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NPO Saturn started production of marine gas turbine engines



Previously Russia bought such engines from Ukraine.
Russia to complete import substitution program for helicopter engines by 2019
Military & Defense
April 25, 18:39 UTC+3
The domestically-produced engine is much more reliable in operation and features digital control technology, CEO of the United Engine-Making Corporation said


RYBINSK, April 25. /TASS/. The United Engine-Making Corporation, part of Russia’s state hi-tech conglomerate Rostec, plans to produce 130 VK-2500 helicopter engines this year and complete its import substitution program in 2019, Corporation CEO Alexander Artyukhov said on Tuesday.

"This year, we have a plan of 130 [VK-2500 engines] and by 2019 we’ll fully substitute helicopter engines from Ukraine," the chief executive reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The domestically-produced engine is much more reliable in operation and features digital control technology, the chief executive said.

The VK-2500 turboshaft engine is designed for the upgrade of medium-class Mil Mi-8MT/Mi-17, Mi-24, Mi-14, Kamov Ka-32, Ka-50 and Mi-28 helicopters. Developed in 2001, it is 15-20% more powerful than the baseline TV3-117VMA engine. It features a new digital system of automated regulation and control and has an extended service life. In 2000-2001, the engine completed certification and state bench tests.

The engines were serial-produced at Ukraine’s Motor Sich Enterprise. Their supplies were terminated after Russia and Ukraine severed their military and technical cooperation.


MOSCOW, April 24. /TASS/. The holding company Helicopters of Russia (an affiliate of Rostec) will display its light multi-role helicopter Ansat and fire-fighting Ka-32A11VS at the international aerospace show FAMEX-2017 in Mexico.

"We see Mexico as one of our main partners in the Latin American region," the holding company’s press-service said.

Helicopters of Russia will present the VIP configuration of Ansat and the fire-fighting model of the multirole Ka-32A11VC and a model of the transport helicopter Mi-17V-5. Rosoboronexport will demonstrate a model of the Ka-226T helicopter.

The military transport helicopter Mi-17V-5 is from the Mi-8/17 family. It is supplied to various law enforcement agencies in Russia and to foreign customers. It is capable of carrying up to four tonnes of payload inside the fuselage or suspended externally. The helicopter can be used in combat operations, for search and rescue and as an ambulance.

Ansat is a twin-engine multirole helicopter seating seven to eight passengers and crew. It can carry a payload of 1,300 tonnes inside the fuselage. Its passenger compartment is transformable. In December 2014 it was certified to carry passengers. In May 2015 the ambulance configuration of the helicopter was certified.

The Ka32A11VS helicopter is meant for search, rescue and high altitude assembly operations, transportation of cargoes, evacuation of sick and injured patients, firefighting and patrolling.

MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/. Ruselectronics Group, part of Russia’s state hi-tech corporation Rostec, will start to serially produce Penitsillin advanced artillery reconnaissance systems from 2019, the Ruselectronics press office reported on Thursday.
The system is capable of detecting enemy artillery guns five seconds after a gun shot, Ruselectronics said.

"The system’s state trials are nearing completion. The serial production is scheduled to begin in January 2019. The product is being developed by Vektor R&D Institute, which is part of the Group," the press office said.

The Penitsillin acoustic-thermal artillery reconnaissance system is designed to search for the firing positions of artillery guns, mortars, multiple launch rocket systems and the launching sites of surface-to-air and tactical missiles and simultaneously adjust artillery fire.

As the system’s developers say, artillery fire is traditionally adjusted by reconnaissance teams operating on the frontline at the risk of their lives.

"As compared to them, the Penitsillin can operate at a safe distance from an enemy without an operator in a completely automated mode, which minimizes the effect of the human factor," Ruselectronics said.

The advanced artillery reconnaissance system accomplishes combat missions within a range of 25 km wide. It comprises several sound locators installed on the ground and the optical-electronic module.

The system receives and processes acoustic signals from gun shots (explosions) and provides information on the place of a munition blast, the strike accuracy and reports the location of weapons. The time of receiving a point target’s coordinates does not exceed five seconds.

In 2016, KRET companies produced electronic warfare equipment worth 26.7 billion rubles (about $455 million), for the state defense order pertaining to the electronic warfare systems.

KRET plants manufactured sophisticated electronic warfare systems including the Krasuha-S4, the Rtut-BM, the Rychag-AV, the Vitebsk and the Khibiny-M individual defense complexes. Part of the equipment was delivered to the troops ahead of schedule.

Last year, KRET's first deputy head Igor Nasenkov said that a greater number of Russian military jets, including Su-34 strike fighters, will be equipped with sophisticated Khibiny electronic countermeasures (ECM) systems in the immediate future.

The Khibiny is a small torpedo-shaped container which is mounted on the wingtips of aircraft and increases the survival rate of the planes by 25-30 percent. Notably, these systems were installed on Russia's Su-34 bombers and Su-30SM fighter jets which assisted their devastating attacks on Daesh terrorists in Syria.

Also being used in Syria is the broadband multifunctional jamming station Krasukha-4, which is based on a BAZ-6910-022 four-axle-chassis.

The system has a range of 300 kilometers and is designed to counter airborne early warning and control systems and other airborne radar arrays.

