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Pak Marines Forgotten force

Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
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United Arab Emirates
Our focus is only on army upgradation but we forget most important force marines who fight in all three battlefields specilaized force but our marines are under armed

When existing weapons such as al khalid apc etxc can be transfered without any more spending and why we have PMSA and coast guard for one work two forces we can eadily transfer PMSA and its ship to marines and their budget as well
Guy sums up very well must see video eye opener imran bhai must see
Guy sums up very well must see video eye opener imran bhai must see
I hope toothless marine should be given upgrading package
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why we have PMSA and coast guard for one work two forces
This question is similar to the question If someone raise objection about the existence of FC and Rangers while we do have Army ....

simple answer to your question is Pakistan Coast Guards fall under the category of Civil Armed Forces same as FC KPK and Balochistan or Sindh and Punjab Rangers and it is part of Ministry of Interior. Its role is also limited to the specific areas mention in Pakistan Coast Guard Act 1973

OTOH PMSA fall under Ministry of Defence [Link] and responsible for the implementation of National and International Laws at Sea from Contiguous Zone till Exclusive Economic Zone

In simple words CG are more of a Land Force then Seagoing Pakistan Maritime Security Agency.

Pakistan Marines are totally different then the both PMSA and Coast Guard
Our focus is only on army upgradation but we forget most important force marines who fight in all three battlefields specilaized force but our marines are under armed

When existing weapons such as al khalid apc etxc can be transfered without any more spending and why we have PMSA and coast guard for one work two forces we can eadily transfer PMSA and its ship to marines and their budget as well
Guy sums up very well must see video eye opener imran bhai must see
Guy sums up very well must see video eye opener imran bhai must see
I hope toothless marine should be given upgrading package
Happy to see my work in background 😄

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This question is similar to the question If someone raise objection about the existence of FC and Rangers while we do have Army ....

simple answer to your question is Pakistan Coast Guards fall under the category of Civil Armed Forces same as FC KPK and Balochistan or Sindh and Punjab Rangers and it is part of Ministry of Interior. Its role is also limited to the specific areas mention in Pakistan Coast Guard Act 1973

OTOH PMSA fall under Ministry of Defence [Link] and responsible for the implementation of National and International Laws at Sea from Contiguous Zone till Exclusive Economic Zone

In simple words CG are more of a Land Force then Seagoing Pakistan Maritime Security Agency.

Pakistan Marines are totally different then the both PMSA and Coast Guard
Pakistan Marines should be headed by a Lt General rank officer from Navy and should have at least the size which Punjab Rangers have if not more. Plus they should be slowly equipped by Tanks, IFV, APC, transport and attack helicopters. They should be used a strike corps.
Pakistan Marines should be headed by a Lt General rank officer from Navy and should have at least the size which Punjab Rangers have if not more. Plus they should be slowly equipped by Tanks, IFV, APC, transport and attack helicopters. They should be used a strike corps.
Used as strike corps Where and for what reason? Approaching india from any maritime border with any sort of ground force is suicide, the marines were ignored because they had little use in our doctrine, if anything they’ve expanded rather massively recently and have also received a lot of weaponry upgrades, at the rate that they’re being upgraded, they’ll definitely be used in some capacity in a war, wether it will be as a strike core, I cannot say for sure, because that requires an entirely array of supporting elements to go with it, something the US marines achieve, but that’s like creating an entire new army, navy and Air Force, something we don’t have the money for, we don’t even have enough for the existing forces.
Very good video our focus is only on army upgradation but we forget most important force marines who fight in all three battlefields specilaized force but our marines are under armed

When existing weapons such as al khalid apc etxc can be transfered without any more spending and why we have PMSA and coast guard for one work two forces we can eadily transfer PMSA and its ship to marines and their budget as well
Guy sums up very well must see video eye opener imran bhai must see
Guy sums up very well must see video eye opener imran bhai must see
I hope toothless marine should be given upgrading package
PMSA is a coast guard force, what kind of comparison do they have to the marines??
PMSA is more important for us as it stands than the marines, even then, If you’ve been following recently trends, the marines have received more attention than in the past. Where exactly will the marines use a tank or a ship is the real question?
Having 20-30 Surface ship should be first goal , Amphibious (Land/Sea) force , perhaps can wait
However we would need decent size force to protect the Navy Vessels
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Used as strike corps Where and for what reason? Approaching india from any maritime border with any sort of ground force is suicide, the marines were ignored because they had little use in our doctrine, if anything they’ve expanded rather massively recently and have also received a lot of weaponry upgrades, at the rate that they’re being upgraded, they’ll definitely be used in some capacity in a war, wether it will be as a strike core, I cannot say for sure, because that requires an entirely array of supporting elements to go with it, something the US marines achieve, but that’s like creating an entire new army, navy and Air Force, something we don’t have the money for, we don’t even have enough for the existing forces.

