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Forget Mass Rape | Indian Foreign Minister tells Kashmiri people.


Oct 1, 2012
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What else we could expect from the Foreign Minister of a Rapist Country. The worst statement i have ever heard

Kunan-Poshpora mass rape: Shameful, but forgettable, says Salman Khurshid

‘At the end of war you shake hands and talk with those who have been killing or marauding you’
‘Revoking AFSPA is not reasonable; no matter you have grievances against it’


Published: Sat, 29 June 2013 11:18 PM

Kunan-Poshpora mass rape: Shameful, but forgettable, says Salman Khurshid

Srinagar: India’s External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid Friday said he was “ashamed” of the 1991 mass rape of Kashmiri women by Indian soldiers in the Kunan-Poshpora villages but Kashmiris must “try and forget” the incident and learn to “move on.”
“Well what can I say? I can only say I am ashamed that it happened in my country,” Khurshid, who arrived Friday in the Valley on a two-day visit, said in reply to a reporter’s question during a Congress-sponsored interaction with civil society members here.
At least 30 women, including teenagers and elderly, were raped by soldiers belonging to Army’s 4 Rajputana Rifles during the night intervening February 23/24, 1999 in the twin villages of Kunan-Poshpora in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district. Police had closed the case as ‘untraced’, but after 22 years, a Kupwara court this month directed the police to reinvestigate the case.
“This should not have happened in my country. I am even shocked that I am not able to do anything about it. Making people accountable for what has happened is necessary,” Khurshid said.
Terming the Kunan-Poshpora incident as “moral and emotional dilemma”, Khurshid said when it happened “there was a war in Kashmir, and in war people who don’t deserve or want to suffer do suffer.” He, however, said that people should try to forget about it and try to move on by starting negotiations and conversations.
“It's like war. So many people, who don't deserve to suffer, suffered in a war. And at the end of the war, you still shake hands, you sign a peace document and you begin to talk to the very people who have been killing and marauding you. It’s a moral dilemma, it’s an emotional dilemma,” he said.
“At the end of the day, there is a choice between choosing what we forget, if we can, correct as we must and make people accountable as is necessary and then learn to move on.”
Khurshid also urged the people of Kashmir to take lessons by studying the life of former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela “to learn the true meaning of struggle and forgiveness.”
“By studying him you will know what struggle and forgiveness is and you will know what building hope out of despair is,” he said. He said that it was not easy to forget and move forward, given the human nature, but there are some things which are necessary to move forward.
‘Soldiers need protection’
When asked why government of India is reluctant to withdraw the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which gives impunity to soldiers, from J&K, Khurshid said they can’t take the unilateral decision by ignoring Army.
“We should not look at one side only; there are losses and tragedies on other side as well. Human lives are same everywhere. They (armed forces) are humans also and need to be protected. Taking AFSPA off is not reasonable, no matter you have grievances against it,” he said.
He said that they don’t have interest in continuing with the AFSPA but it is the situation which compels them to do so, “otherwise there are more voices in Delhi than in Kashmir advocating its revocation.”
“We have to prepare to change and one day Kashmiris will change, so will Army,” Khurshid said.
When asked about the resolution of Kashmir issue, he said they have to identify the issues and right representation first. “We don’t know what the issue is and we don’t know who true representatives of Kashmir are. When we talk to one group of people other group starts approaching us saying that it is them who are true representatives; first we need to identify the issue and representatives,” he said.
“All the negotiations, observations and surveys done on Kashmir in the past may not have given you satisfaction as it is difficult to find true representatives of people. So need is to have broader negotiations and consultations with all the leadership of Kashmir,” Khurshid said.
“We have suffered for last 40 years and let’s talk for another 40 years and gain trust by working on small things,” he added.
When asked if he considers the Kashmir as dispute he said that he has to stay within his limits. “But I consider that Kashmir has two aspects: one is dispute, which I think will be solved by somebody in future: second main aspects is human element, which needs to be addressed, and we don’t think we have achieved what we want in this aspect,” he said.

