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Turkish Aviation Programs

Do you have autism? serious question.

Why do you go on and on about ballistic missiles in a thread about aviation?

There's a saying in Turkey "Kedi ulaşamadığı ciğere mındar der"

It's an idiom that describes a common behavior of people trying to find faults about things that they can't get.
This kind of saying is old and in the skull of people from another era, it is valid for little spirits but not for great felines like lions and tigers.
These are things that you can not understand, fortunately that American leaders understand faster that's why they are always in advance of people like you.

so lets the experts speak after all they are them who develop and finance these devices
The F-35 is bad choice for turkish air force
The Director of Operational Tests and Evaluation of the Pentagon had again identified 871 deficiencies concerning the F-35 fighter of Lockheed-Martin, including ten of category n ° 1, that is to say that, according to the definition of the US Air Force, they can "cause death or serious injury, loss or serious damage" .

F-35A fighter jet engine wears out faster than expected .
20% of US Air Force F-35As could run out of engines by 2025, especially if no corrections are made.

According to official figures, the cost of an hour's flight on an F-35 is $ 36,000. Lockheed-Martin assured that this amount would be reduced to $ 25,000, which General Kelly said doubted. What's more, the device's availability rate is said to be 69%, which is well below the 80% demanded by the Pentagon, according to Defense News.

The F-16 "Viper" presents interesting capacities, or, at least, likely to match the needs of the US Air Force in the future while waiting for the 6 th generation aircraft
“If we have the ability to do something even more efficient for less and faster, why not? Let's not just buy off the shelf, let's take a look at something else we can build, ”General Brown told reporters.

The F35 would come over too expensive to the interview for Turkey and without much benefit in the end.

Ankara made the right choice to eject the program believe well

F-35A had 75% readiness rate in 2017, the best of ANY USAF fighter.

Its CPFH has like halved since 2014.

The engine issue was corrected.

Ankara made a horrible decision, they now lag behind their adversaries in terms of capability, with both the UAE and Greeks building a force of some of the most advanced platforms to fly.
F-35A had 75% readiness rate in 2017, the best of ANY USAF fighter.

Its CPFH has like halved since 2014.

The engine issue was corrected.

Ankara made a horrible decision, they now lag behind their adversaries in terms of capability, with both the UAE and Greeks building a force of some of the most advanced platforms to fly.
The Government Accountability Office says :
The F-35 aircraft in use did not meet the standards of reliability and maintainability, suggesting that the program does not deliver aircraft at the expected quality level.

The report dates from the end 2020 is a few months.
A US Air Force manager suggests reducing F-35A fleet to the "NGAD" combat aircraft .
F-35A had 75% readiness rate in 2017, the best of ANY USAF fighter.

Its CPFH has like halved since 2014.

The engine issue was corrected.
Thank you
This kind of saying is old and in the skull of people from another era, it is valid for little spirits but not for great felines like lions and tigers.
These are things that you can not understand, fortunately that American leaders understand faster that's why they are always in advance of people like you.

so lets the experts speak after all they are them who develop and finance these devices
View attachment 756662
Sensationalist garbage. Israeli F35s are avoiding the russian S400 systems and hitting every strategic target in Syria. It's a very capable platform and the stealth is certainly proving it's worth.

Who cares if it's expensive if it can take down 4 F16s per sortie.
Do you have autism? serious question.

Why do you go on and on about ballistic missiles in a thread about aviation?

maybe you have autism

I talked to you about the jet engine powered , low RCS , AI based unmanned Fighter Jet which carry AESA Radar and GOKHAN ramjet engine long range air to air Missiles

TAI and BAYKAR will give power to Turkey to match with Greek Rafale and F-35 in the air

and in a conflict with Greece , Turkey will use full of power

-- F-16s
-- TIUS and MIUS unmanned Fighter Jets
-- S400 , HISAR-U , SIPER Air Defense Systems
-- TF-2000 class AAW Destroyers armed with 150km SIPER air defense missiles
-- long range Ballistic and Cruise Missiles to hit Greek Rafales , F-35s and Jet Hangars

if needed , Turkey can destroy Greek Rafales , F-35s and Jet Hangars in a day ... and GAME OVER !
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Thank you

Sensationalist garbage. Israeli F35s are avoiding the russian S400 systems and hitting every strategic target in Syria. It's a very capable platform and the stealth is certainly proving it's worth.