PMSA is a coast guard force, what kind of comparison do they have to the marines??
PMSA is more important for us as it stands than the marines, even then, If you’ve been following recently trends, the marines have received more attention than in the past. Where exactly will the marines use a tank or a ship is the real question?
In Sindh train them just not for one area but whole of Pakistan. Equip them with latest weapons and give them one task. To enter India in case of war and capture as much territory as they can.
A lot of transformational work being done by the US Marine Corp, that the Pakistani Marine Corp should look at. ISR dominance, small unit maneuvers, acting as a contact force (giving army strike Corp the job of the blunting force and the regular corps the job of the reinforcements) to disrupt an enemy and as a raiding force. For Pakistan a lot of the logistics could be build into dual use civilian maritime infrastructure of border areas.

A nimble force that isn’t focused on winning the mission single handedly, but one that plays a focus role, as the front of the spear, dishing out effects at the point of contact.

Also, IMHO, the marines should stick to maritime and marshland borders/terrain, while a dedicated force should be prepared for the desert borders, the plains borders, and the mountain borders. No sense putting maritime specialist in mountains, where their skills will go to waste most of the time.

lots of great YouTube videos if you search “Marine Force 2030”, the following two seemed the most important to share.

Affordable guided artillery Rockets and drones (possibly swarming loitering kamikaze drones) as well as organic self defense air defense systems like Manpads and low level robust air defense are what the US marines seem to be prioritizing, which IMHO, the Pakistani Marines should also do. Also, information and comms dominance is key. Being able to securely communicate (and dominated the EM spectrum) and relay key data to headquarters while denying the same to the enemy could be the crucial difference as we all saw with the 2019 shoot down of the Indian Mig-21.

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Our focus is only on army upgradation but we forget most important force marines who fight in all three battlefields specilaized force but our marines are under armed

When existing weapons such as al khalid apc etxc can be transfered without any more spending and why we have PMSA and coast guard for one work two forces we can eadily transfer PMSA and its ship to marines and their budget as well
Guy sums up very well must see video eye opener imran bhai must see
Guy sums up very well must see video eye opener imran bhai must see
I hope toothless marine should be given upgrading package
imma be honest with the video is shitty and the analysis youre trying to do here doesnt make sense.

PN Marines are purely a para-military force as one might say with the only task being the protection of costal areas and naval installations and to maintain the Sir creek disputed area where deploying SIndh Rangers would be in-adequate.
Given their small size as compared to other branches they are well equipped with access to better weapons at squad level like Azb DMR and SMAW Bunker buster etc , which fulfills their needs , they dont need tanks , cause where would they be using the tanks in the sir creek , they would ofcourse have access to a couple of m113s but that would be it as they have no use for possesing a large scale mechanized armor battalion. While for the Air Def needs they are equipped with Mistral , 35mm PG-99 Guns coupled to Type 825 FCR and HGR-106s providing early warning data ,
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imma be honest with the video is shitty and the analysis youre trying to do here doesnt make sense.

PN Marines are purely a para-military force as one might say with the only task being the protection of costal areas and naval installations and to maintain the Sir creek disputed area where deploying SIndh Rangers would be in-adequate.
Given their small size as compared to other branches they are well equipped with access to better weapons at squad level like Azb DMR and SMAW Bunker buster etc , which fulfills their needs , they dont need tanks , cause where would they be using the tanks in the sir creek , they would ofcourse have access to a couple of m113s but that would be it as they have no use for possesing a large scale mechanized armor battalion. While for the Air Def needs they are equipped with Mistral , 35mm PG-99 Guns coupled to Type 825 FCR and HGR-106s providing early warning data ,
Sir that is exactly our point change their role. Turn them into a strike corp. A Vice Admiral/Lt General rank officer from Navy should head them and should have number same as Punjab Rangers. Turn them and train them into an Army. Equip them with Tanks, IFV, APC, Transport and attack helicopters.
Sir that is exactly our point change their role. Turn them into a strike corp. A Vice Admiral/Lt General rank officer from Navy should head them and should have number same as Punjab Rangers. Turn them and train them into an Army. Equip them with Tanks, IFV, APC, Transport and attack helicopters.
One question just why
There is such a large amount of PA assets holed up at karachi that are more than enough to cover the entire southern region , there is literally no need for turning marines into a strike corps ,
At the very best only adding more air def and equipping sph artillery into them would be enough
Used as strike corps Where and for what reason? Approaching india from any maritime border with any sort of ground force is suicide, the marines were ignored because they had little use in our doctrine, if anything they’ve expanded rather massively recently and have also received a lot of weaponry upgrades, at the rate that they’re being upgraded, they’ll definitely be used in some capacity in a war, wether it will be as a strike core, I cannot say for sure, because that requires an entirely array of supporting elements to go with it, something the US marines achieve, but that’s like creating an entire new army, navy and Air Force, something we don’t have the money for, we don’t even have enough for the existing forces.