Kunan-Poshpora mass rape: Shameful, but forgettable, says Salman Khurshid
He is right on spot.
After all US forces raped more than 10,000 German women in WW2 mostly in area which later became west Germany but US and West Germany and later unified Germany became very close friends and allies.
What a pathetic statement. This guy should be fired.

He is right on spot.
After all US forces raped more than 10,000 German women in WW2 mostly in area which later became west Germany but US and West Germany and later unified Germany became very close friends and allies.

I think he should let time do its job rather than making offensive remarks.
Its not just a moronic statement by a moron, its a hidden message for all Kashmiris regarding their human rights. And regarding Rape i will not be surprised when some of your judge may suggest a poor victim to forget what has happened and move on. I want to smack him so hard that his brain burst out of his head.
What else we could expect from the Foreign Minister of a Rapist Country. The worst statement i have ever heard

Kunan-Poshpora mass rape: Shameful, but forgettable, says Salman Khurshid

‘At the end of war you shake hands and talk with those who have been killing or marauding you’
‘Revoking AFSPA is not reasonable; no matter you have grievances against it’


Published: Sat, 29 June 2013 11:18 PM

Kunan-Poshpora mass rape: Shameful, but forgettable, says Salman Khurshid

Srinagar: India’s External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid Friday said he was “ashamed” of the 1991 mass rape of Kashmiri women by Indian soldiers in the Kunan-Poshpora villages but Kashmiris must “try and forget” the incident and learn to “move on.”
“Well what can I say? I can only say I am ashamed that it happened in my country,” Khurshid, who arrived Friday in the Valley on a two-day visit, said in reply to a reporter’s question during a Congress-sponsored interaction with civil society members here.
At least 30 women, including teenagers and elderly, were raped by soldiers belonging to Army’s 4 Rajputana Rifles during the night intervening February 23/24, 1999 in the twin villages of Kunan-Poshpora in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district. Police had closed the case as ‘untraced’, but after 22 years, a Kupwara court this month directed the police to reinvestigate the case.
“This should not have happened in my country. I am even shocked that I am not able to do anything about it. Making people accountable for what has happened is necessary,” Khurshid said.
Terming the Kunan-Poshpora incident as “moral and emotional dilemma”, Khurshid said when it happened “there was a war in Kashmir, and in war people who don’t deserve or want to suffer do suffer.” He, however, said that people should try to forget about it and try to move on by starting negotiations and conversations.
“It's like war. So many people, who don't deserve to suffer, suffered in a war. And at the end of the war, you still shake hands, you sign a peace document and you begin to talk to the very people who have been killing and marauding you. It’s a moral dilemma, it’s an emotional dilemma,” he said.
“At the end of the day, there is a choice between choosing what we forget, if we can, correct as we must and make people accountable as is necessary and then learn to move on.”
Khurshid also urged the people of Kashmir to take lessons by studying the life of former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela “to learn the true meaning of struggle and forgiveness.”
“By studying him you will know what struggle and forgiveness is and you will know what building hope out of despair is,” he said. He said that it was not easy to forget and move forward, given the human nature, but there are some things which are necessary to move forward.
‘Soldiers need protection’
When asked why government of India is reluctant to withdraw the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which gives impunity to soldiers, from J&K, Khurshid said they can’t take the unilateral decision by ignoring Army.
“We should not look at one side only; there are losses and tragedies on other side as well. Human lives are same everywhere. They (armed forces) are humans also and need to be protected. Taking AFSPA off is not reasonable, no matter you have grievances against it,” he said.
He said that they don’t have interest in continuing with the AFSPA but it is the situation which compels them to do so, “otherwise there are more voices in Delhi than in Kashmir advocating its revocation.”
“We have to prepare to change and one day Kashmiris will change, so will Army,” Khurshid said.
When asked about the resolution of Kashmir issue, he said they have to identify the issues and right representation first. “We don’t know what the issue is and we don’t know who true representatives of Kashmir are. When we talk to one group of people other group starts approaching us saying that it is them who are true representatives; first we need to identify the issue and representatives,” he said.
“All the negotiations, observations and surveys done on Kashmir in the past may not have given you satisfaction as it is difficult to find true representatives of people. So need is to have broader negotiations and consultations with all the leadership of Kashmir,” Khurshid said.
“We have suffered for last 40 years and let’s talk for another 40 years and gain trust by working on small things,” he added.
When asked if he considers the Kashmir as dispute he said that he has to stay within his limits. “But I consider that Kashmir has two aspects: one is dispute, which I think will be solved by somebody in future: second main aspects is human element, which needs to be addressed, and we don’t think we have achieved what we want in this aspect,” he said.