The Krasukha-4's range allows it to effectively disrupt low Earth orbit satellites and cause permanent damage to targeted radio-electronic devices. Ground-based radars are also a viable target for the Krasukha-4 system.

In an interview with Sputnik, Russian military expert Viktor Murakhovsky specifically pointed to the completion of "state tests of a whole family of new electronic warfare systems and equipment for Russia's Aerospace Forces and the Navy, as well as the Ground and the Airborne Forces."






'Penicillin' automated artillery reconnaissance system, announced that the advanced new system would go into production in less than two years' time, with state trials expected to wrap up soon. 'Penicillin' is able to pinpoint the location of enemy artillery less than five seconds after firing.

In a press release published Thursday, Ruselectronics, a subsidiary of Russia's Rostec state-owned technology corporation, confirmed that mass production of the new artillery reconnaissance system would begin in early 2019. The St. Petersburg-based Vector Research Institute, part of Ruselectronics, is tasked with developing the system.

Relying on a combination of visible and infrared imaging, along with acoustic and seismic signals, 'Penicillin' can detect the firing positions of enemy artillery, mortars, MLRS (multiple launch rocket systems), anti-aircraft and tactical missiles, and adjust friendly artillery suppression fire accordingly.

Unlike traditional tactics for adjusting artillery fire, which include the use of scouts operating close to the frontlines, 'Penicillin' works at safe distances away from the enemy, and can operate in automatic mode, without a human operator. This allows for precise artillery reconnaissance without risking the lives of army personnel.

The mobile system, mounted aboard a Kamaz-6350 chassis, operates in a combat radius up to 25 km wide. It consists of the 1B75 electro-optical module, which works in the infrared and visible spectrum using imagining cameras placed on a telescopic boom, and several ground-installed 1B76 sound and seismic receivers; the system receives and processes thermal, acoustic and seismic signals from enemy fire, calculating their location and transmitting the data to friendly artillery in less than five seconds. The system works at any time day or night.

Trials carried out at a range outside the city of Orenburg, 1,500 southeast of Moscow have already demonstrated the system's reliability and efficiency, and confirmed that the system's characteristics and capabilities match those declared by developers.

Lieutenant-General Sergei Bakanev, the head of St. Petersburg's Mikhailovsky Military Artillery University, has offered high praise for the system, saying that its effectiveness is double or more that of existing systems. Even in conditions of massed enemy shelling, 'Penicillin' is capable of accurately mapping out 90% of enemy firing points, thus allowing for near-instantaneous retaliation.
Patriot Park. Opening of the Multifunctional Fire Center.
Since 2015 will be supplied to the Armed Forces vehicles "Ural- 4320VV "


Vehicle "Ural- 4320VV " Heavily armored , designed by order of Interior Forces , in 2015 will come in the Russian Defense Ministry .

"We have decided that the new generation machine " Ural- 4320VV "developed at the Ural Automobile Plant in the so -called presidential series will also be procured by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ", - said director general adviser Military Industrial Company Sergey Beketov at the International Salon " Comprehensive Security 2014 " , held in Moscow .

Bulk delivery to the Armed Forces vehicles with heavy armor and mine protection will begin in 2015 . Formerly a leading automobile design engineer "Ural" Viktor Surkov said that hull of the machine has the sixth class protection from the front , sides and top - fifth grade .

If necessary, the crew can lock from the inside and the fire of the loopholes , as well as from the upper two bays . Already made the first batch of eight machines for Russian Interior Ministry troops . Cost of one unit - about 10 million rubles .
Ural posses outstanding power I know the power of this Russian bear beast
Christian church on Russian military base in Kunt, Kirgyzstan.
GIPN - France (Groupe d'Intervention de la Police National)

"Vepr-12E Molot" is a Russian smooth-bore light carbine, developed on the basis of the construction of a Kalashnikov machine gun.

Ruselectronics, a Russian state-owned electronics company, said Friday that the new amphibious infantry fighting vehicle BMD-4М will be equipped with fifth generation radio sets and will use a satellite communications system.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — It is expected that the AVSKU will ensure internal exchange of information between crew members and provide an opportunity to access external communication through radio and satellite radio stations.

Ruselectronics has developed an advanced communication system for fighting vehicles BMD-4M. In particular, new vehicles will get fifth generation radio sets and equipment of intra-building communication, switching and control (AVSKU). This equipment will provide a new level of communication reliability and efficiency of data transmission," the press service said.

Multifunctional radio sets R-168-25UЕ-2 are designed for open and masked communication in conditions of moderately rugged terrain. Digital radios use the mode of adjusting radio frequency, have high noise-suppressing capabilities and resistance against electronic warfare, the press service added.

The BMD-4M is a modernized version of the BMD-4, which was introduced in 2008. The new vehicle features overall bulletproof crew protection and a more powerful integrated engine than the BMP-3. In general, the BMD-4M allows for a substantial reduction in expenses due to the fact that its system features a number of parts unified with those of the BMP-3.
Russian Government signed a contract with Uralvagonzavod to upgrade T72 B/V and T90s to T90 M level. The contract is worth 24 Billion Rubles. Upgrade will contain the T-90SM Tagil turret , cage and reactiv armor, new commanders and gunners periscope, 12,7 mm weapon station, new fire control systems and a longer new 125 mm main gun.


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