Who cares if it's expensive if it can take down 4 F16s per sortie.

Report from : March 22, 2021

Having fallen behind, the development of the "Block 4" version of the F-35 will cost 1.9 billion more
In 2018, the Pentagon launched the modernization of the 5th generation F-35 combat aircraft to bring it to the Block Standard 4. In detail, it's about integrating 66 new features
This program, which was to be completed in 2024, has already fallen behind. Then he was then about 2026. However, the Government Accountability Office [Gao, equivalent American of the Court of Auditors], which published a report on March 18, 2021, now speaks of 2027.
Thank you

Sensationalist garbage. Israeli F35s are avoiding the russian S400 systems and hitting every strategic target in Syria. It's a very capable platform and the stealth is certainly proving it's worth.

Who cares if it's expensive if it can take down 4 F16s per sortie.

you did not see this statement
Adam Smith, the chairman of the armed forces committee
in the House of Representatives. "What does the F-35 bring us? Is there a way to reduce our losses? Is there a way to continue spending so much money for such a low capacity? Because the support costs are enormous, "he launched at a conference of the Brookings Institution.
The F-35 program has recently been undermined by several officials, starting with Will Roper, the formerly air secretary for acquisitions and technology, or by General Charles Q. Brown, the Chief Staff of the US Air Force, the latter having suggested that the number of aircraft ordered could be significantly reduced.
maybe you have autism

I talked about jet engine powered , low RCS , AI based unmanned Fighter Jet which carry AESA Radar and GOKHAN ramjet engine long range air to air Missiles
Let's talk when this thing exists okay? This isn't a forum for children to discuss their fantasy wars and fantasy aircraft.
You did not see this statement
Adam Smith, the chairman of the armed forces committee
in the House of Representatives. "What does the F-35 bring us? Is there a way to reduce our losses? Is there a way to continue spending so much money for such a low capacity? Because the support costs are enormous, "he launched at a conference of the Brookings Institution.
Again, he's talking about costs, which matters a lot when you're buying 2500 F35s like the US. It doesn't matter so much for a country like Turkey or Israel for that matter. F35 would bring us a significant advantage even if we had some 30-40 of them.

For all I know, this guy has been bought by Boeing to sell more F-15EXs...
Let's talk when this thing exists okay? This isn't a forum for children to discuss their fantasy wars and fantasy aircraft.

Again, he's talking about costs, which matters a lot when you're buying 2500 F35s like the US. It doesn't matter so much for a country like Turkey or Israel for that matter.

For all I know, this guy has been bought by Boeing to sell more F-15EXs...

This plane is becoming increasingly a street disaster that will have played almost all NATO defenses budgets! The F35, all over its duration, project, R & D, purchase, maintenance will cost 2000 billion $ .It would have increased from $ 1400 to $ 2000 billion in 1 year. It is to say more than 2/3 of the GDP of France. Must see, but if that's the case, it's more an industrial accident that must be called.
This plane is becoming increasingly a street disaster that will have played almost all NATO defenses budgets! The F35, all over its duration, project, R & D, purchase, maintenance will cost 2000 million $ .It would have increased from $ 1400 to $ 2000 billion in 1 year. It is to say more than 2/3 of the GDP of France. Must see, but if that's the case, it's more an industrial accident that must be called.
again, I am asking you, who cares if it costs more if it can take down 4 F16s per sortie?

Nobody is buying 2500+ F35s like the US Who already has F22s. They can argue about costs all day long. They aren't in a precaious situation in the eastern mediterranean like Turkey, surrounded by enemies.
again, I am asking you, who cares if it costs more if it can take down 4 F16s per sortie?

Nobody is buying 2500+ F35s like the US Who already has F22s. They can argue about costs all day long. They aren't in a precaious situation in the eastern mediterranean like Turkey, surrounded by enemies.

"Turkey does not necessarily intend to return to the F-35 combat aircraft program," said the boss of the Turkish Defense Industry, during a given interview. at the NTV channel. On the other hand, what Ankara is now seeking is to recover his bet. "There is an obvious loss of rights. [...] We say that there is an injustice and that this injustice must be repaired, "Demir said, who was sanctioned by Washington last December, because of the purchase of S-400 systems. "The purpose of all our efforts is not necessarily to return to the program, but rather to correct injustices and offset our losses," he insisted.

