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Elon Musk Signs Letter Pledging Tesla’s Commitment to China’s ‘Core Socialist Values’


Nov 4, 2011
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Elon Musk Signs Letter Pledging Tesla’s Commitment to China’s ‘Core Socialist Values’​

By Isaac SchorrJul 7th, 2023, 11:02 am

Elon Musk

AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has signed onto a letter pledging his company’s commitment to China’s “core socialist values” in order to continue operations in the world’s most populous country.

Chinese authorities had demanded that electric vehicle automakers alter their behavior after Tesla and others in the industry slashed their prices last year in order to choke out smaller competitors, which Chinese officials characterized as “reckless.”

About a third of Tesla’s sales come in the Chinese market and Tesla was the only non-Chinese firm to sign on to the letter, according to the Financial Times.

Musk has become a kind of hero on the American right since purchasing Twitter last year, which he has promised to turn into a haven for free speech.

But the billionaire executive’s business entanglements with China have threatened that status. During a trip to China last month, Musk described United States’ and China’s economies as “conjoined twins” and expressed opposition to efforts to decouple the world’s two major powers.

Musk has praised the Chinese regime for “the economic prosperity” that it has achieved in Twitter replies to state media accounts and told the Financial Times last year that he believes Taiwan should be controlled by the Chinese Communist Party as a “special administrative zone.” The suggestion was quickly celebrated by Chinese ambassador to the United States Qin Gang.

“I would like to thank @Elonmusk for his call for peace across the Taiwan Strait and his idea about establishing a special administrative zone for Taiwan. Actually, Peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are our basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question…” tweeted Gang.

I would like to thank @elonmusk for his call for peace across the Taiwan Strait and his idea about establishing a special administrative zone for Taiwan. Actually, Peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are our basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question… https://t.co/KYH1Gsu3Um
— Qin Gang 秦刚 (@AmbQinGang) October 8, 2022

Commentators across the political spectrum marveled at Musk’s stated commitment to “socialist values” on Twitter.

“How can you denounce a ‘woke mind virus’ one day and then turn around and pledge to the Chinese government that you will uphold ‘core socialist values’?” asked National Review‘s Jim Geraghty.

“Self proclaimed free speech absolutist Elon Musk’s Tesla has joined Chinese automakers in pledging to enhance ‘core socialist values,’ a term that generally denotes not criticizing the Chinese government,” observed Media Matters’ Matthew Gertz.


I think everyone should read China's Core Socialist Values.

In today's world, there's not so much difference between your country's value vs others.

The difference is probably in the execution, which one is more corrupt and which one is less.

The more corrupt your country is, despite how great your country's value, the bigger the tendency your country is poorer and backward.

You can have a perfect value, but the people's quality of life in your country is much lower compared with the rest of the world, and vice versa.

Country's value is not something religious, it's always changing as the society is always evolving, it's fine to copy other country values if it's proven to be better as well.

Don't all country officials love to go to other successful countries for studying? To learn and get the knowledge to be implemented in their own country.

The only thing that people are looking at in this world is how successful and wealthy your country is.

If you came from a poor and backward country, despite being the same human being as others, don't feel sad if the others look down on you... despite how great your country's values are. No one cares about your country's values.

Democracy but poor and backward??? Garbage!

No one cares about a country's value in today's world anymore, everyone just cares about the real result!

What is Singapore's value? I don't know, but what I know Singapore is rich. Perhaps Singapore's value is inferior to mine, but Singapore is wealthier and more successful.

Everyone cares more about Singapore than mine, praising Singapore more than mine... but do all these people know if Singapore's value is inferior compare with mine?

If there's a wave of immigrant, both Singapore and my country are opening door for them, these stupid immigrants will choose Singapore over mine despite my country's value is better.

To be honest, superior or inferior, there's not so much difference between every country's values. Singapore's, mine, India's, Pakistan's, China's, and USA's are probably not so much different.
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Comrade Musk is a card carrying member of the CCP.

List of Values[edit]​

The twelve Core Socialist Values are:

National values
Social values
Individual values

List of Values[edit]​

The twelve Core Socialist Values are:

National values
Social values
Individual values


There's no difference with other country's values.

I don't know why people are so scared about it.

Or perhaps everyone country's values are different from China's?

If China is all about prosperity, democracy, civility, etc... are bad, so other country's value is all about poverty, tyrannical, uncivilized, conflicts, etc then?

Well, talking is garbage, action is golden.

Basically, everyone has pretty much the same country values.

Corruption aka law bending is the reason why one country is successful and the others are falling apart.

Democratic politicians are overrated, not honest as it sounds and seems, they are a bunch of criminals and traitors!

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