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India ready to talk on Kashmir

Resolution with a war is also a fantasy. Pakistan does not have the military muscle to win a war with India.
Resolution with a war is also a fantasy. Pakistan does not have the military muscle to win a war with India.

Himat e mardan madad e khuda
Momins only depend on there faith...kafirs depend on weapons
313 mujahedeen defeated thousands,salahudin defeated crusaders from all europe........and others u know.
some back door talks will definitely start. lik it has always been. public knows what leaders want you to know and thats it.
anyways wateva it is, i am happy we are back to the table
And that proves India is not willing to resolve this issue. India is at the position of advantage and with the attitude it has towards South Asian Countries resolution of Kashmir without a war is fantasy.

Actually resolution of Kashmir with China, Pakistan and India thru a war is a fantasy.

And that proves India is not willing to resolve this issue. India is at the position of advantage and with the attitude it has towards South Asian Countries resolution of Kashmir without a war is fantasy.

With a war, its a nightmare for Pakistan
Great, this thread was suppose to promote friendship on both side,till it became a bashing and trolling thread until it moved on to war.Sigh...
Kashmir will be in focus during Indo-Pak Foreign Secretary level talks: Rao
Mon, Feb 22 08:45 PM

London, Feb.22 (ANI): Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao on Monday said that Kashmir will be in focus during her talks with Pakistan Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir on February 25.

Addressing a press conference after delivering an address at the 3rd MEA-IISS Seminar on "Perspectives on Foreign Policy for a 21st Century India", Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said: "In the secretary-level talks, Kashmir would be an essential focus on the discussion. This is something we should discuss bilaterally and resolve peacefully and that has always been like that."

However, Ms. Rao refused to speculate about the likely outcome of the talks before it actually gets underway.

Earlier, during her address Ms. Rao said: "Our relationship with Pakistan is complex. Out of our desire for peaceful and good-neighbourly relations with Pakistan, we have repeatedly taken initiatives in the past to improve the relationship."

Referring specifically to the issue of terrorism, Ms. Rao said: "You are aware that the dark forces of terrorism sought to erase the good that stemmed from such well-intentioned initiatives. We are now making another attempt of dialogue with Pakistan. However, calls of jihad, hostility and aggression continue to be made openly against India. This reflects the real and tangible difficulties that we face in dealing with Pakistan. If the process of normalization that we desire with Pakistan, is to be sustained and taken forward, effective action against such groups by the Government of Pakistan is an absolute must."

Speaking about Pakistan's recent steps and approach against terrorists, Ms. Rao said: "Under pressure and faced with the threat of terrorism in its own country, Pakistan has initiated some steps to fight this scourge. But these steps are selective. Distinctions between Taliban, Al Qaeda and terrorist outfits such as LeT are now meaningless, since they are now in effect fused both operationally and ideologically."

"We have consistently maintained that Pakistan should bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to justice expeditiously and in a transparent manner. It should act decisively to dismantle the infrastructure of terrorism on its territory," Ms. Rao added.

Ms. Rao said that India is making another sincere attempt to initiate dialogue with Pakistan. "I have invited my counterpart, the Foreign Secretary of Pakistan to Delhi for discussions later this week. We hope we can build, in a graduated manner, better communication and a serious and responsive dialogue to address issues of concern between our two countries." By Cynthia Chandran (ANI).
Indo-Pak peace process to restart, what's in store for Kashmir?
Mon, Feb 22 07:40 PM

New Delhi, Feb. 22 (ANI): Since India and Pakistan have agreed to resume peace talks, Kashmir's peacemakers are legitimately asking: what next?'

The peace approach comes at a time when a subtle generational change is taking place in South Asia. And it is propelled by rising income levels, access to technology, increased connectivity.

This new approach was also visible in the way New Delhi and Islamabad reacted to the Mumbai incident. Unlike the past, both the countries did not cut off air links or mobilise forces along the border.

Despite the media frenzy, many Kashmir-specific confidence-building measures such as the intra-Kashmir bus-service and cross-border trade kept moving, and people-to-people contact remained active.

Secondly, the appointment of Shiv Shankar Menon as the national security adviser to the Indian prime minister is being seen as a good omen for the peace process.

Menon is reviled for his pro-peace inclination; he belongs to a new generation of diplomats that see the dividends of peace in a broader context.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had recently said that he failed to find any paper trail of earlier deliberations by his predecessors.

He, perhaps, meant that his government would like to do it all over again, in a different way - which, under the circumstances, is plausible. (ANI)
What a joke, hun . . . . .

India ready to talk on Kashmir. :rofl:

India NEVER EVER were sincere with Pak to have talk on any issues between both countries.

India supporting Taliban to make Terrorism in Pakistan.
Indian making its best effort to destabilize Pak province Balochistan.
Indian 700.000 army troops terror in Kashmir :devil:


Pr today they got only 1 thing to say and that is:

"Mumbai ATtack" Mumbai Attack"

Just look at their huge media, always propaganda against Pakistan
24 hrs a day
7 days a week
365 days year keep making propaganda against Pakistan.

Resolution with a war is also a fantasy. Pakistan does not have the military muscle to win a war with India.

I just want you to let you remember that today is not 1970`s
I hope you will remember that.

Then what is India waiting for ?

After pakistan's nuclear power declaration it could become indian nightmare as, if it reaches to a threshold to be called as pakistan's nightmare. Also history shows clearly that weapons, armors, etc don't let you to win the war, but it is your internal courage, strategy which can change anything.. and while having a enemy like India, i am sure PA has prepared likewise.


I have gone through the all news, it clearly shows, what india is talking about. They aren't talking about referendum or something like this. But the trade in between Azad & Indian occupied kashmir.
I just want you to let you remember that today is not 1970`s
I hope you will remember that.


Yes India remembers that it is not 1970’s, and its' 2010. Compared to 1970’s, India of 2010 is in a totally different plane. People of India are more confident in their abilities and in their country , India's power and influence in world affairs has grown manifold. India is talked every where as the next big thing in the world. Its’ space endeavors are concerned second to none. The success of Indian economy is a fairy tale and is the point of talking in Harvards and Stanfords of the world. Indian military is modernizing very fast and in near future would be a force to reckon with. India’s communication technology is considered next to none. Investments in basic science has grown exponential. There is a reverse brain drain happening. The rural urban divide is slowly disappearing. The list can go on

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