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    Famous islamic preacher maulana Delwar Hossain Saydee is died.

    Famous Islamic preacher jailed leader of leading Islamic party Bangladesh jamat is no more. Innaliahi wa Innaliahi rajeun
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    The Biden administration is preparing to seek congressional approval for a $20 billion sale of F-16s to Turkey

    LIMITED OFFER: $1/WEEK SIGN IN WSJ NEWS EXCLUSIVEWORLD Biden Administration to Ask Congress to Approve F-16 Sale to Turkey The deal depends on Ankara’s signoff to NATO expansion, administration officials say, and comes alongside an F-35 sale to Greece Turkey Is Complicating Finland and Sweden's...
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    Japan considering buying Bayakter TB-2 drone from Turkey.

    Ukrayna'daki gelişmeleri dikkate alan Japonya, 2023 mali yılı ile birlikte, özellikle adaların savunmasını güçlendirmek maksadıyla, Bayraktar TB2 alımını değerlendiriyor. Translated from Turkish by Taking into account the developments in Ukraine, Japan is considering the purchase of Bayraktar...
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    Should pakistan get Y-20U as supplement to its IL -78 tanker ?

    Due to ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Russia its likely Pakistan will not get any IL-78 from Ukraine in near future as many f Ukraine military industry either destroyed or nonfunctining. China already induct home grown Y-20U in its military. As a close ally Pakistan might gets some as other...
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    Bangladeshi ship attack by russia one sailor died

    17:25, Russian naval forces launched a missile attack on the vessel "BANGLAR SAMRIDDHU" located in the port of Olvia at anchorage No. 363. Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine, have reported, One rocket hit the superstructure, a fire started on the ship. #Ukrain
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    Pakistan Navy upgrading type zulfiquar class frigate

    The Pakistan Navy is upgrading its Zulfiquar-class guided missile frigates with improvements in Electronic Warfare (EW) systems, SATCOM and other electronics. The Pakistan Navy has acquired the ASELSAN ARES 2NCL-Extended Electronic Support Measure Systems, which are one of the new systems being...
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    ISPR official confirms Pakistan is indigenously developing 155 mm Artillery Gun.

    Pakistan Strategic Forum @ForumStrategic · 1h ISPR official confirms that Pakistan is indigenously developing 155 mm Artillery Gun. Currently its under development at Heavy Industries Taxila
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    Project P-282 Pakistan's Hypersonic weapons program

    Thread AEROSINT Division PSF @PSFAERO · Oct 6 offensive capabilities that extend several hundreds of kilometres from Pakistan’s coast. The future of this doctrine is undoubtedly the P-282 program. Not much is known about the program aside from the first official verification of the program by...
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    Qatar Plans to purchase Hisar air defense systems

    F15QA_Advanced_Eagle @NasserAlsaadiQA · Sep 16 Qatar| Plans to purchase Hisar air defense systems in order to fill in some gaps in the air defense fields.
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    Pakistani PM expess grievances to Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina for 15th august 1975

    Pakistani premier express his grievances on the occasion of national mourning day remembering killing of sheikh Hasina father and all family members death on 15th August 1975. 🤔🤔🤔
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    US Navy begins world-wide drills that will last until Aug 16 across 17 different time zones

    ASB News / MILITARY @ASBMilitary BREAKING: US Navy begins world-wide drills that will last until Aug 16 across 17 different time zones- ranging from Black & Mediterranean Sea to the South China and East China Seas. It’s the largest exercise in decades; aiming at showing Pentagon can fight on...
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    Pakistan president sends Mango for Bangladesh President &Prime minister

    Pakistan president sends mango for Bangladesh president and prime minister and journalist. 😁 Update 03-08-21: Pakistan also send mangoes to the former prime minister begum khaleda zia. Pakistan high commission in Dhaka fetch mango box to her Gulshan house .😍😍😍
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    MIG disclose single engine 4.5++ lightweight multirole fighter at MAKS2021

    Mikoyan (#MiG) releases models of three new platforms at #MAKS2021:- 1. A single engine 4.5++ lightweight multirole fighter. 2. A carrier-based dual engine 4.5++ medium weight multirole fighter. 3. A carrier-based stealth UCAV.
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    Xiaomi to Set up Assembly plant within 60-90 days in Pakistan

    Tech-giant Xiaomi to Set up Local Assembly Unit in Pakistan: Source Usama AnjumLast Updated: Jul 12, 2021 In a landmark development, the Chinese tech giant Xiaomi has announced that it will set up a local assembly unit in the country in three to four months, according to sources. The latest...
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    Turkey to make its own maritime missile-launching system "National Vertical Launch System" MDAS

    Turkey to make its own maritime missile-launching system after sanctions interrupt Lockheed plans By: Tayfun Ozberk   4 days ago 34 The TCG Istanbul was recently launched during a January 2021 ceremony. (Turkish Defense Ministry) MERSIN, Turkey — Turkish defense company Roketsan is to develop...
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    Albania to buy Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 combat drones

    Albania to buy Turkish-made combat drones NEWSAVIATION By Dylan Malyasov Jul 6, 2021 Source: Baykar Albania has decided to purchase armed Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aircraft, which has been used to great effect in various recent conflicts, including in Syria, Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh region...
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    DRDO is working on a next generation submarine launched cruise missile NGSLCM

    Indo-Pacific News - Watching the CCP-China Threat @IndoPac_Info #India: NGSLCM – The Next-Gen Submarine Launched Cruise Missile "We at Alpha Defense can now exclusively confirm, “DRDO is working on a next generation submarine launched cruise missile (NGSLCM)." Via @CollinSLKoh NGSLCM -...
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