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Israeli state’s lie machine rooted in its violent birth


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Israeli state’s lie machine rooted in its violent birth​

Throughout its history Israel has lied time and time again to cover up the brutality of its treatment of Palestinians
By Dáire Cumiskey
Tuesday 24 October 2023

Israel lies Palestine

Protest over the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh outside the BBC in May 2022 (Picture: Guy Smallman)

Throughout its history Israel has lied time and time again to cover up the brutality of its treatment of Palestinians

Israel has always been quick to lie to justify killing Palestinians.

Its usual template is at first to cover-up its actions.Then if that can’t be maintained, it says its deeds are legitimate.

In May 2022 an Israeli sniper killed journalist Shireen Abu Akleh during a raid in Jenin.

The bullet struck her below her helmet but above the flak jacket she wore marking her out as press—indicating a precise shot.

But the Israeli prime minister at the time, Naftali Bennett, tried to claim she was killed by stray Palestinian fire.

And the Israeli military quickly released footage of a Palestinian fighter celebrating shooting a soldier—suggesting that he had actually shot Abu Akleh.

The widespread outrage at the murder forced the Israeli state to back track. In September 2022 the Israel military admitted there was a “high possibility” that Abu Akleh was “accidentally hit” by army fire—but that it would not begin a criminal investigation.

Assassinating a journalist makes sense for a state that covers up mass killings. In June 2006 Israeli forces blew up seven civilians, including three children, on a Gaza beach. The Israeli army quickly set up a committee to investigate the deaths on the beach. And almost as swiftly pardoned itself of responsibility.

It had happened before in Lebanon in 1982. The Shatila refugee camp was next to the neighbourhood of Sabra near the capital, Beirut. Between 16 and 18 September 1982, Lebanese far right forces, in coordination with the Israeli army, massacred at least 2,000 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians.

Israeli officials insisted the state had not allowed the killing. Eventually the truth was revealed. But not a single Lebanese or Israeli killer or official was punished.

An Israeli investigation eventually said that its allies in the Lebanese Forces militia were directly responsible for the massacre.

But it had to admit that defence minister Ariel Sharon was “personally responsible for ignoring the danger of bloodshed and revenge”. Sharon resigned from his post—only to be elected as prime minister in 2001.

The lies flow from the biggest one of all—the myth that the Israeli state was created in a barren land.

In fact the Nakba, or catastrophe, of 1948 saw murder and brutal intimidation to drive out a million Palestinians.

This truth has to be suppressed. In 2009, the Israeli Education Ministry banned the use of the word Nakba in textbooks for Palestinian children.

In 2011, the Israeli parliament passed a law prohibiting institutions from holding any events commemorating the Nakba.

This measure equates any ceremony marking the Nakba with incitement to racism, violence and terrorism.

The Israeli state considers the Palestinian effort to reveal the truth about the Nakba is extremely dangerous.

A lesson to been learned from 1948 is that lies can be successful if repeated often enough with powerful support.

And there will be more to come. Ariel Kallner, a member of parliament from prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’sLikud party tweeted after the Hamas attack. “Right now, one goal—Nakba!

“A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of ’48. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join!” he tweeted. And we can guarantee that this second Nakba will be surrounded by lies just as the first one was.

Jewish people are already moving away from God.

It is written in holy book, in prophecy.

They think smartness will solve all the problems.

And forget that we all are children of God, there's God inside all of us, who is rebelled against such heartless and dishonesty.

The time when Jewish people rebelled against God, the time of their own doom is starting to ticking.

Jewish smartness is the dumbest thing they ever have.

The more they do it, the more problems they bring to them, and even worse.
Jewish people are already moving away from God.

It is written in holy book, in prophecy.

They think smartness will solve all the problems.

And forget that we all are children of God, there's God inside all of us, who is rebelled against such heartless and dishonesty.

The time when Jewish people rebelled against God, the time of their own doom is starting to ticking.

Jewish smartness is the dumbest thing they ever have.

The more they do it, the more problems they bring to them, and even worse.

