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Kashmir Solidarity Day: ‘Thank you Imran Khan’ posters appear in IoK


Mar 21, 2007
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Kashmir Solidarity Day: ‘Thank you Imran Khan’ posters appear in IoK


Posters thanking PM Imran Khan appear in Indian occupied Kashmir.

ISLAMABAD: The posters have appeared in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) thanking Prime Minister Imran Khan on the eve of Kashmir Solidarity Day being observed across the world.

According to a Kashmir Media Service report, the posters displayed by Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Alliance thanked people as well as the Government of Pakistan, for showing solidarity with the Kashmiris on the day every year.

The posters read: “Thank you Pakistan, thank you Imran Khan for effectively raising the Kashmir issue at all global platforms.”
The posters reiterated that the Kashmiris will continue their struggle till the achievement of the goal of freedom.

They can air their views. As far as they don't resort to violence, it shouldn't matter whom they thank.
They can air their views. As far as they don't resort to violence, it shouldn't matter whom they thank.
moment of shame for the utterly imcompotent indian army. These posters can only mean 1 of 2 things:
1. they were present at the time these posters were posted but were too scared to stop the posters or even remove them.
2. the near 1 million indian army stiffed on the streets of iiok were sleeping on the job with their asses up in the air.
Time has come to resolve Kashmir dispute as per aspirations of Kashmiris: COAS

  • Army chief says the Kashmiris are braving gravest atrocities and lockdown in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir
  • The people of Kashmir and this region deserve peace: Bajwa

Fahad Zulfikar
05 Feb 2021


(Karachi) Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa has said that time has come to resolve Kashmir dispute as per the aspirations of Kashmiri people and UN Resolutions to end this human tragedy.

In a statement issued by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the COAS paid glowing tributes to the valiant struggle of Kashmiri people. He said the Kashmiris are braving gravest atrocities, human rights violations and lockdown in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K).

The COAS stated, “Salute 2 Kashmiris for their valiant struggle, braving gravest atrocities, human rights violations & lockdown in IIOJ&K under Indian occupation forces."

He maintained, "Time 2 end this human tragedy & resolve Kashmir issue as per aspirations of people of J&K & UN resolutions.”

Earlier, speaking during his visit to Lahore Garrison the other day, Gen Bajwa said that the people of Kashmir and this region “deserve peace” and reiterated the need for “greater vigilance and state of preparedness amid new challenges of hybrid war”.

The situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (II0J&K) was also discussed. COAS reaffirmed the commitment for a just resolution of the Kashmir issue in line with the aspirations of people of Kashmir.
Pakistan hails New York Assembly resolution marking Feb 5 as 'Kashmir-American Day'

Naveed Siddiqui
February 6, 2021

A view of the New York State Assembly. — Photo courtesy: Radio Pak

A view of the New York State Assembly. — Photo courtesy: Radio Pak

The Foreign Office (FO) on Saturday said that the New York State Assembly's decision to adopt a resolution marking Feb 5, 2021, as “Kashmir-American Day” was a "welcome development" and proof that India cannot hide "its gross and systemic violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people anymore".

"The resolution appreciates the courage and perseverance of the Kashmiri people and recognises their unique cultural and religious identity. It also underscores that 'the State of New York endeavours to champion human rights including the freedom of religion, movement, and expression for all Kashmiri people'," said FO spokesman Zahid Hafeez Chaudri.

"The resolution is yet another manifestation of continuing international support to the Kashmiri people in the just struggle for their inalienable right to self-determination, as enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. It is also proof that India cannot hide its gross and systemic violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people any more."

The FO spokesman also thanked Assembly member Nader Sayegh and the American Pakistani Advocacy Group for their help in this regard.

On Wednesday, New York became the first state in the United States to proclaim February 5, 2021, as “Kashmir-American Day” when Pakistani and Kashmiri communities across the world observed Kashmir Solidarity Day, voicing full support to the just struggle of Kashmiri people for the exercise of their UN-promised right to self-determination.

The New York State Assembly marked Feb 5 as “Kashmir-American Day” by adopting a resolution through a voice vote, a significant development which was the result of years of efforts by the American-Pakistani Advocacy Group.

“The State of New York endeavours to champion human rights including the freedom of religion, movement, and expression for all Kashmiri people,” the resolution said. APAG is a non-profit social service and advocacy organisation based in New York.

Pakistan's Consul General in New York Ayesha Ali hailed the resolution of the New York State Assembly and lauded the role of APAG for this “great work”. “Very important day, very important resolution,” Ali said.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's missions across the United States marked the day by holding virtual meetings in view of Covid-19 restrictions, and held photo exhibitions to highlight Kashmiris' plight under oppressive Indian occupation as well as their valiant struggle for their UN-pledged right to self-determination.

Pakistan's Ambassador to the UN Munir Akram and the Ambassador to the US Asad Majeed Khan, as well as Consul General in New York Ayesha Ali, participated in separate webinars along with academics, Kashmiri leaders and activists, to highlight the significance of the day and reiterate Pakistan's resolve to stand by the Kashmiri people.

In New York, Pakistan's Permanent Mission to the UN organised a photo exhibition depicting the struggle of the Kashmiri people and efforts by Pakistani leaders and diplomats to seek a resolution of the decades-old dispute at the world body.

Also featured was a digital album titled: 'Kashmir: between resistance and resilience', a collection of photographs featured in international media on the struggles of Kashmiris, their plight and their current situation.
Actually even Indians are saying Thank You Imran khan and Thank you Bajwa. Taking Kashmir was hard but since this Govt and COAS took power, its now impossible specially under them.. Pakistani's are not the Muslims from Badr where Allah has sent down thousands of Angels so its time to end this Kashmir Kashmir for good.

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