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  • Hey can you approve my account registration at SDF (under same name)? I have an important post to make about the final day of the olympics, that's all.
    I think the webmaster has to approve. I don’t have authorizations.
    Hi. I wanted to tell you that I find your decision to sticky the India donation thread at SDF very distasteful, for a variety of reasons posters in that thread have ably stated. It's particularly shocking given the profile picture you use there.

    I ask that you reconsider it.
    I respectfully disagree.

    Going by this logic then the PLA shouldn't have given food and shelter to the asshole Jawans who butchered their fellow soldiers in a cowardly ambush. The official stance by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign affairs is similar: China will do whatever it needs to do to assist with the situation.
    This is a matter of right and wrong here. I don't expect the bahkts to appreciate the gesture, but it isn't right to let hatred to cloud our judgments so we end up just like them.
    Hi, i am doing Mphil thesis and i need help in collection of data. It would really help if you could provide me with any material related to Chinese rise and it's geo-strategy. Thanks

    What do you have in mind? Chinese sources?
    International and Chinese both would do. I want to prove that China has made significant headway and has peaceful intentions. Militry muscle is only for defence and economic security.
    Yeah, I've registered there with the same user name and made a few posts. That forum is more rational and usually have high quality discussions so most of the time I just read instead. Here there're more trolls so it is easier to find targets. :)
    thanks but since i'm more on pdf i'll be on cdf every once in a while posting photos then comments this is why i did not join before but i will do my best i will join in a few days thanks.
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