PMSA is a coast guard force, what kind of comparison do they have to the marines??
PMSA is more important for us as it stands than the marines, even then, If you’ve been following recently trends, the marines have received more attention than in the past. Where exactly will the marines use a tank or a ship is the real question?
I think u dont understand the marine as far as sea law one of coast guaard can do it alone there r only one force as such coast guard even in china pmsa is burden on pocket coast guard can do that job
I think u dont understand the marine as far as sea law one of coast guaard can do it alone there r only one force as such coast guard even in china pmsa is burden on pocket coast guard can do that job
The Pakistan coast guard isn’t our coast guard force, it’s the PMSA, it’s not a burden on anything but a very necessary force. The PCG (which FYI is a branch of another force and not an independent, this means it doesn’t have its own budget either) is just a coast guard in name, all the usual tasks of the coast guard of a nation fall under our PMSA. Please look up their roles and legal position. Bottom line is, there is only one coast guard force in Pakistan, and that’s the PMSA. It is and will remain significantly more important for us than The marines and the coast guard and it makes a lot of sense to put money into it.
Sir that is exactly our point change their role. Turn them into a strike corp. A Vice Admiral/Lt General rank officer from Navy should head them and should have number same as Punjab Rangers. Turn them and train them into an Army. Equip them with Tanks, IFV, APC, Transport and attack helicopters.
In Sindh train them just not for one area but whole of Pakistan. Equip them with latest weapons and give them one task. To enter India in case of war and capture as much territory as they can.
And why exactly should we take funding away from the army, which is trained and equipped to do exactly all of this, and give it to the marines, which will not only be less effective in fully land based ops in Sindh than the army, but will also need significantly more money to train and plan for what the army already has been doing for decades.

That’s why this proposal makes absolutely no sense. If anything disbanding the marines and giving their funding to the navy makes more sense in our case because we have no amphibious assaults or invasions planned (simply because they’re impossible).

Not to mention it’ll just create another force that’ll have zero synergy with all the other forces and just get in their way. Why make two forces both of which will now do a half assed job instead of investing properly in one? Who’ll give us the money to give the marines tanks, APCs and IFVs when the army itself struggles to afford them?

Be realistic for once, the marines are perfectly fine as they are, covering their limited AOR near Sir creek and the Arabian region. They’ve already been significantly expanded and re-equipped recently anyways, and that process is continuing further as the navy grows.
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The Pakistan coast guard isn’t our coast guard force, it’s the PMSA, it’s not a burden on anything but a very necessary force. The PCG (which FYI is a branch of another force and not an independent, this means it doesn’t have its own budget either) is just a coast guard in name, all the usual tasks of the coast guard of a nation fall under our PMSA. Please look up their roles and legal position. Bottom line is, there is only one coast guard force in Pakistan, and that’s the PMSA. It is and will remain significantly more important for us than The marines and the coast guard and it makes a lot of sense to put money into it.

And why exactly should we take funding away from the army, which is trained and equipped to do exactly all of this, and give it to the marines, which will not only be less effective in fully land based ops in Sindh than the army, but will also need significantly more money to train and plan for what the army already has been doing for decades.

That’s why this proposal makes absolutely no sense. If anything disbanding the marines and giving their funding to the navy makes more sense in our case because we have no amphibious assaults or invasions planned (simply because they’re impossible).

Not to mention it’ll just create another force that’ll have zero synergy with all the other forces and just get in their way. Why make two forces both of which will now do a half assed job instead of investing properly in one? Who’ll give us the money to give the marines tanks, APCs and IFVs when the army itself struggles to afford them?

Be realistic for once, the marines are perfectly fine as they are, covering their limited AOR near Sir creek and the Arabian region. They’ve already been significantly expanded and re-equipped recently anyways, and that process is continuing further as the navy grows.
Why dont their AOR is limited marines means air land sea force they have unlimited job this is mindset needed to be change there is no difference between today marine or common ranger soldier marines do those jobs which no one can this is why they r marines
Pak marines should get tanks apcs shallow water subs
Army elephant budget should be cut off for few years and upgrade marines
Used as strike corps Where and for what reason? Approaching india from any maritime border with any sort of ground force is suicide, the marines were ignored because they had little use in our doctrine, if anything they’ve expanded rather massively recently and have also received a lot of weaponry upgrades, at the rate that they’re being upgraded, they’ll definitely be used in some capacity in a war, wether it will be as a strike core, I cannot say for sure, because that requires an entirely array of supporting elements to go with it, something the US marines achieve, but that’s like creating an entire new army, navy and Air Force, something we don’t have the money for, we don’t even have enough for the existing forces.

PMSA is a coast guard force, what kind of comparison do they have to the marines??
PMSA is more important for us as it stands than the marines, even then, If you’ve been following recently trends, the marines have received more attention than in the past. Where exactly will the marines use a tank or a ship is the real question?
Ithink u never seen marines before they r meant to have tanks aircrafts and ships
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Pakistan Marines should be headed by a Lt General rank officer from Navy and should have at least the size which Punjab Rangers have if not more. Plus they should be slowly equipped by Tanks, IFV, APC, transport and attack helicopters. They should be used a strike corps.
Rotate a PM brigade on LOC for 6 monthly deployment ?

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