Kunan-Poshpora mass rape: Shameful, but forgettable, says Salman Khurshid

Its a good thing that the case is reopened and the soldiers involved hold meet justice they should not be let to get away with it.

We should ask Salman Khurshid if he would say the same if his mother or sister had met the same fate.
Its a good thing that the case is reopened and the soldiers involved hold meet justice they should not be let to get away with it.

We should ask Salman Khurshid if he would say the same if his mother or sister had met the same fate.

Yaar, in our culture one mother and sister is also respected as our own. I was not able to write these words even though i wish her daughter read his statement and do ask him about that.
He is right on spot.
After all US forces raped more than 10,000 German women in WW2 mostly in area which later became west Germany but US and West Germany and later unified Germany became very close friends and allies.

Sorry buddy you are talking like this only because u have not been directly affected just think about it we to have mothers and sisters would we say the same when it happens to us.
Kasmiri hindu women also raped in large numbers but no one cared about them this same Kashmiri muslims not said single word against their muslim thugs. But now they playing victim card.

Here a Pakistani talked about rape and he taking lesson how to respect women , so can I bring 1971 mass rapes which were committed by your forces? first wash your sh!t then come us.
@Rajput_Pakistani do not behave like a moron.

Rape is a crime and the guys who did that must be punished.

But the lady who got raped must move on from the incident and there is more to life than remembering that unfortunate thing.

Pakistan is responsible for the wrong doings on kashmir people, it has to do with terror exporting nation.

Forget about India, what your politicians are doing when drones are ravaging your own territory, and in what shameful name we should call pakistan then.
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Kasmiri hindu women also raped in large numbers but no one cared about them this same Kashmiri muslims not said single word against their muslim thugs. But now they playing victim card.

Here a Pakistani talked about rape and he taking lesson how to respect women , so can I bring 1971 mass rapes which were committed by your forces? first wash your sh!t then come us.

For a second lets leave Hindu, Muslim stuff all Kashmiris are our brothers and sisters and we should get them the justice they deserve. The Indian army wants to win the hearts of Kashmiti people then they can start from here. Prosecute those involved and get them justice.
I was expecting some sensible statement from Indian authorities.
My bad..:confused:
You are one uber moron. Why not rape the families of the soldiers who committed this crime and then everyone can consider moving on? Btw, Kashmir isn't Germany and India my friend is no United States, never will be. It's better that we ALL live in the real world, instead of some parallel reality where India rules the seven seas.

He is right on spot.
After all US forces raped more than 10,000 German women in WW2 mostly in area which later became west Germany but US and West Germany and later unified Germany became very close friends and allies.
With shitty Indians like you Kashmir's fight will go on.

There are some races who will keep fighting for perfect instead of enjoying the good. These races eventually hurt themselves more because of their illogical and impractical approach. You can see the same in Afghanistan, Palestine, portions of Pakistan and Kashmir.
Leave aside the current situation caused by militancy, Kashmir has everything which a free country can think of, minus few things that does not matter to common man. Like Technicalities on what it is called, who control foreign policy and Army etc.
Does it really matter to common man,the answer is no. These people have stupid leaders and they are filled them with nonsense.
Do you think others princely state would not have ideas like being separate country? I think yes, but they used common sense.
Continuous violent fight for something not possible and creating problems for your own is stupidity of highest level. The main people responsible for what happened in Kashmir was they themselves.

ignoring the harsh word these people to me are not very intelligent when it comes to selling for something that might be acceptable, instead teach the next generation how to be destructive rather than constructive.

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