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2 Indian Army Officers 2 Soldiers Killed in IOK

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OUR casualty count has only gone down in the past 30 years, if anything at all, you guys should be worried what's gonna happen to your kashmir banega pakistan dream. worry about KPK and balochistan where your army suffers from a much higher attrition rate than ours
OUR casualty count has only gone down in the past 30 years, if anything at all, you guys should be worried what's gonna happen to your kashmir banega pakistan dream. worry about KPK and balochistan where your army suffers from a much higher attrition rate than ours
Don't jinx yourself, especially when panauti is at the helm of everything right now.
Finally some good news.

Really great news



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How did militants cross through a sealed border or are they locals?
OUR casualty count has only gone down in the past 30 years, if anything at all, you guys should be worried what's gonna happen to your kashmir banega pakistan dream. worry about KPK and balochistan where your army suffers from a much higher attrition rate than ours
Thanks to your Modi Ji, Indians have never been so divided and intolerant. He is proving the point Jinnah made. :-) so we are not worried Infact we are waiting.

Kashmir banay ga Pakistan :-) as long is Modi and Modist are there in India, as you guys say Modi hai tu mumkin hai :-)
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