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Please help me understand Imran Khan's cult of personality

This will be a controversial thread, but it's been on my mind a lot lately.

There's a whole radicalized subsection of our society who almost worships him, putting him above the country, showing disrespect to their own people for him, and even laughing at martyrs.

What makes him the Messiah? I want to understand their logic when at the end of the day he is a flawed politician, like all others in the third world.

Speeches? I'd give him that, as he has a big mouth.

army?, let's be honest - they have been involved in politics for a while, but this time, people became really angry

Economy? - he was a disaster.

When Sheikh was the FM, things seemed good; he was doing the right things, but it was the army's choice.

He brought in Tareen, and we did see growth, but it was deficit-led growth, which eventually resulted in the boom-bust cycle we're used to. Quoting the IMF, "Describing the failed four-year Extended Fund Facility (EFF) as a 'missed opportunity,' the IMF blamed both the PTI and PDM, particularly under the economic stewardship of Shaukat Tarin and Ishaq Dar, for 'irresponsible budgetary expansion' and exchange rate interventions, respectively."

We often talk about 'Dollar Dar,' but in pursuit of false growth, Imran's hand-picked FM ruined the economy down the line.

He couldn't negotiate an ML-1 infrastructure deal, stalling it further than it already was.
All the tax collection, digitalization, energy is part of the national policy at this - thats why we saw after a while even the PDM, now caretaker gov is doing the same thing

Diplomacy -?

"Seems like Pakistan has suffered another blow on the diplomatic front. A Lahore-based weekly magazine 'Friday Times' has claimed that Prime Minister Imran Khan's actions at the UN General Assembly miffed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman to an extent that he ordered his private jet flying the Pakistani delegation from New York to Karachi, to return midway."

Backed away at the very last minute from a summit after coming under pressure.

Called OBL a martyr.

On the eve of the Ukraine war, he went to meet Putin like a complete bimbo

Religion/values as a man -?

The man literally has baby daddy drama, resembling African American hoodlum rappers.
His history as late as 2008 is well known, where he was partying poolside with random actresses. Three years later, in 2011, he had his breakout year in Lahore Minar-e-Pakistan jalsa (with Army's help, its on record), where he emerged as a legitimate candidate for PM.


When the TTP was butchering every other political party in Pakistan, especially ANP, he was going around, calling them (or TTA) freedom fighters and asking for negotiations.

And the whole resettlement of TTP into Pakistan from Afghanistan
F around
find out

although no personal involvement (toshakhana was shady but not exactly corruption) but when everyone around you is doing something wrong.... put 2 and 2 together

Farah reportedly came in contact with the Maneka family during her husband’s illness in 2009-10 and became a close friend of Bushra Bibi. Gogi and Gujjar are said to have played a key role in Imran Khan’s marriage to Bushra Bibi.

She was accused of buying a 10-acre industrial plot worth Rs600 million for just Rs80.30 million in Faisalabad’s special economic zone during the tenure of the PTI government in Punjab.

She has also been accused of using her influence over bureaucratic appointments in Punjab and making money from bureaucrats.


His sister
@DESERT FIGHTER actually has personal experience with this one, so it's 100% true

His last year as PM

Its not a hit piece as I am genuinely curious, what's the deal here? why is he seen as a messiah by a good section of our country?
@blain2 @LeGenD @TNT @Great Janjua @RealNapster @Bleek
Why should anyone help you understand anything when the purpose is to troll and not learn, label others as cult while lick boots yourself. So spare us the BS.
@DESERT FIGHTER Wakeel sahib bas karain brother, just hope your not like the laywers who we have seen arguing recently on livestream aisay hai toh I can understand pakistan ka haal aisa kyun hai. I know you have issues with imran. But as a lawyer do you seriously see nothing wrong with a ABSCONDER being treated preferentially and somebody being in jail
Who is not a “career” politician??
Nope, that fat fuk should be in jail.

