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Featured Russia's new Skyfall missile that will be able to fly around Earth for YEARS

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Russia's new Skyfall missile that will be able to fly around Earth for YEARS and will be ready to launch nuclear strike at any moment, Britain's defence intelligence chief warns

  • Skyfall missile can 'attack from unexpected directions,' says Defence chief
  • Accident involving the missile caused radiation spike and left at least five dead
  • Russian president Vladimir Putin has called it 'a radically new type of weaponry'

Russia's new Skyfall missile will be able to fly around Earth for years and launch a nuclear strike at any moment, Britain's defence intelligence chief has warned.

The 9M730 Burevestnik missile, also known as Skyfall by Nato, has been linked to the deaths of at least five scientists in an accident in Nyonoksa, north eastern Russia, that caused a radiation spike 'one thousand times higher than lethal,' last August.

Britain's Chief of Defence Intelligence, Lt Gen Jim Hockenhull, told a media briefing: 'Moscow is testing a subsonic nuclear-powered cruise missile system which has global reach and would allow attack from unexpected directions'.

Russia's Skyfall missile would be able to fly around the Earth for years and could launch a nuclear strike at any moment

Russia's Skyfall missile would be able to fly around the Earth for years and could launch a nuclear strike at any moment

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly called the missile as a 'radically new type of weaponry'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly called the missile as a 'radically new type of weaponry'

It's understood the missile will be able to fly around the Earth for years, ready to launch a nuclear strike at any moment.

Last year it was reported that the weapon could be ready to launch by 2025.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly called it 'a radically new type of weaponry' with 'unlimited range and unlimited ability to manoeuvre'.

Lieutenant-General Hockenhull says the West is having to keep pace with adversaries who do not play by the rules with nations such as Russia and China continually challenging the existing order without prompting direct conflict.

He said that 'conventional threats remain' but 'hostile states are willing to take incredible risks'.

Lt Gen Jim Hockenhull said Russia is 'pushing the boundaries of science and international treaties' and the nuclear-powered missile could have 'a near-indefinite loiter time'.

He was quoted by The Sunday Telegraph as he spoke at the Five Eyes intelligence hub at RAF Wyton, in Cambridgeshire.

Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance made up of experts from the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

At the media briefing, the Chief of Defence Intelligence warned Russia had invested in submarines and underwater capabilities, including an unmanned water vehicle, 'capable of delivering a nuclear payload to coastal targets, or even carrier groups at sea,' that could also target internet cables.

Lt Gen Jim Hockenhull, the British Chief of Defence, said the missile had global reach and could 'attack from unexpected directions'

Lt Gen Jim Hockenhull, the British Chief of Defence, said the missile had global reach and could 'attack from unexpected directions'

He told the briefing how Russia's army was smaller than during the Cold War, but had changed its approach to warfare since then.

He said: 'They have looked hard at the West to see where best to place their investments to give us the most challenges.'
Britain has long accused Russian operatives of using the Novichok chemical weapon on former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in 2018.

Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia were two of five people exposed to the substance, both spending weeks in hospital recovering.

The missile, also known as 9M730 Burevestnik in Russia, has been linked to an explosion in Nyonoksa, north eastern Russia, last August

The missile, also known as 9M730 Burevestnik in Russia, has been linked to an explosion in Nyonoksa, north eastern Russia, last August

Dawn Sturgess, 44, of Amesbury, Wiltshire, died in July that year after coming into contact with a perfume bottle thought to originally contain the poison, while her partner, Charlie Rowley, spent nearly three weeks in hospital.

Lt Gen Hockenhull said: 'Whilst conventional threats remain, we have seen our adversaries invest in artificial intelligence, machine learning and other ground-breaking technologies, whilst also supercharging more traditional techniques of influence and leverage.

'As we have seen in Salisbury, hostile states are willing to take incredible risks.

'We must make sure that we have both the intent and the capability to ensure that such wanton acts of irresponsibility will not go unpunished.'

Lt Gen Hockenhull described Iran and North Korea as regional threats, but warned China posed the biggest threat to stability around the world.

