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They shud couple of antiship missiles on these
This gun boat should equip with Turkish UMTAS or sea venom like missile for striking light naval target during war. With only gun I don't think can do any significant damage to warship.
This gun boat should equip with Turkish UMTAS or sea venom like missile for striking light naval target during war. With only gun I don't think can do any significant damage to warship.
The boat is meant for patrolling and policing duties. It will be engaging asymmetric threats which do not necessarily require missile systems and can be neutralized with stabilized automated 25mm gun. Missiles and relevant sensors add weight which undermines the mobility and range of boat.
If all 20 boats will be commissioned, it will be very valuable addition in PN.

What will this be used for and my question applies to all gunboats as well??
The boat is meant for patrolling and policing duties. It will be engaging asymmetric threats which do not necessarily require missile systems and can be neutralized with stabilized automated 25mm gun. Missiles and relevant sensors add weight which undermines the mobility and range of boat.
If all 20 boats will be commissioned, it will be very valuable addition in PN.
I dont actually agree with the statement that missiles will undermine the efficacy of these vessels. I think we here fixate on large anti-ship missiles in the setting of naval warfare between large surface combatants. I think short range anti-tank weapons like Utmas and Hellfire or even Barq/AR-1 or even AR-2 would be a very useful addition for these kind of ships in their anti-piracy or anti-narcotics role. Providing targeting from a small UAV like Scan Eagle but with laser designation capability, they could hit small ships from 6-8km away, greatly increasing their reach.
tbh at the rate the PN's going, I think we'll see them start an original submarine project (e.g., with Turkey) a lot sooner than later.

I really dislike these, infact, i think we should have bought more MRTP33, at 39 meters, these things are woefully underarmed, pirates are carrying RPGs etc nowadays, at gun ranges these become easy targets, at the very least we should have seen some form of SSM, whether it be hellfires, brimstone, some chinese one or heck, even a anti ship missile loadout, MRTP33 has capacity for 5 tons of anti ship missiles. We are poor, we need equiptment that can do many things and not be specialized, these ships had potential, i really wish theyd have slapped some form of anti-ship weaponry onboard. Just imagine 20, reasonably mobile little ships armed with 4 harpoons each, nightmare. This is what the MRTP33 does so well though, its so mobile its a hard target, carries proper weaponry and can do counter-piracy stuff. Domestic design is good, but if we have the opportunity for better, we should take it. PN designers should have taken the azmat and evolved that, filling this gap with locally produced and modified MRTP33, those ships are lethal man. At the very least someone needs to take initiative and get some sort of 8-10km ranged ATGM onboard to protect the vessels from pirates etc.
I don't like this concept of gunboats. For smugglers, yes good boats but we are facing India. India will not send gunboats to attack Karachi.
simple policing boats, nothing extra ordinary. however, all designed and build in Pakistan is a welcome news. In my opinion, these boats are good for coast guard/ PMSA type role, not for Navy.
Should have opted for for larger powerfully destroyers to get some sort of advantage on indian aircraft carriers
tbh at the rate the PN's going, I think we'll see them start an original submarine project (e.g., with Turkey) a lot sooner than later.

Inshallah, we need to start this industry for a country of 220 million should have been done ages ago. But, what hurts the most is the lost time and money on Agosta and not keeping the in-house talent together after the Transfers of Technology, if I'm not wrong.

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