You told him story of great Nawaz Shareef and ZARDARI and how awesome they are. Bhai rehnay dai. You just proved why PTI has support and why establish plus PDM stands exposed

Stop wasting time with guys like @Maula Jutt who has an establishment PALTU as a profile picture
maulvi sb youve known me for almost a decade. ever seen me defend them?
All these CULT FOLLOWERS were paid trolls:

In all honesty, I'd choose him over pdm anyday
Whatever his flaws maybe, I believe others at this point outweigh his by 17-20
He is still my preferred choice out of all the options presented

My contention is something else entirely
People overrate him too much, they're way too emotional for such a flawed personality that they're losing their senses of what's right and wrong

Some guy is saying country should die a brutal death if Imran doesn't become the pm, on this very forum we have had multiple threads where people are being racist towards my people for this dumbass, they're laughing at martyrs, calling him once in a century leader
For what exactly?

He is the best option we have BUT I think it's important to bring his hardcore supporters back to reality, out of the Messiah complex where they are collectively losing the ability to think straight

A lot of my points might be wrong or maybe all of them but it's important for Pakistan's sake to at least bring him down from this mythical stature (completely BS stature BTW, he is way too much of a moron for that)

So I will keep doing that, PTI supporters need a reality Check each day everyday

It's not a messiah complex, he's literally the first competent Pakistani leader many of us have seen in our lifetimes.

Nobody judges Mandela by his healthcare policies, they judge him by what he did for South Africa. Erdogan and AKP won't be judged only by the GDP, they'll be judged by the reforms they did, how the took the military out of politics.

Imran Khan bought about big change, he had big ideas, some of them might have failed and needed re-adjusting, thats fine. In a country where we have kids dying because of a lack of clean drinking water, having to re-adjust finances to fix a health insurance deficit would have been a welcome problem.
Nah, khota biryani is what mainly gets those types of people's votes. They aren't the reading type.

He should have annihilated the Sharif family, but as I keep saying he is naive and soft. He just sat back and ignored the elephant in the room.
Until the elite captured brigades are neutered, nothng will change. People will remain poor and despondent.

I fail to understand, 200 mil slaves ... what is wrong with the citizens. if East Pakistan citizens could teach these renegade generals and side kicks a kick in their nuts why cant the Pak citizens. I dont understand.

They fall for mantra for kashmir etc. etc.. yet the country is burning.
His father wasn't killed by agencies. His father died a natural death. Secondly his father and himself are biggest pets of agencies and establishment. They talk and bark on their orders. They are not interested in serving Islam but were and are biggest crooks. Yes, you just proved why Pakistan will always be ruled by criminal MAFIAS. When we have people like you we would always get leaders like biggest scums on face of the earth. Khan should have never made SK for this nation or University but left this nation to die and spend his life with his children. Also, this country keeps proving why this country should have never existed. We didn't create this country to be ruled by criminal MAFIAS like PDM and their ABBA G.

These are sold souls, never had guts or honor to stand or fight for something. They are the very reason why keep getting PDM type of goons back.
And this filthy mouthed maulvi from data sahib area just gets a following out of no where and starts calling himself allama. I would veto giving him a khutba at our local masjid. Wada aya allama. And then u have the gall to say that ik got help. Look at staging and propping tlyra and tlp got. This is what an engineered party looks like. Ik had bonafides before isi decided to bet on a darn good horse
So we majority of Pakistanis who love our country, realized that its all along been the army that have encouraged corruption and corrupt politicians, its been army keeping the country poor and backward.
Ppl also saw their cruel and inhumane face, how brutally they treated Pakistani men, women n even children. They jailed women n minors, tortured families, destroyed businesses of ppl. This astonished ppl n they saw what real monsters they are and thus the hatred.
Nope, that fat fuk should be in jail.

maulvi sb youve known me for almost a decade. ever seen me defend them?

