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P 282 Missile On PNS Babur

I don't expect a Turkish source to say their ships are worse than Chinese built ones, but, in general, "Chinese maal" is synonymous with cheap and poorly built stuff.

What is "Chinese mall" ? Is this something that Pakistan imports from China for its armed forces ?
Regardless how you spell it or ridicule it, the fact is even Indian flags are made in China.

I don't expect a Turkish source to say their ships are worse than Chinese built ones,
I believe in the objective nature of this soruce. otherwise I wouldn't even bother to ask the question.

You were wrong and you are still wrong. Picking a propaganda article / author is just hilarious. These are same authors who says that a "source" has told them half of PAF chinese built fighters are grounded. LMAO! Common sense dictates that either they have access to Pakistani airbases or naval ships or Pakistani military officials telling them these things secretly OR these are just cooked up stories.

For clickbait & views any random guy can write, that a "source" has told him that 80% of Turkish air force F-16s have faulty radars. Its upto you to differentiate between a propaganda / rubbish from a proper article with officials being quoted or photo / video evidence.

Chinese military equipment especially in naval warfare are far better than rest of manufacturers, something which Pakistan naval officers have told time and again on record. One of former naval chiefs had said on record that 1 F-22P frigate is more capable than entire existing fleet. (that time entire existing fleet comprised of 6 ex-UK type-21 ships & 1 ex-US OHP). PN's most reliable assets are chinese and its going to stay same.

Just to tell you example of propaganda articles, below article on a indian defence website says "Low Quality Turkish built Corvettes". Anyone can quote it and says "He was right". but fact is there's too much bias these days and you can't believe just any crap.

You were wrong and you are still wrong. Picking a propaganda article / author is just hilarious. These are same authors who says that a "source" has told them half of PAF chinese built fighters are grounded. LMAO! Common sense dictates that either they have access to Pakistani airbases or naval ships or Pakistani military officials telling them these things secretly OR these are just cooked up stories.

For clickbait & views any random guy can write, that a "source" has told him that 80% of Turkish air force F-16s have faulty radars. Its upto you to differentiate between a propaganda / rubbish from a proper article with officials being quoted or photo / video evidence.

Chinese military equipment especially in naval warfare are far better than rest of manufacturers, something which Pakistan naval officers have told time and again on record. One of former naval chiefs had said on record that 1 F-22P frigate is more capable than entire existing fleet. (that time entire existing fleet comprised of 6 ex-UK type-21 ships & 1 ex-US OHP). PN's most reliable assets are chinese and its going to stay same.

Just to tell you example of propaganda articles, below article on a indian defence website says "Low Quality Turkish built Corvettes". Anyone can quote it and says "He was right". but fact is there's too much bias these days and you can't believe just any crap.

View attachment 1028887
Still haven't asked your opinion.

IF anybody has a friend or relative serving on these ships I'd like to hear from them
To be honest P282 is a of a mystery to date. All discussions about what it really is are just theories. CM401, M20, YJ21E or something totally different and indigenous. We don’t know yet.
for some reason i thought it was a LR-SLCM more than 1000 miles
Source: Trust me

Can you tell me which modern Chinese warship uses French radars? They all use chinese AESAs

This seems like the usual anti-china bs that sprouts from time to time. Sponsored by indians and westerners. It's sad to see turks fall for it.
I don't know man


I'm not an expert on chinese frigates.
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