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Forget Kashmir, worry about your own survival: Krishna to Pak

thats just what you seem to believe....the world in general seems to adhere to the view these days that "terrorism is not justified by any means" so the world is very much with India in keeping a check on externally sponsored fundamentalism......every diplomat in most major govts of the world recognize the Kashmir situation being hijacked by vested interests with a strong religious bias.....when Kashmiris enjoy unrestrained democracy in india compared to a total control by the GOP ....and power makers behind them ( PA , ISI etc)....then it becomes clear that the protests have been engineered and motivated on religious and ethnic lines.....hence no one in the international polity mentions the 'K" word....

ukta chor qotwal ko dante....

my indian friend, you have forgotten that it was india which used the military to occupy this area in the first place, and then whether it be hyderabad, assam, nagaland, punjab, india has always used the weapons and mass genocide to control the areas, proof is the bloody punjab massacre of sikhs, so dont act like you are innocent, and accept the ground realities instead of playing the blame game always
That is why you start ranting when we show mirror to you. Got it.

Anyways do share such mirror if you find them and aren't as hypothetical as Kashmir integral part of India rant is.

Google European parliament report on Kashmir which Pakistani lobby tried its best to prevent being tabled in the Europen parliament..

Also look up the meaning of the word integral.
Google European parliament report on Kashmir which Pakistani lobby tried its best to prevent being tabled in the Europen parliament..

Also look up the meaning of the word integral.

Share with us and tell us how many stonepelters we have killed.

Share with us and tell us how many stonepelters we have killed.


You cant do exact comparisons. That way tell us how many civilians have we killed in air raids using our own air force on our own soil..

I can get into the details, but last time I posted that link, I was banned for 10 days..

So thats why I said, that ugly not like mirror..
Not surprising when our diplomats harshly pulverize any foreign nation making a statement on Kashmir.

Like Miliband comments caused a diplomatic stir last time.

Such a blunt statement at the diplomatic level only tells how self-preservative we are when it comes to Kashmir.
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You cant do exact comparisons. That way tell us how many civilians have we killed in air raids using our own air force on our own soil..

I can get into the details, but last time I posted that link, I was banned for 10 days..

So thats why I said, that ugly not like mirror..

Share with us. Get ban for 15 days this time but share with us. :D

Or as you said thousands of people killed in AJK. Tell us about that. ;)
Share with us. Get ban for 15 days this time but share with us. :D

I am sure you would like that ;)

If you want to read the EU report, you will have to move your own hands dude.. not gonna spoon feed..
I am sure you would like that ;)

If you want to read the EU report, you will have to move your own hands dude.. not gonna spoon feed..

No Buddy. Tell us about the report or those thousands of people we have killed in AJK according to you. It was you who started making childish comments about AJK now it will be you who will prove them. :)

I am not going move my hands. Sorry. ;)
ukta chor qotwal ko dante....

my indian friend, you have forgotten that it was india which used the military to occupy this area in the first place, and then whether it be hyderabad, assam, nagaland, punjab, india has always used the weapons and mass genocide to control the areas, proof is the bloody punjab massacre of sikhs, so dont act like you are innocent, and accept the ground realities instead of playing the blame game always

Bro u really need to check the bold bit again.......as per any unbiased history source it was Pakistan Army regulars along with Pathan tribesmen who mounted an assault on soveriegn Kashmiri territory under the control of Maharaja Gulab Singh.....and it was only after the instrument of Accession was signed that Indian troops were allowed to enter the conflict and it was ironically this delay and a desire of the then GOI to stick to international norms at all costs that is the reason today the GB region is under Pakistani Military control......and if required I can post unbiased accounts of the atrocities committed on the Kashmiri populace by the hired mercenaries..... ...

as regards Punjab , nagaland all other cases mentioned ....we can easily draw a parallel with the Pakistan armed forces military action in Baluchistan(Nawab Bughti's death)....Lal masjid..... the current WOT in NWFP region....etc

and we can draw a parallel with any other country for that matter....Russia-Chechen rebels.....China -with Xinxiang & Tibetan rebels.....in International geopolitics such an argument can be quite naive......all states consider their territorial integrity of paramount importance and by the looks of it we appear to have displayed remarkable restraint in our responses at unprovoked riot instigation......
Gilgit and Baltistan

