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Turkish court rule supporting returning Hagia Sophia museum again Mosques .

You stop being so stubborn and think rationally,its not a religious issue,its political.
What do we gain from it and what do we lose?
Think about that and dont use religious excuses.
Wow we are on the 8th page already I doubt he will do it just domestic pandering to his conservative base
PC means Politically Correct and like I said prior I dont think he will turn Aya Sophia into mosque I been hearing this since the mid 2010s at this point Erdogan is the boy who cry wolf at this point

Turkey needs a change in leadership...I hope they get a good leader next to undo the damage Erdogan has done.
Well its their country and rules and I don't understand why you seem to be upset?
German knee-jerk reaction. They are still mad at the Americans because they voted for Trump without asking the Germans first if they are allowed to do so.

Germans have especially troubled relations with Turkish people becaue in the 60ies and 70ies they did their slave work, but now Turks are everywhere, have also fancy jobs and don't have the "Yes Boss"-mentality of the 60ies and 70ies anymore. Many Germans cannot stand the latter fact so they will demonize Turkey all the time.
What was the reason of converting a mosque to museum? If secular wanted museum they should have one in Topkapi Palace, they could have build a new building? Unnecessary controversy.

Erdogan order religious ministry to start work for converting Aya Sufia as mosque. :turkey::turkey:
At a delicate time when we need allies our president decides to once again do something controversial to regain popularity... Even his followers started complaining about how everything is going. But now it's all good because he turned Haci Sofya into a Mosque.

Do something which other countries hate >>> Gain support from own population >>> win next elections

Now watch as Greece converts Mosques to Churches... Then you'll complain about human rights blah blah blah. This sh!t never ends. Let's not stoop down to their level.

This is just childish. Let's focus on technology and science instead of playing around with Religion. Jews crafted all three Abrahamic religions and they just use Christianity and Islam as tools. 20 million Jews are more powerful than 1.5 billion Muslims and 2 billion Christians. Hmm I wonder why.

It's f*cking sickening seeing all you Muslims and Christians fighting over religion.. when in reality both your religions are slightly varied versions of them same thing. Then you complain about Zionists... They are laughing at you.

Also let me tell you something about Jews. Do you wanna know why they're so powerful? They were the first educated people. They know all the keys to success. They've written it all down and have kept it a secret for thousands of years. Meanwhile what is taught in Islam, Christianity and in today's society as a whole is not beneficial to the success of you and your family. It just makes you a zombie. Hence why Jews hold so much power despite being only 20 million people.

Also Jews know that their religion is bullsh!t. But it doesn't matter. Their cult-like religion holds secrets. Behind the curtains they are not a joke at all. They have nailed down a formula to success and it has nothing to do with the power of God.
Which Mosques?

There are multiple mosques in Greece. What's going to stop them from converting them to churches?

It's a shame that us Turks do more for Islam than Arabs do. Yet the whole religion is based off Arab culture and requires an understanding of the Arab language. And now Arabs are, just like back in medieval times, aligned with Greeks.

cheap point scoring of turkish gov . it was made as church if he want to restore then restore is as church .

I don't agree with making it a church but you're certainly right about cheap point scoring for the gov. They do anything for votes, even if it jeopardizes foreign relations and our economy.

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