Jews dont follow Israel only Zionist do and Christian Zionist are biggest flowers of the anti-christ

The Talmud says: Kesubos 111a The Almighty decreed upon the Jews to undertake 3 oaths:

1. Not to go up en masse, by force, to the Holy Land.

2. Not to rebel against the ruling nations of the time.

3. Not to, in any way, attempt to end the exile.The Talmud warns the Jews that if they do not adhere to the aforementioned 3 oaths, the Almighty will disown us and throw our flesh like that of animals in the fields.

True Jews believe that Jewish suffering during World War II was a punishment for not resisting the cursed Zionist Movement, which, in 1917, began occupying the holy Land and oppressing the Palestinians; violations of the 3 oaths.
I remember when I was a kid, when I first heard of Israel, they taught us that they made “the desert bloom”. And I thought that the Israelis basically took a barren piece of land from savages and built a civilization. Only later in life did I learn the truth. That they were basically creepy parasites who sniveled their way into a living body and took over their identity.
I remember when I was a kid, when I first heard of Israel, they taught us that they made “the desert bloom”. And I thought that the Israelis basically took a barren piece of land from savages and built a civilization. Only later in life did I learn the truth. That they were basically creepy parasites who sniveled their way into a living body and took over their identity.
They did worse to Asians and Africans through colonization...western colonization has a healthy Jewish contribution...
Jews dont follow Israel only Zionist do and Christian Zionist are biggest flowers of the anti-christ

The Talmud says: Kesubos 111a The Almighty decreed upon the Jews to undertake 3 oaths:

1. Not to go up en masse, by force, to the Holy Land.

2. Not to rebel against the ruling nations of the time.

3. Not to, in any way, attempt to end the exile.The Talmud warns the Jews that if they do not adhere to the aforementioned 3 oaths, the Almighty will disown us and throw our flesh like that of animals in the fields.

True Jews believe that Jewish suffering during World War II was a punishment for not resisting the cursed Zionist Movement, which, in 1917, began occupying the holy Land and oppressing the Palestinians; violations of the 3 oaths.

This is the first time I have heard about it.

But isn't according to the prophecy, in the End Times Jewish people will return to Palestine?

And then rebuild the third temple.

Jewish people in the Israel will be protected by God against its enemies (USA think that USA is doing a holy mission by God by protecting Israel).
I remember when I was a kid, when I first heard of Israel, they taught us that they made “the desert bloom”. And I thought that the Israelis basically took a barren piece of land from savages and built a civilization. Only later in life did I learn the truth. That they were basically creepy parasites who sniveled their way into a living body and took over their identity.

In Jewish perspective...

Judaism is a Jewish religion, Jewish folklore, Jewish tradition.

Christians and Muslims are Jewish wannabe, who brainwashed to think that Judaism is their religion, worshiping Jewish God, and then claim Jewish as evil people.

By claiming Jewish people is an evil people, it brings a lot of suffering and hardship for Jewish people for thousands of years.

By enduring so much suffering and hardship, it builds hatred and anger toward people who mistreat them.

You shot one Jewish person, they are going to bomb you all very hard, leads to hundreds of deaths.

Today Jewish is not the same as yesterday Jewish who everyone can bully them as they please.

Because of misfortune, Jewish people expelled from their own land into an exile.

Persians and Romans conquered a lot of land, and claimed it as theirs.

Turks and Arabs did the same.

Even in modern time, many countries are standing on the stolen land, most visible is Turkey, stealing land from the Greek.

While Jewish people are not stealing any land, but retake the land that is stolen from them by Arabs and Christians.

It's not a big land, it's a very small land compared with Roman and Arab territories during their peak.

If everyone doesn't think what Romans, Persians, Turks, Arabs did as something wrong, why should everyone should think that Jewish people is wrong as well.

If you are thinking what Jewish did to Palestinians as a cruel evil thing...

Why European and Middle Eastern never think what they did toward Jewish people as a cruel evil thing as well.

I just want to say this kind of thing is a very worldly thing.

For any religious follower, the case of Israel above is a very common drama in life and can be solved easily.