19. Bad as the situation is in AJK, it is infinitely worse in Gilgit and Baltistan, the
northernmost area of Pakistan-administered Kashmir, which enjoys no status or even the
semblance of democratic representation.
20. Gilgit and Baltistan (referred to as the Northern Areas by Pakistan) is administered by
Pakistan. As Pakistan maintains that the whole of Jammu and Kashmir is disputed
territory, it has not formally incorporated the Northern Areas. As such, it is neither a
province of Pakistan nor a part of AJK. The Northern Areas Council, set up some time
ago, with the boast that it is functioning like a 'Provincial Assembly', screens, in reality, a
total absence of constitutional identity or civil rights.
21. The people are kept in poverty, illiteracy and backwardness. The deprivation and lack of
even very basic needs provision can be easily seen - 25 small hospitals serviced by 140
doctors (translating into 1 doctor per 6,000 people) as compared to 830 hospitals and
75,000 doctors in the rest of Pakistan, an overall literacy rate of 33%, with especially
poor educational indicators for girls and women; only 12 high schools and 2 regional
colleges in Gilgit and Baltistan, with no postgraduate facilities; apart from government
jobs, the only other employment being in the tourism sector, which is obviously
problematic A few locals are able to secure government jobs but even then they are paid
up to 35% less than non-native employees; there is no local broadcast media.
22. The 2005 earthquake, disastrous in itself, exacerbated all the above. It would be wholly
irresponsible not to draw attention to this situation or to highlight these continuing
injustices, and the report therefore underlines forcefully the need for Pakistan to revisit its
concept of democratic accountability and to address the needs provision issue in the areas
under its (de facto) control.
The issue of a plebiscite
23. The report makes clear its support for the current peace process between Pakistan and
India as the way forward.
24. Pakistan continues to point to early UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir to support its
contention that there should be a plebiscite to determine whether a reunited Jammu and
Kashmir should "join" India or Pakistan. The report notes, however, that the UN-laid
down conditions for such a plebiscite have not been, and can no longer be, met by
Pakistan. The situation has moved on.
25. In conclusion, the report recognises the ancient and unique heritage of the Kashmiri
people, and the rapporteur has nothing but praise for their tenacity. After so many
decades of conflict and tragedy in this particularly beautiful and historic part of the subcontinent,
it is heartening to see the two great powers, India and Pakistan, coming
together with the peoples of Kashmir and that peaceful solutions are both on the horizon
and being implemented, a familiar process which the European Parliament fully supports.
So Karan one of your brother has posted the reported. Now you point me out those thousands of people killed in AJK by Pakistan from it.

Now you have the report, back your claim with it.
So Karan one of your brother has posted the reported. Now you point me out those thousands of people killed in AJK by Pakistan from it.

Now you have the report, back your claim with it.

I wouldnt know since Pakistan has an international media clamp down in PO K. For all anyone knows thousands may have been killed without the news leaking out..

All of us need to learn to read clearly before responding...:azn:
So Karan one of your brother has posted the reported. Now you point me out those thousands of people killed in AJK by Pakistan from it.

Now you have the report, back your claim with it.

when the GOP doesnt do its duty....i.e provide sufficient disaster relief measures to prevent the deaths of thousands of people in the aftermath of the earthquake.....then that is equivalent to killing thousands of people.....just compare India 's efforts in any of the natural disasters ....Guj earthquake , Tsunami,Ladakh floods...etc

this is where a democratic government with accountability matters....and the worst thing about the AJK situation is that no matter what appalling conditions suffered by the people there , they have nowhere to complain ....no effective forum to raise their grievances ....and no real Govt to take to task when the real show is being run by the PA behind a civilian govt in Islamabad.......the ground realities remain the same no matter what Qureshi says at the U.N......

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