US and NATO for that matter conventional war fighting capability against Russia very much nullified with Burevestnik (Skyfall) missile and 5 others. Western media and analyst downplay or avoid the topic because arms industry and more than 50 years of work and investment rendered worthless. CBG and 7 sea domination for example are no longer a worthy strategy when it comes to facing Russia and China.
Now is the time for US and its allies to review their policies and relationships with other nations.

For them it is better to avoid direct or in-direct confrontations with other nations.

War and threats are not viable solutions as these may endanger the existence of humans on this earth.

Both sides should strive for global peace and prosperity. Instead of using the technologies to create deadly weapons, these techs should be utilized for betterment of human race.

The day these leaders break their own self ego, the world will become heaven for the humans.
Both sides should strive for global peace and prosperity. Instead of using the technologies to create deadly weapons, these techs should be utilized for betterment of human race.

That reminds me of an American proposed spacecraft propulsion method called Nuclear Pulse Propulsion which used nuclear explosions to propel the craft. I quote from the Wikipedia page :
The reference design was to be constructed of steel using submarine-style construction with a crew of more than 200 and a vehicle takeoff weight of several thousand tons. This low-tech single-stage reference design would reach Mars and back in four weeks from the Earth's surface (compared to 12 months for NASA's current chemically powered reference mission). The same craft could visit Saturn's moons in a seven-month mission (compared to chemically powered missions of about nine years).
Imagine if the nuclear nations decided for peace and joint space exploration and extracted the nuclear fuel from their weapons and made it available to such spacecraft.

@ps3linux @Hamartia Antidote
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That reminds me of an American proposed spacecraft propulsion method called Nuclear Pulse Propulsion which used nuclear explosions to propel the craft. I quote from the Wikipedia page :

Imagine if the nuclear nations decided for peace and joint space exploration and extracted the nuclear fuel from their weapons and made it available to such spacecraft.

@ps3linux @Hamartia Antidote

I've already stated that the days of a 24 hour/365 day drone swarm curtain flying around a country's borders is not that far off. It would make a manned incursion suicidal.

As for this weapon flying in the atmosphere for years...I doubt it. It doesn't serve any purpose to spend money on toughening a missile's engine to take that abuse. I think it will be carried by a drone that can fly continuously for years. They can expend the toughening effort by upgrading the carrier drone instead of swapping out missile parts. The drone will launch the long range missile.
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Russia's Skyfall missile would be able to fly around the Earth for years and could launch a nuclear strike at any moment

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reportedly called the missile as a 'radically new type of weaponry'

It's understood the missile will be able to fly around the Earth for years, ready to launch a nuclear strike at any moment.

Lt Gen Jim Hockenhull said Russia is 'pushing the boundaries of science and international treaties' and the nuclear-powered missile could have 'a near-indefinite loiter time'.

All those quotes right there pretty much outlined why this thing would be a major violation of the nuclear treaties that have been agreed to and signed by the US and Russia. It's one thing to arm a dozen ICBM warheads in a nuclear submarine and have it cruise the oceans and seas of the world as well as ships and destroyers etc. Even missile silos in Siberia or Colorado and such. But to ARM a cruise missile and actually put it in flight -- even if it's in a space orbit -- so that it can rain down in 2 or 5 years time at command is akin to launching one of those ICBMs. I think there's a major discrepancy the Russians would have to deal with if that cruise missile does in fact get launched while carrying a nuclear warhead. That won't sit right with any of the powers to be, that's for sure. Not exactly sure what the Russians and Putin are thinking of here.
All those quotes right there pretty much outlined why this thing would be a major violation of the nuclear treaties that have been agreed to and signed by the US and Russia. It's one thing to arm a dozen ICBM warheads in a nuclear submarine and have it cruise the oceans and seas of the world as well as ships and destroyers etc. Even missile silos in Siberia or Colorado and such. But to ARM a cruise missile and actually put it in flight -- even if it's in a space orbit -- so that it can rain down in 2 or 5 years time at command is akin to launching one of those ICBMs. I think there's a major discrepancy the Russians would have to deal with if that cruise missile does in fact get launched while carrying a nuclear warhead. That won't sit right with any of the powers to be, that's for sure. Not exactly sure what the Russians and Putin are thinking of here.
Trump just said a few days ago that the US has weapons no one know about..Have you heard that!?
both might be playing with fire and add China too.. since there is a stand still in nuclear weapons and their means of delivery..we might be seeing new innovative means now.. on all parts..
Trump just said a few days ago that the US has weapons no one know about..Have you heard that!?
both might be playing with fire and add China too.. since there is a stand still in nuclear weapons and their means of delivery..we might be seeing new innovative means now.. on all parts..