Agreed brother! Now the million dollar question ( it should not even be worth 1 cent) is why is he not?!
I think we need to study about human psychology. IK has big charisma, I dont know the exact compositions of charisma but I will try to breakdown the qualities by using Obama and Jokowi as an example:

1. Obama/Jokowi have good heart ( people some how can sense any one with good hearth)
2. Mentally they are strong
3. Confidence
4. Clever
5. Good speaker
6. Respected profession and good track record : Obama is senator ( shown successful and respected profession) and there is integrity in him like the way he rejected Iraq invasion. Jokowi is entrepreneur that become succcessful Solo Major. He is also successful when he becomes Jakarta Governor
7. Honest and not corrupt ( provent through previous track record)
8. Easy in making friend/socialize with people
9. Being handsome is a plus but not necesary as Jokowi for example is not considered handsome in Indonesia, many say his face like Wong nDeso or village people, but he is respected because he has the first 8 that I mentioned above

These qualities if we have at least 7 of them can make people vote us as leader.

Big additional support can also be taken when the leader try to fight big challenge like IK wants to fight establishment just like any hero wants to fight big devil, in Harry Potter book is like when Harry Potter fight Voldermoth (You know who).

When we watch movies for example, we will see the hero on the movie quite differently - we can adore the person during watching the movie ( well in movie it will be perfect as hero on movie usually handsome or pretty ( if the hero is women) as well) - there what happens when we watch a movie shows our subsconciousness, it can happen in real world as well and we start adoring that leader as like a women adoring a men she thinks as perfect.. Why do I use women as example ? Because women see qualities on men to love him, while men usually love a women because she is pretty. Women also has passive characteristic, she needs men to lead her and to protect her...

There we need to look on us whether we have become a women on this case or not ?

If we becomes frustated after some one that we adore end up living in jail and make us cannot become optimistic anymore because of that and even run away from the country where God has put us there to defend and built it, then our mentality is just like a women, not a real men who should understand its own responsibility with our own country/ nation..
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Extreme economic depression in Pakistan ..

Substandard levels of education, tribal mob mentality and economic crisis are 3 ingredients necessary for the rise of any populist 'leader'.
Imran Khan did reasonably well for the economy (not perfect). Saying he was a disaster is intellectual dishonesty.

The economy has been discussed to death. GDP growth, forex reserves, USD/Rs parity, inflation, Exports, CAD manageable were in a positive trend.

Despite Covid and commodity super cycle.

On the social front, there was Sehat Card. Thats a massive success.

Roshan Digitial accounts.

Kickstarting construction of Dams.

What is it that you guys are expecting? After 3 months, GDP at 10%, Rs 200 to a $, CA in positive, forex at $50 billion, investments coming in like no tomorrow? What’s the benchmark?
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Cult of personality pretty much sums up the mania surrounding Imran Khan. I've seen countless users on the likes of Twitter and Facebook with his face plastered all over their online avatars, which is something!

Without him, PTI is done for. Finished.

But the reality is that he was no different than the rest. If anything, his political career is the reincarnation of OG Bhutto's, and - shockingly - is witnessing a similar downward trajectory. I think it's in Khan's best interests to tone things down a bit, otherwise he might end up with a noose around his neck... not much unlike Bhutto.

History does have a tendency to repeat itself, after all.

The thing is, Khan carefully (and successfully) projected the image of a pious Muslims local people crave for, even though he's a playboy at heart. He knew what the average man wanted... to hear! He saw a demand and brought in fresh supply, like a true businessman. That's all politics are all about: Mass deception.

After all, people were getting tired of hard-right religious zealots and centrist (or perhaps leftist-ish) patwaris. They needed Youthias!

Funny thing is, Khan gave people an illusion of a "democracy" while standing on the very shoulders of Gen. Bajwa, the living image of a dictatorship. But Khan didn't mind being an underworld dictator's puppet.

All in all, I think people should know better.

P.S I've never casted a single vote in my 34 years of existence. My (non-existent) political allegiance lies nowhere. Take what you will.

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