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What happened in Turkiye is NOT the punishment of Allah

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Anatolia, historically known as Asia Minor, is a large peninsula in Western Asia and is the western-most extension of continental Asia. The land mass of Anatolia constitutes most of the territory of contemporary Turkey.

Etymology"the East", from Greek
Sherlock,do you think I don't know that? Turkey as in the modern State of Turkey. Hello?
I'll slap you silly for thinking I'm not aware of Anatolia's history and cities.

What I meant is this is probably the worst disaster in modern Turkey.
You seem to be an atypical angry Greek. We are talking about geological history of a place. What difference does it make if people call it by name X or Y? I was just trying to tell that the place and the people have been experiencing catastrophic earthquakes from the beginning of human history. That bears no relation to political history.
You seem to be an atypical angry Greek. We are talking about geological history of a place. What difference does it make if people call it by name X or Y? I was just trying to tell that the place and the people have been experiencing catastrophic earthquakes from the beginning of human history. That bears no relation to political history.
Yes this area has had a lot of natural disasters,but I was talking about modern Turkey,not the entire timeline of Anatolia.
I can't really say if it is or not a punishment from Allah. Earthquakes can also be sign of Akhirah coming near.

But Earthquakes can also be a form of punishment which Allah can give according to Islamic Faith. Earthquakes are also signs of Allah of being the Mighty Creator and in whose powers is life and death.

Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “This nation of mine has been granted mercy. Their punishment is not in the Hereafter. Their punishment is in the world through persecution, earthquakes, and slaughter.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4278

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

For me, Earthquakes on Muslims is a trial by Allah for patience and to get forgiveness through calamity.
I can't really say if it is or not a punishment from Allah. Earthquakes can also be sign of Akhirah coming near.

But Earthquakes can also be a form of punishment which Allah can give according to Islamic Faith. Earthquakes are also signs of Allah of being the Mighty Creator and in whose powers is life and death.

Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “This nation of mine has been granted mercy. Their punishment is not in the Hereafter. Their punishment is in the world through persecution, earthquakes, and slaughter.

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4278

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

For me, Earthquakes on Muslims is a trial by Allah for patience and to get forgiveness through calamity.
I can say with complete confidence that earthquakes are not punishment from God. Because, we know enough about earth's geology to say earthquakes occurred before there were humans on earth. We know that all the continents were at one time joined together in one supercontinent. You don't even have to study geology for that. Just look at west coast of Africa and east coast of South America. When this supercontinent broke up 200 million years back, there were violent earthquakes. Since there were only dinosaurs on earth then, God would likely have 'punished' dinosaurs. That sounds absurd enough to disprove 'punishment' theory. God did 'punish' all large living beings 66 million years back when the meteorite impact in Mexico caused mass extinction, again before there were any humans (or even primates). So, all punishment theories are cow manure.
This thread violates no religious topics policy and should be closed.
This thread violates no religious topics policy and should be closed.
But if it helps move someone from superstition to rationality that is a plus. Many superstitions were born for lack of good scientific explanation. Any intelligent college student studying science can read the Book of Genesis (in Old Testament) and see how its authors tried to explain nature and natural phenomenon as acts of God.
If you go to the child cancer treatment floor of a hospital, you will see a lot of innocent people suffering due to smart God design of human body, it's not man made suffering.

If you can't accept the existence of God and that suffering of innocent people due to natural facts, you shouldn't wait to a earthquake to stop believing in God.
Those rebel in Syria better lay down their arm and makes peace with their government.

God gives sign, human should understand.

Prophet is person who can talk with God.

As I said it is my own opinion. And those rebel in Syria whose houses get destroyed as well, better accep peace with their government.
Collective karma of mankind is why we get punished with natural disasters, our ruining the environment with pollution, killing animals, uncontrolled greed is the reason. If you see history, there is pandemic that hits every 100 years and kill around 10 million people.
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