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Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

PNS Tipu Sultan (F-263), a Tughril Class Guided Missile Frigate (Type-054A/P)



PNS Tipu Sultan (F-263), a Tughril Class Guided Missile Frigate (Type-054A/P)



I got to see the old Tipu Sultan when it came to NY during fleet week in 2005. Any chance the same Ayat from the Quran will be written on the front (under the bridge); the way it was on the old ship?
Beautiful ship. However, I think Pakistan should have opted for 100+ mm main gun. for the size 75mm is too small.
Seems like they when with the “standard issue” gun and focused on the radar.

Probably will get the 100 mm if the PN decides to go for the Type 054B. It’s expected to be standard issue. I hope the PN goes for a full 127 mm / 5 inch gun on its 6000 ton destroyer. There is a lot of ammunition potential in that caliber, such as a potential Chinese equivalent to the 150 Km glider munition just revealed, today, for the US navy.

Yes maybe a Thugril class is new but it would be great çafrad radar suit or çafrad x band çfr + cenk-s combine with 32 double pack siper + 64 quadpack Hisar a/o . İt can be completly balance the kolkata class greatly.
Pakistan Navy's last 2 Type 054A/P (Tughril Class) FFGs are ready for commissioning into the fleet.
The commissioning ceremony of PNS TIPU SULTAN (F-263) & PNS SHAH JAHAN (F-264) will be held in Shanghai, with Naval Chief Admiral M Ajmad Khan Niazi as chief guest.

The reason Type 54 have only 4 SSM in the slant launchers compared to 8 or 6 in other PN ships is because these are bigger, heavier and longer range missiles and perhaps only 4 can be accomodated given the weight and size.

HOWEVER, although only 4 SSM maybe visible to you in the slant launchers, the Type 54 ships have an advantage no previous PN ship ever had before. i.e. the VLS cells, 32 of them! These are also capable of firing SSM like the C-802 that previous PN ships carried in slant launchers.
Since you can now put C-802 in the VLS, therefore it makes sense to carry better and longer range missiles in the slant launchers, giving these ships the capability to strike at the enemy from a relatively safer distance.

The VLS will carry mostly air defense missiles but can also have a few SSM. Overall Type-54 SSM capability might be the best in PN, better than both F-22P and Babur class.
Type 054A/P has the H/AJK-16 VLS which can only fire the LY-80N and ASROC, not the C-802 or any other SSM.

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The latest 054A is equipped with aesa fire control radar, which may be capable of being equipped. As for Pakistan's 054ap, since it uses MR90, it is obvious that it can only use the 40km hq-16.
Although I am wondering why the 054ap, which was built at the same time as the latest version of the 054A, chose the radar designed and used 20 years ago.
Especially if the search radar has been replaced with SR2410C.
PN went with a more mature platform and it can easily be upgraded in the future if required.
Pictures of Pakistan Navy's last 2 Type 054A/P (Tughril Class) FFGs, PNS TIPU SULTAN (F-263) & PNS SHAH JAHAN (F-264), from Shanghai . All weapons and sub systems appear to have been integrated and ships ready to be handed over to PN. Flag on F-264 (Pic 3)?



Pakistan ordered a total of 4x Type-054A/P aka Tughril Class Frigates, as of now two PNS Tughril (261) and Taimur (262) have been delivered and commissioned by Pakistan Navy since January & June 2022 respectively.
PNS Tipu Sultan (263) and PNS Shah Jahan (264) will be delivered in 2023.


Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan, Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS), called on China’s Defence Minister, General Li Shangfu, at Beijing. Both military leaders discussed Pakistan - China All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership.China's Defence Minister told Pakistan's Chief of Naval Staff, that the two countries' military relationship was a key part of their special, strategic relationship.

The two militaries should expand into new areas of exchanges, create new high points of cooperation to continuously enhance their ability to deal with all sorts of risks and challenges, and jointly maintain the security interests of the two countries and of the region," said the Chinese Defence Minister.

The Pakistan Naval Chief is in China to attend the simultaneous launch of two Tughril-class guided missile and air defence frigates, the PNS Tipu Sultan (F-263) and PNS Shahjahan (F-264).




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