My poor Turkey is not in conflict with the USA
The US Air Force has no benefit to order the number of F35 which it had planned to acquire. As a result, this device will become a chasm, which the US will abandon in 10 years and that the countries that will have endowed will have to trainer for 25 years.

The subject is that Turkey has made the right choice to withdraw from this project by buying S-400.

The Fail-35 is less sexy when USAF no longer wants to play its role as super-VRP!
Let's talk when this thing exists okay? This isn't a forum for children to discuss their fantasy wars and fantasy aircraft.

fantasy aircraft ?

We dont care about ignorant children like you who knows nothing about Turkish defense industry
Turkish UCAVs changed the game in Syria , Libya and Karabakh
its time to develop jet engine powered , low RCS , AI based unmanned Fighter Jet named MIUS

in 2023 everybody will see Baykar MIUS jet engine powered , low RCS , AI based unmanned Fighter Jet which will carry AESA Radar and GOKHAN ramjet engine long range air to air Missiles

-- BAYKAR confirmed MIUS first flight by 2023
-- Ukranian AL-25TL turbofan Engine is ready for MIUS
-- Aselsan GaN based AESA Radar
-- TUBITAK-SAGE GOKHAN ramjet engine long range air to air Missile

Turkish UCAVs kicked Russian Air Defense legacy
when we launch our unmanned Fighter Jets, the world will talk about the unmanned Fighter Jets developed by Turkey, not F-35s,

btw Turkey can destroy Greek F-35s and Jet hangars in a day ....... thanks to Turkish Ballistic-Cruise Missile technology
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Turkey has made the right choice to withdraw from this project
is everybody here high?. We didn't "make a choice to withdraw from this project" we vehemently protested when we got KICKED OUT of this project.

Which we had over %100 offset deal, we were going to receive more money than we paid for 100 aircraft. It was a sweet deal.

btw Turkey can destroy Greek F-35s and Jet hangars in a day ....... thanks to Turkish Ballistic Missile technology
yeah in the fantasy war that takes place in your head where Turkish ballistic missiles have 0cm CEP and Greeks have no countermeasures, planes are just waiting in the runways to be destroyed. Great job!
again, I am asking you, who cares if it costs more if it can take down 4 F16s per sortie?

Nobody is buying 2500+ F35s like the US Who already has F22s. They can argue about costs all day long. They aren't in a precaious situation in the eastern mediterranean like Turkey, surrounded by enemies.

The stealth of the F-35a had been misled by a passive radar the twinvis system developed by the German group Hensoldt and the Fail-35 if it is no longer stealthy will have a hard time shooting down an F-16 which sees it on its radar .
Lockheed-Martin has sought to relativize the performance of the Twinvis system by explaining that the two F-35a had reflectors [index gradient lenses, called Lüneburg] to make them detectable .

But for Hensoldt, the presence or not of reflectors does not change the case ... since the twinvis system does not need it to work.
Nobody is buying 2500+ F35s like the US Who already has F22s.

The UK cancelled buying 90 F-35s and The UK will spend 5 billion pounds for unmanned Fighter technologies ... Drones become ever more common
The UK cancelled buying 90 F-35s and The UK will spend 5 billion pounds for unmanned Fighter technologies ... Drones become ever more common
Holy shit you can write a short, concise answer. Maybe you're not that autistic.

it's an interesting development. The brits can definitely make good UAVs if we look at BAE Taranis. We'll have to wait and see how that works out. But we're not Britain, we don't have the luxury to wait and experiment until we get it right. We need more planes now.

When Americans made the F-4, they thought that the age of dogfights was over and they didn't add a cannon to the plane. It didn't work out so well. I believe they will end up in a similiar situation. It's a gamble.
The stealth of the F-35a had been misled by a passive radar the twinvis system developed by the German group Hensoldt and the Fail-35 if it is no longer stealthy will have a hard time shooting down an F-16 which sees it on its radar .
Lockheed-Martin has sought to relativize the performance of the Twinvis system by explaining that the two F-35a had reflectors [index gradient lenses, called Lüneburg] to make them detectable .

But for Hensoldt, the presence or not of reflectors does not change the case ... since the twinvis system does not need it to work.
Stealth of the F35 seems to work against the S400s in Syria just fine.

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