as the hostility diminishes between the two sides, it will be relatively easy for both the governments to burge from the traditional stance and move towards a possible solution that also provides a face saving to all the parties involved.
There is no solution to Kashmir not politically and definitely not military as too much will be on stake for both countries.
The Best solution should be for now is to keep every nonsense aside and focus more on trade, the higher the trade volume between the two countries, the lesser the chance there will be for blame games, rhetoric, jingoism and as a result of this a possible military conflict. With years to come as the hostility diminishes between the two sides, it will be relatively easy for both the governments to burge from the traditional stance and move towards a possible solution that also provides a face saving to all the parties involved.


A well made point.

If this were to be followed, each time war clouds loom , Companies with interests across the border would exert influence on the Govt not to cross a line & to diffuse the situation.

Political parties are dependent on business houses to fund their elections - one cannot do without the other.
who gives sh.t to bbc in Pakistan..and no my country doesn't claim ISI is involved rather few idiots as i explained on payroll of us of a claims and yes its a claim there is no proof to it..am i clear now?

Well....BBC is not on Indian payroll.
And whoever is against your views, must be on Indian payroll.

don't pay them. don't send them across east/west borders and everything will be alright..

As I said, we understand you have proof but won't show them to anyone.

...and so we have good elements Pakistani tribal men we'll use against you incase of war they helped before and are useful assets and strong country men...

I guess you already used them. :lol:
What has been achieved. Nothing. Bring up something new. Even our army is getting bored with same type of targets. :hang2:
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