Example of above case is what we learn every day in religious teaching, a case of bad example of life that if we aren't careful, easily to fall into such drama, corrupting our soul in the end. Despite how we believe in God, if we are broken, we are broken.

And Jewish people are broken people.
In Jewish perspective...

Judaism is a Jewish religion, Jewish folklore, Jewish tradition.

Christians and Muslims are Jewish wannabe, who brainwashed to think that Judaism is their religion, worshiping Jewish God, and then claim Jewish as evil people.

By claiming Jewish people is an evil people, it brings a lot of suffering and hardship for Jewish people for thousands of years.

By enduring so much suffering and hardship, it builds hatred and anger toward people who mistreat them.

You shot one Jewish person, they are going to bomb you all very hard, leads to hundreds of deaths.

Today Jewish is not the same as yesterday Jewish who everyone can bully them as they please.

Because of misfortune, Jewish people expelled from their own land into an exile.

Persians and Romans conquered a lot of land, and claimed it as theirs.

Turks and Arabs did the same.

Even in modern time, many countries are standing on the stolen land, most visible is Turkey, stealing land from the Greek.

While Jewish people are not stealing any land, but retake the land that is stolen from them by Arabs and Christians.

It's not a big land, it's a very small land compared with Roman and Arab territories during their peak.

If everyone doesn't think what Romans, Persians, Turks, Arabs did as something wrong, why should everyone should think that Jewish people is wrong as well.

If you are thinking what Jewish did to Palestinians as a cruel evil thing...

Why European and Middle Eastern never think what they did toward Jewish people as a cruel evil thing as well.

I just want to say this kind of thing is a very worldly thing.

For any religious follower, the case of Israel above is a very common drama in life and can be solved easily.

Example of above case is what we learn every day in religious teaching, a case of bad example of life that if we aren't careful, easily to fall into such drama, corrupting our soul in the end. Despite how we believe in God, if we are broken, we are broken.

And Jewish people are broken people.
This is one of the dumbest post I've read in a long time, congratulations for writing so much stupidity in just one post, it definitely is an achievement.
This is one of the dumbest post I've read in a long time, congratulations for writing so much stupidity in just one post, it definitely is an achievement.

You never read anything about Jewish struggle, didn't you?

It's very common knowledge.

Btw, you try to brainwashing people opinion as what Jewish people do.

Narrowing the matter and removing the rest of the narrative.

Just like Israel claims Hamas did a terror attack out of nowhere, without any clear reason.

Trying to hide that Israel put Palestinian into a giant prison and killed 250 people early this year.
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It's the material pursue and self-pride that makes Jewish people away from God.

The teaching and command of God are very clear.

And what Jewish people do today is the opposite.

Jewish people are actually the luckiest people in the world, God cares so much to them, but they don't care about God.

They just care about God in the mouth only, but not in their heart, to be the people as God want them to be.

To understand this, you need to understand the spiritual level, the highest and deepest knowledge.

God wants Jewish people to be a good people, kind, humble, and stay away from materialism.

Not to copy what infidels do like Romans and Persians, who are busy to pursue materialism like empire, power, and wealth.

The more Jewish people pursue materialism, the bigger and more problem they have.

Jewish people are playing with sword, and they will die by the sword (aka being wiped out).

What they do today is extremely dangerous.
It's the material pursue and self-pride that makes Jewish people away from God.

The teaching and command of God are very clear.

And what Jewish people do today is the opposite.

Jewish people are actually the luckiest people in the world, God cares so much to them, but they don't care about God.

They just care about God in the mouth only, but not in their heart, to be the people as God want them to be.

To understand this, you need to understand the spiritual level, the highest and deepest knowledge.

God wants Jewish people to be a good people, kind, humble, and stay away from materialism.

Not to copy what infidels do like Romans and Persians, who are busy to pursue materialism like empire, power, and wealth.

The more Jewish people pursue materialism, the bigger and more problem they have.

Jewish people are playing with sword, and they will die by the sword (aka being wiped out).

What they do today is extremely dangerous.
Tell me you're an Indonesian Christian without telling me.

They got you brainwashed in the church bro.
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