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Why can't we infiltrate ttp?


Jan 25, 2017
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Why is it so difficult for ISI to send a few under cover Agents posing as ttp recruits? Join ttp, Gather info, send it back to ISI?

ISI relays that info to the military. Paf, Commandos etc . Joins force's and wipe them out?

Please explain to me why this isn't possible? And why ttp have been mass murdering our people for so long?
Why is it so difficult for ISI to send a few under cover Agents posing as ttp recruits? Join ttp, Gather info, send it back to ISI?
it’s happening.

Do you believe social media only ? So if this is shown in media then you would believe it perhaps. Maybe somebody should tweet it.

Our agency probably tried their best to infiltrate these monsters but aren't as successful as i would like them to be.
based on what criteria ?

Do you know the timeline of mission ?
The sensitivity of events related to circumstances ?

Do you have an intel background ?
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They've been infiltrated before but you'll never hear about most things because it's not exactly helpful to announce it.

Although overall intelligence agencies are not up-to-par with their international counterparts, even domestic counterparts have massive disparity

They suffer from the same institutional problems as every other institution in Pakistan due to our toxic cultural traits.
That's the sad reality of things and unfortunate.

If we had a good leader his top priority should be to
1) fix security situation where everyone feels safe including foreigners.
2) non stop electricity. When power cuts out our tiny textile industry comes to halt. No export product being created.

it’s happening.

Do you believe social media only ? So if this is shown in media then you would believe it perhaps. Maybe somebody should tweet it.

based on what criteria ?

Do you know the timeline of mission ?
The sensitivity of events related to circumstances ?

Do you have an intel background ?

Based on my personal observations of all these bomb blasts in the past decade! Don't need to be a scientist to figure that out?

Everytime we have a bomb blast it gets covered on International media. You know how bad that is for our country? Let alone the fact that we lost innocent school children, people praying in a mosque.

I mean what ever our agency's are doing it isn't working. Maybe switch things up try a different approach? Or something?

Which other country who isn't at war has as many bomb blasts as Pakistan in the past Decade?
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In all seriousness, what do you think should be done? I am all ears.
Our political leaders should make internal security their first priority before health care, building infrastructure etc. media should be asking our government why this is happening and put pressure on them. Our people should protest anytime something like this happens and push the government and our military to fix the problem.

Rather than spending cash on new military hardware trying to compete with foreign threats, we should spend that money to fix domestic terrorism 1st.

If all else fails and as a last resort do what Turkey does to PKK. Everytime there is an attack they go guns blazing into even foreign countries. Having said that i know it doesn't solve the main problem but it does slow them down.

I know ISI is capable and I'm confident they can put an end to this madness. Maybe they aren't getting the funding they need or a little push or this issue isn't getting the attention of average Pakistani that it requires? maybe our people have gotten so used to this issue that it's considered a norm? That was my purpose to create this thread in the first place.
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A friend of mine once told me, Afghan Taliban’s 313 Badri special forces was more Punjabi than Afghan. However, the real 313 Badri doesn’t exist anymore.
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Man Israeli's had spies int eh white house in the 70's we cant even ifiltrate a militia. I was hoping we could get into Lockheed soon

-Anytime Isreali's get a rocket shot at them with no casualties they go blow up half of Palestine.

-Anytime India get's attacked they bring their stupid rusty train loaded with ammunition to the border and threaten war.

-Anytime Turkey get's attacked they go into foreign lands and blow shit up.

We all know what U.S did after 9/11.

What do we do? Nothinng.
Why? N Why not? That's my question.
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Our current real enemy isn't India. We should switch our focus to other impressing matters.

All countries in Asia are offering the investors one thing, cheap skilled labor. Which we have plenty of but we can't utilize it because...

If i was some multinational trillion dollor company and looking to expand and save on costs. Would i put my 1 billion dollar plant in India, Pakistan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam? They all offer cheap labor.

Pakistan will lose out because no political stability, no security. So a hard skip?

Wars have changed they are fought with money and technology. 1 million man strong army won't do much against an army half the size which is equipped with latest technology and backed by strong economy.

My .02 cents
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Our current real enemy isn't India. We should switch our focus to other impressing matters.

All countries in Asia are offering the investors one thing, cheap skilled labor. Which we have plenty of but we can't utilize it because...

If i was some multinational trillion dollor company and looking to expand and save on costs. Would i put my 1 billion dollar plant in India, Pakistan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam? They all offer cheap labor.

Pakistan will lose out because no political stability, no security. So a hard skip?

Wars have changed they are fought with money and technology. 1 million man strong army won't do much against an army half the size which is equipped with latest technology and backed by strong economy.

My .02 cents
achi baat hai bhai, but you have changed the topic of your own thread.

We can infiltrate the IMF, World Bank and Industrial giants and start sending orders and approve loans. just joking
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achi baat hai bhai, but you have changed the topic of your own thread.

We can infiltrate the IMF, World Bank and Industrial giants and start sending orders and approve loans. just joking
My topic was about TTP= Domestic Terrorism and how we can stop it? Infiltration was just an idea. After some senior members pointed out that we are doing everything possible.

Domestic terrorism (TTP) is the root cause of all our problems. It's connected to Politics, Economy, National Security, Defense, you name it.

I'm currently rambling on about how it effects us in more Way's than we realize. And how dangerous it is for our country.

India doesn't really need to do anything. They can just keep bringing in the investment's telling investors how safe their country is and how they plan to protect their investment with new rafael jets. Keep financing ttp etc and we will lose big time. It's about $.

I would be sad but happy if we had protest's after every bomb blast. Pushing our government/ military to do more. Thats all

Maybe our government leader or chief of staff walks into ISI head quarters and say's something like "This bs has to end no more here is a cheque for x amount and if you don't get it done then your out" i know it's Hollowood but still? Still better than what we got going on?
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India doesn't really need to do anything. They can just keep bringing in the investors. Keep financing ttp etc and we will lose big time.
Until the time comes. Redline crossed. Patience exhausted. Indias back side i.e. Assam and those areas become hot and india learns its Aukaat.
I’ve been against Pakistan’s pacifism from day 1 and believe we must be on the offensive always. But there is a limit to everything. Even pacifists go on the offensive when they run out of patience or redlines are crossed. India has enough insurgencies destroying it from within and Pakistan has enough assets in india. All Pakistan lacks is a leadership with balls.
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Until the time comes. Redline crossed. Patience exhausted. Indias back side i.e. Assam and those areas become hot and india learns its Aukaat.
I’ve been against Pakistan’s pacifism from day 1 and believe we must be on the offensive always. But there is a limit to everything. Even pacifists go on the offensive when they run out of patience or redlines are crossed. India has enough insurgencies destroying it from within and Pakistan has enough assets in india. All Pakistan lacks is a leadership with balls.
I agree. Ik tried the pacifist approach handing out medical cards.. didn't work. Plmn is hell bent on building roads and infrastructure.

Like wtf are our leaders thinking?

We need internal security, followed by non stop electricity. That's how we can avoid begging Imf every 5 years for a bailouts.

Bro let's say a war between India and Pakistan happens we have the best everything and are winning.. ok?

How do you think U.S would react? U.S companies like google, Intel, Apple have millions of dollars invested in India. Ceo's of those companies who funded the presidential campaign would be at white house asking the president to protect their investments.
While they have 0 intrest in Pakistan.

We would lose big time. It's all about $ now days.

And we can't get any $ investment's in this country because of groups like TTP.
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