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Bangladesh Air Force

How reliable is the source? The jet trainer on the video looks like modified PT-6.

PT-6 (which is the export version of Nanchang CJ-6) uses a radial engine - Russian Shvetsov copy I believe (which again is a copy of something probably from one of Lycoming's early engines) because PT-6 itself is inspired by a Russian YAK design from early 60's.

They have a model of it in the Military Museum in Tejgaon, Dhaka.


PT-6 is far more heavy duty than this small kit plane which looks like it uses a modern boxer (opposed piston) engine. Probably sourced from Lycoming, Continental, or more than likely, from ROTAX in Austria. In any case - this is a fine start.

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If J-10 can counter threats for Pakistan, then why not for Bangladesh?

Doesn't seem logical to me
You have sizeable no F16s in your arsenal. That is what IAF fears and that is your high in the high low mix even though its single engine.

You also have quantities of other assets including JF17 which is sort of your indeginious jet

J10 on the other hand is an unknown jet.... no history in battle, it is not chinas high in their high/low mix either.

The reason why J10 can not play the same role is simply because BAF and PAF are in completely different league. The former does not have any cohesive strategy and has weak financials. So if it is choice of buying only a few jets what would you choose EFT or J10?

they will cry over anything...man, they didn't even want the raising of our SF units...now u can call this a kit plane, a toy plane whatever u want...but this will clear the path of assembling/building an intermediate jet trainer or an advanced jet trainer!
Sincerely hope so.
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You have sizeable no F16s in your arsenal.

The latest block of F16 PAF has is block 50/52 and they dont have aesa or long range missile
comparable to the meteor. The J10c comes with aesa and long range PL15 missile.
You have sizeable no F16s in your arsenal. That is what IAF fears and that is your high in the high low mix even though its single engine.

You also have quantities of other assets including JF17 which is sort of your indeginious jet

J10 on the other hand is an unknown jet.... no history in battle, it is not chinas high in their high/low mix either.

The reason why J10 can not play the same role is simply because BAF and PAF are in completely different league. The former does not have any cohesive strategy and has weak financials. So if it is choice of buying only a few jets what would you choose EFT or J10?
Sorry but I respectfully disagree with your analysis here.

The F-16 is undoubtedly a remarkable work of engineering and one of the best in its class, but let me remind you that much of Pakistan's F-16 inventory are of the earlier block variants making them out-dated and hence outclassed in a modern threat environment, primarily due to the lack of an AESA radar alongside several other systems, compared to India's latest AESA equipped Rafale. This puts it at a severe disadvantage from the getgo. It also is very limited in the BVR domain with the AIM-120C-5s that are easily outranged by the Meteor.

In comparison the J-10CP is a much newer and recent fighter jet that is equipped with an AESA radar and later subsystems & avionics, with the PL-15 BVR missile far more superior to the AIM-120C-5 and close to the Meteor in range. On the topic of battle history, this is typically used as a marketing tactic because hardly any recent fighter jets have truly participated in a realistic modern threat environment with a near-peer adversary. Bombing farmers in Afghanistan unchallenged from the sky does not prove anything. So, while the J-10C may not have been tested in a proper environment, neither has the Rafale, but it would have still have gone through rigorous testing by the Chinese and Pakistani Air Force's.

On the topic of China's high/low mix, the J-10C is included in that mix with over 500 of it in service in the single engine class, with production still on-going!

This is exactly why I suggest the J-10C as a better option for the BAF, or even the JF-17 B3, as it is more affordable alternative to western options while still being able to match the requirements for a modern battle environment. Also the likelihood of a genuine clash is just extremely low to actually justify large expenditure.
Sorry but I respectfully disagree with your analysis here.

The F-16 is undoubtedly a remarkable work of engineering and one of the best in its class, but let me remind you that much of Pakistan's F-16 inventory are of the earlier block variants making them out-dated and hence outclassed in a modern threat environment, primarily due to the lack of an AESA radar alongside several other systems, compared to India's latest AESA equipped Rafale. This puts it at a severe disadvantage from the getgo. It also is very limited in the BVR domain with the AIM-120C-5s that are easily outranged by the Meteor.

In comparison the J-10CP is a much newer and recent fighter jet that is equipped with an AESA radar and later subsystems & avionics, with the PL-15 BVR missile far more superior to the AIM-120C-5 and close to the Meteor in range. On the topic of battle history, this is typically used as a marketing tactic because hardly any recent fighter jets have truly participated in a realistic modern threat environment with a near-peer adversary. Bombing farmers in Afghanistan unchallenged from the sky does not prove anything. So, while the J-10C may not have been tested in a proper environment, neither has the Rafale, but it would have still have gone through rigorous testing by the Chinese and Pakistani Air Force's.

On the topic of China's high/low mix, the J-10C is included in that mix with over 500 of it in service in the single engine class, with production still on-going!

This is exactly why I suggest the J-10C as a better option for the BAF, or even the JF-17 B3, as it is more affordable alternative to western options while still being able to match the requirements for a modern battle environment. Also the likelihood of a genuine clash is just extremely low to actually justify large expenditure.
Your points are all well made.

Against raffles however I would prefer EFT as the latter has a higher service ceiling and is better in the air dominance role. Evenly matched with meterior I would say EFT still has the advantage.

J-10C potentially on paper has missiles with longer range than meteor. I certainly would love to have them in BAF.

But the crux is this BAF probably will make a single purchase in the next 5 years... about a squadron..... if you were BAF which one would you choose if price did not matter...
PT-6 (which is the export version of Nanchang CJ-6) uses a radial engine - Russian Shvetsov copy I believe because PT-6 itself is inspired by a Russian YAK design from early 60's.

They have a model of it in the Military Museum in Tejgaon, Dhaka.

View attachment 962651

PT-6 is far more heavy duty than this small kit plane which looks like it uses a modern boxer (opposed piston) engine. Probably sourced from Lycoming, Continental, or more than likely, from ROTAX in Austria. In any case - this is a fine start.

View attachment 962654 View attachment 962655
Thank you for the well researched and well written response. Is there a possibility of using it for BAF's own training purpose? Does it have any export potentials?
Thank you for the well researched and well written response. Is there a possibility of using it for BAF's own training purpose? Does it have any export potentials?

Yeah I am sure they can export it possibly if they can indigenize some of the components. But the possibility of that is at least half a decade (if not a decade) away.

This is an absolutely useless thread.

Well Avicenna bhai, "nei kaaj to khoi bhaaj." :lol:

Apnar mood bhalo na, bojha jaitesey... :p:
Don't worry someday our BAF will make jet fighters with the help of China:-)
WHY? To what end? In 10-15 years a static runway will be a liability. Only way to survive will be avoiding full spectrum Sensors. Drones will be able to reach every part of any country. What is spent on 1 hour of flight time of any modern jet will be more than a Self Guided Self targeting drone. Lawn mower engines based small drones will loiter over battlefields and anybody foolish enough to break cover will taste their own asshole before they Die!
Any info on it. Looks like a pile of crap... BAF should just buy a kit plane..... actually maybe they did

The first thing that sprang to my mind was African Aviation.

To be honest, the African chaps probably have more indigenous effort. :-)


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