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  • Salaam

    I do apologize didn’t mean to demean you or anything. But it’s frustrating at times how our countries act and make stupid policy decisions.

    But my degree is MBA in Finance from Kellog School of Management from Northwestern University one of the top business schools in the US. :)

    Hopefully theirs no I’ll will bro.
    Ah, no offence taken bro :) It is all good. I do understand sometimes it can get overwhelmingly frustrating but I guess that is how life works.
    Thanks! My point was and I probably should have laid it out properly is keep (US Dollars) but a limited amount to settle transactions but keep the rest 2/3 assets dollar denominated cash in Iraqi Central Bank vault and diversify in Gold or other assests as well. The almost perfect model is what India does to be honest.
    Finding someone to manage money isn’t hard lots of talented people out their. A friend of mines who graduated with me manages couple of billion for few princes of Saudi royal family travels back and forth from Riyadh and Chicago. So it’s doable.
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