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Steel Cutting Ceremony of Hangor Class Submarine held at KSEW

In my opinion, the one in the picture with Pakistani flag is the training sub and not the variant Pakistan would be receiving.
I are hoping that you are correct in this case.
Alhamdulilah , looks appropriate for Pakistan Navy
Congrats on starting the construction

It is important to thank Allah for this moment and appreciate the work done by Pakistan Navy to get to this point

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When could we expect the first one to be inducted?
Why don't Pakistan get Nuclear powered submarines. ?
Why don't Pakistan get Nuclear powered submarines. ?
Whats the point.
AIP fits for Pakistani needs perfectly.
India is right next door
Modern AIP in many cases are even more quieter than Nuclear subs.
Easier & cheaper to operate.

Unless Pakistan wanted to piss of 🐻 in antarctic naval forces no point in getting one
No VLS ? nice design , hope the last one can able to fire SLBM
This is Type 039C ...................................

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The only thing i am concerned with is the torpedo room is located on the upper deck. This may mean that the curvature of the hull reduces the total weapons stowage. So at max it will carry 18 weapons, so submarine with 3600 ton is very less, soryu for comparison carry 30 with similar tonnage.
The first 4 being constructed in Peoples Republic of China , and then some will be constructed in Pakistan first of 4

From Agosta time frame it took us two to three and half Years to manufacture 1 Acosta so would imagine similar time frame for each Submarine

This project will certainly go all the way to 2028-2030
where are 1 to 4 subs ? i have never see a single image of them

Stealth Submarine
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Whats the point.
AIP fits for Pakistani needs perfectly.
India is right next door
Modern AIP in many cases are even more quieter than Nuclear subs.
Easier & cheaper to operate.

Unless Pakistan wanted to piss of 🐻 in antarctic naval forces no point in getting one
For faster travel to patrol point, PN can't project power in Bay Of Bengal with SSKs as has no close by friendly base where it could refuel, re-supply itself, or going down to Bombay port to harass merchant shipping. AIP will let you stay submerged for long period of time but will not enable you to travel fast and far ( think 'Andre the Giant' doggie paddle in Princess Bride ) vs SSN as ( ' Michael Phelps' doing free style in Olympics. )
Why don't Pakistan get Nuclear powered submarines. ?
More then likely Miniature Nuclear power plant, hard to design and build. For example, Ruskies being doing it for over 50 years and have had radiation leak, performance issues etc. Hopefully better safety design now for them then what they fielded back in 70s, 80s and 90s.

IN was able to Lease one of Ruskies, PN has no option, what PLAN has is not enough for themselves.
So this is confirmed a variant of the Type 039B, and not the S-20 (non-AIP)?

If confirmed as a Type 039B variant it will have a Sterling AIP when she is launched, or it that added later? I hope they went for the Full AIP; 14 days at 4 knots submerged and very quiet.

If they went further with the Type 039C it would come with Lithium-ion batteries. Which would allow it to sprint from the 4 knots 14 days capability in the event it is detected. Perhaps they will add that later in a refit when Battery technology gets even better and a lot cheaper. With batteries it could probably hunt enemy ships and remain super-silent as per the American sonarman on the YouTube channel Sub Brief. It’s a design that even the US Navy is worried about.

Hope they advance AIP technology so that endurance on AIP can be increase to at least 30 days. If they can get that, then they could hopefully build a follow-on class of 4 boats in Karachi with 4 VLS tubes large enough to carry a modern SLBM (2000-2500 km range like the Pukguksong-3) with three warheads and at least a dozen decoys for really potent second strike force.

Any indications what AIP the PN chose, if any, at launch? This design is a very modular one and build on 25 years of experience. They original type 039 song was launched in 1996 if I’m not mistaken.

Also indication it will have the defense (decoy and anti-torpedo system) like has been added by Turkey on our Agosta 90B submarines?
Hangor SSP is a variant of the S26, an export variant of the Yuan with Sterling AIP.
Slightly disappointed going by the Picture of the signing ceremony, no VLS. Any how, good going PN as far as standard attack SSK goes.
My guess is that the PN went with a vanilla-ish build. I know we all heard the $4-5 billion US figure (from Financial Times), but I think that price included the 8 Hangors, 4 Type 054A/P frigates, and other special mission ships from China. IMO, each Hangor likely came at $300-350 m per boat, which is a great price for a mature AIP platform with reliable ASW and AShW capabilities.

That said, I can tell you that the PN is still looking for more submarines, both shallow-water attack boats and another full-sized AIP boat. The latter is slated to replace the Agosta 90Bs by around 2040. I can't allude to the origin or make just yet, but the PN will aim for every optimal feature. Don't expect VLS because, for the ASW and AShW roles, that isn't a must-have. Rather, think about the AIP, batteries, piping, electronics management, steel, etc. You can say it's the PN's Project AZM ;)

More then likely Miniature Nuclear power plant, hard to design and build. For example, Ruskies being doing it for over 50 years and have had radiation leak, performance issues etc. Hopefully better safety design now for them then what they fielded back in 70s, 80s and 90s.

IN was able to Lease one of Ruskies, PN has no option, what PLAN has is not enough for themselves.
We've heard credible rumours of a boomer in development. But as you said, it's difficult to design, build and validate (for safety and performance). I'm sure the PN is intent on having it, but a SSBN is likely a ways out. Probably a culmination of everything after all is said and done.

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