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  • Sorry mate, The Indian Commisnore to SL Dixit is the one who told Rajiv that if you support LTTE as your mother has did, then some day TN will ask for freedom and because of that he needlessly panniced and held Prabakaran in Police Custody during his one of his regular visit to Chennai for two days and not to mention the change of Mardasi Rejiment Officers in the IPKF to Jat and Sikh rejiment officers and ordering the IPKF to go against the LTTE was a bad move that resulted out of poor understanding by Rajiv.

    If he had doubts about the organization, then he should have seeked the knowledge of any of the then Tamil Leaders in TN to better understand the SL tamil issue, instead going by Mr Fool Dixit's words who is a north indian and does not have sence of why the Tamils revolted is utter stupidity
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