I did hear that in his interview with Bob Woodward for his book which will have all sorts of bombshells on that idiot lol. And you know how I feel about that donkey lol, he even started by saying "I have developed a nuclear wea...'' and then he changed it man the guy is the biggest, self absorbed jackass on the planet. I wouldn't trust a single thing coming out of his rotten mouth.

But yeah I'm sure the US has all sorts of crazy stuff as well, they just don't go around bragging about it like Putin and the Russians. I think it's dangerous saying that we have developed a nuclear capable cruise missile that can fly for years and rain on command. That means it would be flying while carrying a nuclear warhead which is completely against current signed nuclear agreements IIRC.
I did hear that in his interview with Bob Woodward for his book which will have all sorts of bombshells on that idiot lol. And you know how I feel about that donkey lol, he even started by saying "I have developed a nuclear wea...'' and then he changed it man the guy is the biggest, self absorbed jackass on the planet. I wouldn't trust a single thing coming out of his rotten mouth.

But yeah I'm sure the US has all sorts of crazy stuff as well, they just don't go around bragging about it like Putin and the Russians. I think it's dangerous saying that we have developed a nuclear capable cruise missile that can fly for years and rain on command. That means it would be flying while carrying a nuclear warhead which is completely against current signed nuclear agreements IIRC.
Yes true.. but remember Reagan and his outer space warfare program!? Maybe the US is already there.. who knows.. and having an armed satellite that can launch a nuclear head anytime is no different than what Putin has announced.. and believe me I am neutral about this.. just trying to see the truth behind it..
Was then outer space treaty (US and soviets/Russians agree not to weaponize space) voided when the US created Space force.
This Russians system sounds like the old “Rods From God” concept; tungsten rods in a satellite that can be released on an Unsuspecting target at any time.

I did hear that in his interview with Bob Woodward for his book which will have all sorts of bombshells on that idiot lol. And you know how I feel about that donkey lol, he even started by saying "I have developed a nuclear wea...'' and then he changed it man the guy is the biggest, self absorbed jackass on the planet. I wouldn't trust a single thing coming out of his rotten mouth.

But yeah I'm sure the US has all sorts of crazy stuff as well, they just don't go around bragging about it like Putin and the Russians. I think it's dangerous saying that we have developed a nuclear capable cruise missile that can fly for years and rain on command. That means it would be flying while carrying a nuclear warhead which is completely against current signed nuclear agreements IIRC.

what he was going on about was mostly just what you see in the following video and the warhead equivalent. If the CEP can be lowered the yield can be lowered and still have the same effect. Even more effect if it’s a very accurate enhanced earth penetrating device.

Its been in development before this guy was in office.
As for this weapon flying in the atmosphere for years...I doubt it. It doesn't serve any purpose to spend money on toughening a missile's engine to take that abuse.

The Russian plan I think calls for the weapon to fly in the upper atmosphere - minimal air drag. Do you still think the engine needs toughening ?

And what do you think of NPP that I mentioned ?

and having an armed satellite that can launch a nuclear head

Reminds me of the film Space Cowboys.
what he was going on about was mostly just what you see in the following video and the warhead equivalent. If the CEP can be lowered the yield can be lowered and still have the same effect. Even more effect if it’s a very accurate enhanced earth penetrating device.

Its been in development before this guy was in office.

Yeah so it's nothing new he was bragging about if that is indeed what he was referring to. But my impression was that he was talking about laser weapons and how far the US has come with that technology in developing crippling weaponry out of it. I doubt he was talking about anything nuclear even though he stumbled and said "nucl.." and then corrected himself.

But coming back to this Russian CM, I think they'll face a lot of flack if it is indeed launched with a nuclear warhead.

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